Why don’t yuropoors buy quality American products instead of backdoored communist chinkshit?

Why don’t yuropoors buy quality American products instead of backdoored communist chinkshit?

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They can't afford quality American products like Macbooks and iPhones

Because I'd does not matter to us whether it has Chinese or American backdoors.

because it's backdoored

>quality American products
That's a funny way to spell "chink shit imported through the US with American Jew markup all over it".

that's an international joke and even US jokes about it constantly, like in Simpsons and Family Guy.

>that's an international joke
Europe is the international joke though.

Made in China doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have patented technologies and American IP inside.

It's funny that Americans usually think the exact opposite of what the entirety of all other populaces think
Jews got you good

Because most countries have significantly less morons buying things as status symbol compared to US.

Exactly, chinks just copy it. And """American""" shit is imported from China anyway. So what's the point of buying exactly the same chinkshit but with a large markup, again?

Why don't amerimutts just sort out their own chip fab supply chain instead of using backdoored yuropoor shit?

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It's funny how the American opinion seems to be the only one worth paying attention to.

You mean the only one your overlords allow you to pay attention to. It's still worthless.

Is that why the majority voted for Hillary?

>You mean unironic screeching in a foreign language
I forgot to tell you earlier, but I really wanted you to understand that I'm not interested in your opinions.
It's unfortunate that you weren't able to extrapolate that from my previous comments, but at least now you know.

But there are no consumer products made in 'Murica.

You care so little that you replied multiple times.

>Majority voted for killary
Good thing the US electorial system safe guards us from the dumb niggers even if they truck in a few more voters from out of state.
Don't you wish your fore father's were smart enough to implement such safeguards within your piece of shit country's government.

>foreign language
Too many big words for you there, champ? I sometimes forget that burgers can only speak one language but in this case it was the same one. Maybe read it slower and you'll get it eventually. Maybe.

I enjoy the feeling of being better than you, so I reply.
Acknowledgement of your posts doesn't mean that I acknowledge your shitty opinions as anything more than entertainment.

But if the only opinion worth paying attention to is the American one, then the American opinion is pro-Hillary and anti-Trump because it's the majority opinion.

How do you reconcile it?

But Europe didn't elect a cartoon character as their president, that was the Americucks

>replying makes you better
Woah, amerimutts everyone.

You don't know anything about "burgers" champ, and nobody cares about you enough to correct you.
Your opinion isn't really worth anything to anyone, remember?

>Europe vs USA argument
everyone involved should get their autism treated or kill themselves
t. asian

>Your opinion isn't really worth anything to anyone, remember?
He says, once again seething and replying.

No, being American makes me better than you by default.

Did you already forget about Supermicor, burger?
A large part of your country's all americans companies run on serves that have been backdoored by chinks

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Is that why you're up so late at night, because you don't have a job to get up to the next day?

Wew, you sure showed him and me. I bet you still live with your parents.

>yfw Amerifats don't even have their own language, they had to borrow one from a more intelligent country

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Is this best case scenario, and what your goal is? To have me a glorious American citizen of the world, "seething"?
Jokes on you pal. I'm not "seething".

Feels great living rent-free in your head, seething yuropoors.

Chinese government has no authority over me.
US government does, to some extent. They can fabricate charges and my country has an extradition treaty.
It's obviously less harmful to accept Chinese spying than US spying.

Feels great living rent-free in your head, seething ameripoor

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>Makes fun of the grown man who retired early.
PS. It's you're own fault that you gave to wageslave at your age user.

>grown man who retired early
Keep larping

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Did you prep your wife’s bull today, resident EU shill?

Cuck fetish is an American invention. How's Tyrone doing, c*ck?

Took by force while Europoos swam home with nothing to show for it.
MFW An American phonecall was what knocked Britain a notch down from being a super power.

>Backdoored communist chinkshit

Because murican shit isn't totally backdoored crap open to fucking CIA at will, which tries to fuck up evn in other countries jurisdiction with little to no regard to local laws cause "muh global zuperpoeer"

Lol half your bullshit is made with backdoored NSA/Cia software AND manufactured in Cina anyway

>American products like Macbooks and iPhones
Those are Chinese-made products.

>Why don’t yuropoors buy quality American products
Which brings me to this: Exactly what products that are actually made in America are you asking about? Yes, I'm actually asking.

I do have a Zippo lighter which was, in fact, made in America. Those are still sold here. But apart from that.. there's not that much and certainly not much technology related that's actually made in America, not that I see anyway. So do give us some examples of something, anything, you'd want to buy where's the's a choice between a product made in the US and a product made in China.

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>Keep larping
>When financial freedom is an incomprehensible concept that you have to pretend that anons are as shit off as yourself.

>GDP is a measure of the economic strength
>1.5 times larger population
>only 13% GDP lead


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Only 12 year olds feel the need to be superior on a Taiwanese straw knitting board

>Europe vs a single country
Oh nooooononono.

You don’t find Tyrone outside inner cities and black ghettos while cuckold yuropoors are literally forced to vocate their apartments to host more shitskins by your marxist government, lmao.

>Took by force
That was Britain colonising your pathetic country and you still use their language to this day. Shame for you that you're not smart enough to come up with your own, every English word you use makes you more of a cuck and now you're being cucked by Spanish as well lmao

>Only 12 year olds feel the need to be superior on a Taiwanese straw knitting board
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Successful people are competitive as hell by nature, and would take a few minutes to have a pissing contest anywhere.
You wouldn't know that, because you're the type that needs the security of working for someone instead of trailblazing out on your own alone.

>compares USA and Eurocuck Union as if the latter were a country
Daily reminder that states have more rights vs the federal government than europoor shitholes vs EU directives.

