Any other React developers on Jow Forums?

Just started working with React at a job about 6months ago. Came from a Python background (kek).

Is React a meme? I like it so far but there's so much abstraction, which makes handling weird edge cases more difficult imo.

Attached: 3423554234.png (900x675, 38K)

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All of webdev is a meme. Stop.

I've made a couple of little projects in it. Was odd to wrap my head around it but it does seem pretty powerful. I agree on the absurdity of edge-cases. What is fucking annoying is that an update can break everything you've made because half of the code is strange, hackey workarounds.

Good React Code === Based && Redpilled

Bad React Code < Plain JavaScript

Big React Projects === Hard to manage

Small React Projects === Easy

Context API > Redux

it's amazing on larger projects with typescript

React werks. I'd write frontends in jQuery if they wanted to. Just go with the flow and make money, unlike 90% of Jow Forums.

>came from a python background
>there's so much abstraction
you came from a faggot background
React should be REMINDING you of your old job.
Component based design is the ivory tower of programming's gift to the absolute shit heap that is JavaScript land.
Component based design is literally Object Oriented Programming.

If you have spent ANY time at all in OOPsie-land you're probably familiar with the concept of modularizing your code

Would it surprise you to hear that JavaScript never had it until component based design came along in the form of React and Angular?

I used react native for a project. Its good for simple stuff, way more fum than ionic

Vue is better

>string templating
miss me with that gay shit

Attached: 1534323467669.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Sorry sweaty, but Vue is for skiddies :)

Skids too scared to actually learn react.

React is overwhelmingly FP rather than OOP but you are right about modular.


Attached: bottomless pit.jpg (540x610, 38K)

>bind this bind that create a function inside of what is objectively an object
The only ````FP'''' thing I can see about react is that there's a render() function that returns a DOM but it is stateful as all hell

I have also just started using it and I find it weird how it seems to replace keywords with kinda obtuse syntax.

I like the idea but as of right now I am still skeptical of the implementation. If someone more experienced is lurking I'd like their opinion on how well different language objects like props and states are differentiated and implemented from a readability point if view, because that is my biggest hang up right now.

we can't read your mind, provide an example of your problem

> assigning lexical scope immediately makes anything OOP
> JSX as anything other than a bloated wrapper for higher order functions you should be writing yourself
user, I...

>he only uses composition


Good job baiting me, at least.

I like some things about React, but it seems to me that the price you pay for the convenience of scaling your app with templating is this unholy JSX mixture of plain markdown and JS. With big and complex apps it can get messy to manage, even if you modularise everything into smaller components, you still have to make sure all the props are passed properly and your state is managed right. You end up with a crazy mangle of JSX and JS functions plugged everywhere to make sure data flows as it should.

Eventually everything becomes so abstracted, it will get hard for someone else to understand what your code is doing or for you to remember how it all works a few months later down the road. Not to mention when you're also using some middleware.

Vue blows it out of the water in every capacity

For example using curly braces and this.props to call variables passed into a component. Or how the different objects you can use are all called using jsx with predefined modifiers.

>make sure all the props are passed properly
>your state is managed right
it could be so much worse
look at polymer
if you think this is bad it's a fucking nightmare over there

Yep, the alternatives are even worse.


this. react is just the best coping strategy for dumbshit data-binding expectations of the "modern" web. if you think putting psuedo-html JSX in your .js files is worse than putting psuedo-js templating DSL in your .html files, quit the industry.

So when I call a prop inside of a component I call it by using {this.props.x} which seems obtuse to me even if it is very useful in practice.

If I need a button I have to use and then jam all the attributes into the header. These attributes being anything from attributes copied from case (except that they use camel case) to whole functions.

This just seems obtuse.

Copied from css*

render() {
let {x, y, z, ...others} = this.props

I forgot the return part but whatever I was writing that shit directly in the reply box

Yeah and it all needs to be in it's own div.

The only abstractions I can think of that can make react difficult is render props and higher order components. Otherwise everything else is very declarative and clearly layed out.

You will likely get confused with the life cycle methods though and wonder why things are re-rendering however things like PureComponent (and 16.6 React.memo) can prevent the usual cases)

Based and redpilled

you can use react without JSX

I could never wrap my head around strict typing what magic args are supposed to get passed in react

I use regular JS files for React projects

I have nightmares from writing jquery, aurelia or html templates in large projects. Jquery was awesome for small shit, like send form and display result, but if you have logic on frontend it will kill you.
Debugging non react code is nightmarish. React, redux, redux saga is god send for large apps.

I've tried the top meme frameworks react, vue, angular. Even in PHP which was Laravel. I still haven't encountered scenarios where I need the JS frameworks, the thing with it is the frameworks I've mentioned requires too much abstraction if you're going to make something fairly complex, a new developer joining the team or taking over your project would have a hard time adjusting if a lot of the data flow is "magic".