Is there a way to temporarily disable my wifi so my roommates can't use it...

Is there a way to temporarily disable my wifi so my roommates can't use it? They haven't helped me with any bill payments. Cox is my provider

Attached: nyan.jpg (637x358, 37K)

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use a thingy that plugs into your wall and limits power during certain times

>Is there a way to temporarily disable my wifi
yes there is

Walk up to them and slap the shit outta them.

Change the password.

Imagine being such a passive aggressive cunt.
Just fucking talk to them.

Unplug it?
Log into router console and blacklist em?
Flood em with deauth frames?
So many fun choices...

They would know and ask. The only place to plug it in is the living room. I want to make it seem like the internet is unavailable

Blacklist em?
Death frames?

Just log into the router, change the name and don't broadcast it anymore.

This is probably more of OP being a little bitch

De-auth, deauthorize. Use mdk3.

Block their macs

Router settings:
>disable WiFi
>or disable broadcasting and change the name
>or blacklist their MAC addresses so they can't connect.

It's been going on for 4 months. I'll just get another empty promise. I'm moving out at the end of November and I never received any help. They use it for garbage netflix and playing the ps4.

Hit or miss?

wtf is this meme?
And who is this tranny?

I guees they never miss, huh?

Don't beat your meat too hard

You were supposed to pipe up after month 1. At this point the only way to redeem your honor is ritual murder-suicide.

She's a girl

Attached: 1540269334915-noaudio.webm (540x960, 468K)

sweet jesus...

That's definitely A FUCKING MAN.

does this gril have nudes?

I think Jow Forums has fucked your brain kiddo

Attached: Do-it-for-her-noaudio.webm (640x360, 1.42M)

Log into your router
Find his connection
Disable his internet connection

There's no need to change name of the entire wifi or change password or anything like that. Just block his access to the router by his mac address (there's functionalities for this in every router). Look for "client list" or something like that.

How is this thread on Jow Forums..? Isn't this fairly basic?

I refuse to believe this propaganda, until she posts some nudes.

My boi

said the tranny fapping degenerate

I have deduced the reason behind why and how this video is cursed. For one, this girl is highly attractive and her cosplay is actually good, appealing the eyes of watchers.
Her cosplay also reveals her stomach which is very nicely shaped (not to skinny, not fat, not ripped, but a really natural look, it’s intriguing to look at). Her makeup is good as well. It really brings out her eyes and makes her smile a lot more appealing.
Secondly, I myself find myself fascinating at the way she moves. It’s very smooth and fun to watch. For example the spin at the start that she stops suddenly and kind of leans foreword then quickly straightens out, it is very well executed and goes along with the beat, making it satisfying to watch. I’m most obsessed with the part however when the song says “you got a boyfriend...” and she is kind of bobbing her way gracefully towards the camera. The way she moves most of her entire body when walking is really satisfying. She even does it to the beat of the song. And if also like to point out her shoulder movements throughout most of the video. They add a lot more energy to her movements.
On that note, that leads us to my third point: the song and how she utilizes the song to compliment her movement. This song and lyrics itself are not that great, but the woman singing the song sings it well. That however, is not the reason why this matters though. The voice of the actual singer really fits the girl in the video. It not only compliments her cosplay (making it cuter), but also compliments her dancing. As I mentioned earlier, the way she moves is simply satisfying to watch, and part of that is because of how seamlessly and smoothly she move to the song. The spinning at the beginning goes very well with the chorus ending in the background.
That little booping of her chest after the spin I mentioned earlier is timed when the rapper makes a rapper sound that transitions into the girls part (what does he even say?


Imagine letting other people walk all over you this hard

Attached: ricardo.gif (612x1080, 267K)

Unplug the fucking router, faggot. Sop letting people walk on your like a bitch.

Attached: 107.jpg (600x584, 24K)

Imagine being so beta that your roommates skip on the bill and you're afraid they'll beat you up if they find out you deliberately cut their wifi

turn on the mac filter

Then what the fuck is the point

>no nudes
>no tits
>doesn't show hips at all
>"lol its a girl, I'm not fapping to a trap!"

But I want to use the router

Change the SSID, the password, or disable SSID broadcasting.

