What's this button for, Jow Forums?

What's this button for, Jow Forums?

Attached: Memepad.jpg (300x402, 31K)

it makes the computer doug faster

Enable Vibration

Activating the difidius neurofumbalator

birth control

physical toggle switch for wireless (wifi, maybe bluetooth)

turboanalisis toggle

add more ram

I tried it and it's both. It disables every wireless feature except for ethernet. Cool as fuck.

>It disables every wireless feature except for ethernet
>every wireless feature
>except for ethernet

Network switch. If it's green then WLAN, Bluetooth, and cellular modems will all work. Flip the switch and they shut off.

Yep, the wifi cable still works.

Side status: Around my room.

Also known as WiFi cable in Murrica

Activates sleeper cells

self destruct

>physical switch to disable wireless communications
For what purpose? Why not just disable it through the OS?

hello, NSA

Physical wifi, bluetooth and wwlan switch.
If you flip it and run rfkill list all it should say everything is hard blocked.
My thinkpad has one.

Attached: file.png (640x434, 234K)

It's for bypassing the compressor

It shuts off radio signals so it's airplane mode

You don't want to know.
