Hey kid, let me teach you a thing or two about style

Hey kid, let me teach you a thing or two about style

Attached: c_279044_gJq6U.jpg (594x249, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope those are spaces and not tabs.


Python dev?

Basically Python.

Wheres the class constructor

don't need one if you're not initialising anything

I'm not even mad; that's amazing.

This is why I hate Python faggots.

Attached: K&R is a meme has been always will be.png (323x165, 8K)

So you have style but no class ? Ahahahahaha

OOP is a mistake

LOL underrated post


40 results on Tineye

*gives Reddit gold*
Upvoted :^)

(there is an emacs mode for that)

Attached: scratch.png (336x274, 7K)


no one said this was OC

Attached: Cs_EA08VIAA540p.png (739x395, 21K)

consider the following piece of code from real life

Mr Gookmoot Fagasaki, I don't feel so good.
OP finna got dabbed on.
verfickte judenschwein

Attached: mass_vomit_epidemic.jpg (513x386, 61K)

I feel bad for laughing at this

What is it with this guy

:name cycle_detector.core.ArbClassLoader
:extends ClassLoader
:state state
:init class-loader-init
:constructors {[ClassLoader String bytes]
:exposes-methods {defineClass superDefineClass
resolveClass superResolveClass}
:prefix "-"
:main false)

(defn -class-loader-init
[^ClassLoader class-loader ^String class-name ^bytes bytecode]
[[class-loader] {:class-name class-name
:bytecode bytecode}])

(defn -loadClass
([this ^String class-name]
(-loadClass this class-name true))

([this ^String class-name resolve?]
(if (= class-name (:class-name (.state this)))
(let [bytecode (:bytecode (.state this))
c (.superDefineClass this
(int 0)
(int (alength bytecode)))]
(when resolve? (.superResolveClass this c))
(.loadClass (.getParent this) class-name))))

(defn class-loader
[^String class-name ^bytes bytecode]
(cycle_detector.core.ArbClassLoader. (.getClassLoader MutableLinkedList)

Someone from reddit post this to Jow Forums4chan I want to comment "WE DID IT Jow Forums"


t. python scriptkiddie

Attached: 1505143993.png (400x550, 142K)

press D to dab

he cute

It's top-tier Autism that Notepad++ styles are incompatible with notepadqq styles. Vibrant Ink is the only real style.

>trying out different editors
>finally, more panes than two, very customizable, brace highlighting (with some bullshit fidgeting to get it working)
>it can't detect file changes
>plugin to detect file changes doesn't work
>this has been an issue for YEARS because syncing files with git doesn't detect file changes, even though git is how it's version controlled
I swear to god I'm pirating Epsilon at some point. What is wrong with people. I still need to try Sublime.

Attached: 2.png (2537x1242, 173K)

dem halloween


Style is for boys. Class is for men.

Attached: 1539878534310.png (1000x1000, 120K)