>only 13% GDP lead

Pretty funny that entire American states are now 'inner cities' and 'black ghettos' lmao

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>implying it isn't backdoored by CIA niggers

Even if it wasn't it costs 6 trillion billion shekels to import swag from Amerishartia.

>per capita

Fuck off ameripoor

>Brexit ensues


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Fuck off, Dranič.


>Their language
American English is a thing now, and the British crown doesn't own my backyard.
>Invent a language
There's literally no point to invent a new language for a new country, and America us busy inventing many other things throughout it's relatively short history.

>American English is a thing now
>slightly different spellings are a new language

There's something else you can measure a country's success by: Debt. The US has a lot of it, debt per capita is as well as deficit per capita is at beyond crazy levels in the US compared to other countries. So they measure GDP differently because they have to. Yes, really. The higher the GDP the better your debt to GDP and deficit to GDP ratios are. This is why the US includes interesting items like the Rent you would be Paying Yourself if you were actually paying rent to live in the home You Own. That's just one of many funny examples. The US is special when it comes to calculating GDP, and nobody dares call them out on it. This being said, the real US GDP is probably higher than Europe's. Hard to say for sure since the numbers we have to go by has very little to do with reality.

btw, inflation is something everyone has a lot of fun with, not just the US. For example, if the price of a phone is $700 one year and the next years model costs $1000 then the government story will probably be that the phone has gone down in price because the newer model is more advanced.

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>'black ghettos
Just described Europe as a whole, Sven.
And you faggots keep voting for it.

>>Implying American shit isn't also backdoored

My country is literally 98% white.

More than you can say for ANY americ*ck state hahaha

>quality American products

>buy american quality product
>check back side
>made in china
>buy another american quality product
>check back side
>made in china
>check other quality american product
>made in taiwan

>Make thread abiut why yuropeans don't buy goblino shit
>They tell him why
>Thee hee obsessed
This is your mind on mc donald burgers and jewish sperm

You're laughing, but it's only taken seriously, because America told the world to.
Let's not forget that you brought up "language" without having a point.
>America speaks English therefore hahahaha

The only made in America product I own is a pair of Grado headphones. They sound great but the build quality is absolutely shit no brand generic chinkshit is better built than this.

It makes sense that Apple chooses China for their superior production quality.

Just look at American cars, the death of "made in the USA" is a good thing for consumers everywhere.

Attached: Now that's the power of Murican engineering.jpg (650x488, 46K)

Enjoy it while you can. my country was literally 98% white not very long ago. Now it's not.

We also had freedom of speech here, btw. Today you'll get arrested if you criticize the regimes policies or quote crime statistics. It really is quite sad.

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Nobody cares about your 5 million and declining poverty stricken Eastern European shithole that will cease to exist in a few decades because your workforce was absorbed by the Western Europe.

>My country is literally 98% white
Has my country beat your country in a war, or is my country more successful than your country?
If, so then maybe you're just a nation of defective whites.

Tfw All the whites of worth had already left Europe for America a long time ago.

It's not Eastern European :^)

In fact, its GDP per capita is higher than yours

Your country won't go to war with mine so I don't give a fuck.

Deep inside burgers are butthurt.

>Your country won't go to war with mine so I don't give a fuck.
It's the other way around, so know your place you worthless faggot.

Jow Forums pls go

This. Only cucks like Varg are seething over that fact and trying to spin historical revisionism that "hurr ackchyually Europeans who left for America were criminals and too dumb to make something out of themselves in Yurop".

t. self-described "Central" European

Daily reminder that there’s no such thing.

> ignore Jow Forums threads
> ignore Jow Forums posts

Isn't varg a legitimate criminal who's currently sponging off his wife's country?


Yes, pretty much.

The irony.

He burned down this stave church

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Well there is. Is geography really a problem for americans?

I'm american, this shit is just stupid. Is the conversation interesting/constructive, hell even funny? low quality thread, reads like a bunch of bots

>Depending on context, Central European countries are sometimes grouped as Eastern or Western European countries, collectively or individually[75][76][77][78] but some place them in Eastern Europe instead:[75][76][77] for instance Austria can be referred to as Central European, as well as Eastern European[79] or Western European.
CE is a forced meme by former commie shitholes.

>destroy cultural heritage built by your ancestors like a nigger
>cry about brown takeover
Typical Jow Forumstard

Varg is 100% a Jow Forumstard.

The American opinion isn't "pro-hillary" though.

It is. She got the majority of the vote.

Well, the cost of living in a lot of Eastern European countries is incredibly low, so only earning 800/month can get you by alright

I love my mother Europa, can't you all see this is just Intel trying to tear us apart? A lot of Americans are shit and/or niggers, a lot of Europeans are and/or niggers. Can't we just all agree to face our problems together and stop all this in-fighting with our brothers and sisters? Can't you all see Intel is the real problem here? They are neither American nor European, and they have for so long made us suffer and fight, enough is enough, just cut it out guys.

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It's not. She got a little over half of all the votes accounted for, and lost.
So half the country, and the electorial college chose Trump.

>won the majority vote by 2.86 million
>insist that the majority opinion is not in favour of Hillary
The majority amerimutt opinion IS in favour of Hillary. End of discussion.

>The majority amerimutt opinion IS in favour of Hillary. End of discussion.
>2.85 million
It's not. That means that there are over 150 million legal gun owners that have an income didn't vote for Hillary.


>muh penal argument
Meanwhile Australia is a better place to live than 99% of the yuropoor shitholes.

best post ITT

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Why uryopprs aren't making their own non-backdoored CIA-free devices?

based and redpilled fellow Jow Forumsack :^)