TempleOS and HolyC tread

2021Year sallary:
TempleOS specialist - $199,999 $ of 2018 per Year
HolyC programmer - $299,999 $ of 2018 per Year

Attached: templeos_tan_by_for_tran-d9cwxal.png (789x872, 38K)

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Attached: BBASIC2.png (668x511, 13K)

I remember Terry saying something about templeos not being able to run on modern hardware because the CIA fucked up hardware for security purposes or some shit.

Temple-chan is cute! I will try to draw her.

Ok if there's anyone still in this thread rate
I just took all the colors from the original

Attached: templeostan.png (1024x1024, 43K)

>1 024px × 1 024px
do use 640x480 just as god intended

Ok i will make a few changes

Now at the correct resolution with better halo glow and an even more blatant Haibane Renmei reference

Attached: templeostan2.png (640x480, 83K)

too many colors, 16 max

I was going to say something about doing it properly at that color depth before but I'm too tired right now. Someone can filter it or something


Is that Rakka or Kuu?

Its just templeos-tan with rakka's static hair problems


that looks like a fart hovering on her head

drew this in class earlier today, it was boring anyway
templeos-tan a cute

Attached: Imagem (36).png (1536x2114, 1.74M)

why dont' u have spaces after the line labels


I want to continue the Terry A Davis cinematic universe. How can I do that?

have command to enable/disable it

what do u mean , what is the command and what does it enable/disable?

thanks for making me snort my coffee

I don't get it. Did Temple OS pride itself on being 64-bit? Wouldn't that be x86_64?

x86_64, x64, amd64, etc... Are just different names for the same architecture.

>TempleOS san will never come into your sleep and program with you in divine code
Why even live?


Attached: BBASIC3.png (668x511, 12K)

very interesting
BUT the original question still stands: why dont' u have spaces after your line labels!!!?

You guys need to redpill glassdoor.com on the high salary potential of temple os. I would love to see an article.