Alternatively you can throttle the wifi connection hard via transmit power, speed limiting or 802.11b for the lulz.

You can also route all their traffic to meatspin via Mac address filtering and say holy shit dude, you caught a virus and that's the kind of thing you are into?

Go into the router settings and throttle the fuck outta 'em
Let their net still work just make it
If you don't get their money you sure as shit get their bandwidth

Unplug the router

As some have suggested, just use MAC filtering. Set it to only allow your MAC addresses. Simple.

Hide the SSID and alter it slightly. Normies would think its not working

Stop broadcasting the SSID, and block their MAC addresses.

But as a response to myself uts probably easier to blacklist their MAC addresses

Rooted your phone? Use this Gets the job well done and jest werks

This girl is Boxxy of this decade.

doesn't even pass, get your eyes checked
admit it, you just want to fuck men

Just kill them in their sleep

>internet stops working for the two freeloaders but not for the tech savvy nerd who pays for the connection
You really think they are too retarded to figure that out?

why would she need to pass when she's a girl

what are you gonna do if they walk up to you and ask about the wifi?

>she's a girl
take this back
they will probably beat the shit out of OP's ass

You're a sad little cunt aren't you.

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Set a MAC filter retard, and if you're a person who cleans regularly and pays all the bills you shouldn't live with roommates anyway

1. Change password.
2. Change SSID to "Pay user for password".
3. ????
4. Profit!

she/he is looking like a cute girl.
I will probably make out with her/him.

i hope OP broadcasts

>turn on the mac filter

This, redirect their traffic to some gay scat site

First disable DHCP
Second Disallow IPs from range .2 to .253
Third you take the ip .254

Obviously, you have to change the router’s GUI password so they don’t revert changes

>don’t be a fucking Jew, share the fucking internet

>don’t be a fucking Jew, share the fucking internet
>don’t be a fucking Jew, pay your fucking share

They use windows

>They use windows

You've completely lost all grasp on reality if you think every woman is a man just because they're online. You're fucked dude.

>using the first address for the router

Get a router that you can limit how much bandwidth people can use.
Or setup a guest network with low bandwidth and the original ssid name, hide the real one.

I'll be impressed if it's a guy tbdesu, real (wo)manlet.

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In the router settings disable the wifi. Simple.

holy shit this. my step mother pulled shit like this instead of ever talking to me, I've never hated anyone so much at the time. I'd bang my head against the wall as hard as I can if that kind of idea pops into my head.

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>the rapper making a rapper sound
That's the announcer from Street Fighter 2 saying "Fight!". Rappers are sampling the SF2 announcer for some reason. Wake me up when they start sampling the Alpha 3, Third Strike, CvS2 and MvC2 guys.

Kick them out: no pay no stay.



I refuse to believe any of this is sincere.

nothing on the chans is ever sincere.
stop being a newfag

Did you think I was being serious?
How embarrassing.

>having roommates
Imagine being this pathetic

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wait, you think i was being serious?
double embarrassing for you.

blacklist MAC addresses?

You can't just re-use my joke. Delete your post and try again.

you can't just use an old joke and call it your own.
delete yourself and try again.

If that's a man I don't wanna be straight.

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Cute boy.

See me after class.

that should be - "Can I see you after the class, Mr. user?"
and, no, i won't pass you at any cost, kid.

>Jow Forums

may you need to repeat the entire year.

change dns of the router to an invalid one and be sure they are not overwritten by the isp one
configure working dns manually on your machine and smartphone
unless they are tech savvy they will never found out what's the problem
alternatively set dns to a local dns server with a custom host file to block or redirect domain names only used by them
once I set up an ap with same bssid and password of the legit router with the most popular porn sites blocked
my room mates were reaaally mad


You can ban his macs in the router.

Person in question is on the right? They straight up look like a dude who started HRT. the legs are square af, the shoulders also square.
Left looks like a trans as well but at least they can pass as an ugly girl, right doesn't have proper proportions to even be considered a woman.

Are they bl*ck by any chance?

It should be the last address, just before the broadcast one

MAC Filtering


are you trolling or you are just a retarded unevolved monkey?

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enable bandwidth control for all IP except yours
set upload speed to ~5kb
watch everyone goes mad

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