When did you realize that this guy only tricked you into grooming his channel to the point that he started uploading...

When did you realize that this guy only tricked you into grooming his channel to the point that he started uploading unrelated content more than anything tech-related? When did you realize that his audience is mostly composed of the exact type of people that this very board used to hate (before Jow Forums got degraded every year after the whole election shitstorm and gamergate fiasco) ?
I'm talking about redditors, underages, script kiddies from both lainchan and Jow Forumstards aswell. If you unironically believe any of those people are welcome here you probably will never understand why Jow Forums went to shit.
Heck, he even assumed that he got tons of emails from people who couldn't even type a sentence in english properly.

Attached: AN66SAzlSkUCXc9CpZwykoMWwS3_RJ49qqBfplx_MA=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no.jpg (900x900, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


OK Gramps time for bed. No more bath salts for you.

Glad he moved on from mostly tech content to more interesting things.
And thinking that Jow Forums and Jow Forums in particular was ever not far right outs you as a newfag.

this, Jow Forums as a whole has always been right wing and gay. picture a guy in a dress holding an assault rifle. i'll grant /lit/ was always lefty, buncha snooty prigs.

Attached: 1279141400080.png (409x386, 43K)

truer shit has never been said.

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>thinking that Jow Forums and Jow Forums in particular was ever not far right outs you as a newfag
How new are you? first off, no board is one person, secondly, MOST of Jow Forums back in the day used to spam racist memes for lulz and irony. Were there stormweenies infographs and shitty memes being posted? sure. Was it a constant spam? fuck no. Was the mentality of the majority of posters like a sub 70IQ stormfag? hell no.
Jow Forums used to be fun. Elections and gamergate and nu-r9k ruined it.

Is sad because it looked so good at first.

>giving a shit about a youtuber

>3 years ago
>USA's presidential campaign is still a year away
>Jow Forums has it's influence throughout Jow Forums since it's leakage is inevitable however the actual derails, spam and garbage thrown out by Jow Forumstards lurking other boards isn't a major issue (yet)
>Luke Smith's channel has no videos uploaded yet
>linux elitism isn't at a all time high but it's really common but harmless since many practicing it are animeposters

Fast-foward a couple of years:
Jow Forums has become so garbage that they decided to invade other image boards with dogshit threads that add Z E R O discussion value to the board itself since it's mostly political shit (on a tech board lmao). Heck, most of these threads screeching at SJWs could be resumed on a single thread about the SJW invasion of tech companies and open source projects.

Attached: screenshot 146.png (1574x829, 784K)

>muh Jow Forums boogeyman
fuck off lefty/pol/

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100% true but this is going to make most of the current /gpol/ posters mad

Man, you should've seen this place in 08/09. You would've screeched BACK TO Jow Forums REEEEEE at every post, except it wasn't around yet. I'm glad things calmed down since then, with the brief interruption of the election that made things as bad as the old days for a while.

>anything I don't like is lefty/pol/
>binary politics
I love these memes!
>just turn your brain off
You're probably one of those edgy teenagers who gets high by smelling his own farts and then comes to post on Jow Forums about how much your life sucks because da joos or because muh wymin. I'm glad that people like you never reproduce because you lack basic human behavior and common sense :^)

This isn't how we write here, lurk before posting.

>glad he moved on from mostly tech content to more interesting things
Hahahah you mean his boring one sided 1 hour rants that pretty much always sum up to be his edgy world view? lol
What I find it funny is that at least he's self aware on how his fanbase is filled with intellectual cuckolds (he even said this exact phrase himself). You'll never see someone debate him because most people that watch his videos are passive watches that only nod without realizing what Luke actually thinks.
Luke doesn't even respect his fanbase lol. Some latino fucks started sucking his cock on the chat and he didn't even give a fuck while also throwing shades at their comments because he thinks he's holy than thou and above everyone else for some reason lmao.

>the redditspacing meme
Have you ever read any 4ch archive? how about you leave this place before embarrassing yourself even more?
also enjoy my
formatting :^)

archive.org/details/Jow Forums_threads_archive_10_billion
We had this discussion on a thread a couple of days ago. Are you so new that you don't even remember it? we already explained how the redditspacing meme is something created by stupid people to bait other retards into ez (You)s.

Luke is a faggot
The only true Jow Forums channel is triptranny

Attached: image.jpg (900x1232, 262K)

>tech is invaded by sjws ylthat make everything political
>\g\ which is technology board becomes more political
really makes you think... It is like what is happening in technology affects board discussing technology... nah. It is pol. Always blame pol and get scheckels deposited to your bitcoinbank account.

Stop watching then?
>the redditspacing meme
Pretending to be retarded isn't a new meme.


It's not about who watches his channel you idiot.
It's about people like you who spam this place with worthless garbage LE 94858TH SJW ARE AT IT AGAIN ON MUH OPEN SORES THREAD
or the 99999th thread about

Then stop listening you dumb fuck.

I don't care about muh SJW meme or muh söy meme, and I don't think I've ever posted a thread in Jow Forums. It's always you newfags shitting up the board with CoC- and tranny-posting.

who's this arab?


Attached: man-making-stop-sign-crossed-hands-man-making-stop-sign-crossed-hands-serious-guy-denying-refusing-a (1300x1007, 112K)

>Heck, he even assumed that he got tons of emails from people who couldn't even type a sentence in english properly.
You hate him, but you've watched his 3 hour stream

don't forget to donate to his paypal Jow Forumsuys ;^)

Hey Luke. How's the Nazi stuff going?

literally who

a touch of the old tar brush methinks. pure nords would kill something like this on sight.