You see this? This is what the best terminal looks like

You see this? This is what the best terminal looks like.

Attached: xterm.png (256x256, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread: source/rxvt-unicode/ bug/677425

looks like an icon to me

Every other emulator is memes.

but that's not tilix

Attached: tilix.png (512x512, 14K)

xterm is bloated and unmaintainable. Here’s an excerpt from the README:

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here This is undoubtedly the most ugly program in the distribution. It was one of the first "serious" programs ported, and still has a lot of historical baggage. Ideally, there would be a general tty widget and then vt102 and tek4014 subwidgets so that they could be used in other programs. We are trying to clean things up as we go, but there is still a lot of work to do.

Needless to say things havenotchanged, it’s still ugly. It has over 65K lines of code and emulates obscure and obsolete terminals you willnever need.

The popular alternative, rxvt hasonly32K lines of code. This is just too much for something as simple as a terminal emulator; it’s yet another example of code complexity.

Terminal emulation doesn’t need to be so complex.

>Old terminals are bloated even though they still work, so we'll build a new one with zero features.

It's enough features for me. Plus you can always patch in other features.
The source is simple enough, so your could easily change its behavior if you wanted.

That aint alacritty

Attached: 2ebd0288-d06c-11e6-95d3-4a2889dbbd6f[1].png (1900x1388, 434K)

rxvt is shit, if you resize the window text gets cut off source/rxvt-unicode/ bug/677425

Alacrity is cool and all, but in my experience it's as fast or slower than urxvt

Why not just buy a real terminal?

well i just switched from xterm to st and it's pretty comfy. hopefully i saved 500kb of ram.

What you're referring to as st, is in fact, tmux/st. St is not a terminal emulator unto itself, but rather a component of a fully functioning terminal emulator made useful by tmux.

wtf pressing backspace gives you a space

nvm i fucked something up in my config

>using a terminal EMULATOR
>not the real thing

>have to apply a patch to be able to scroll up and down

>scrolling a terminal
when do I need this?

You're supposed to be using a terminal multiplexer with it


Let's see
>Yakuake drops down
>use it
End of story.

enjoy your latency

Attached: terms-latency-debian.png (883x495, 16K)

Xterm > any other meme terminal

>believing that even though other emulators have more code
That joke went on for too long

>not using Konsole, the most feature-packed terminal emulator ever, yet still extremely fast
The only use I ever had for alacritty was rendering bb at 1920x1080 characters

this is unfair for alacritty as its vsynced. pretty sure if you run higher refresh rate, your delay decreases correspondingly.

What do the lines mean