An Alternative to Evernote Needed

I want to move away from this failing bloatware.

What's a superior note SaaS/software/way to store notes to Evernote?

Something lean and simple, preferably using markdown and is programming focused.

Attached: evernote.gif (1600x901, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also it should have a decent search function and a tag feature.

This excludes storing md files in a repo.

Thinking about writing my own tool, but I don't got time.



Joplin, open source, self hosting, uses markdown.

Zim Wiki, stores your notes in MD-format flat files.
I track the files in Git for easy synching between devices and history snapshots.

lmao i was using it for months offline amd that piece of shit couldnt even export notes at the end
i really dont know what i expected. instant offline export? it's probably even worse online too? with some struggle with fetching all notes and such. and all notes are probably in some sqlite db bullshit hidden somewhere

on android, keep notes have best user experience. smooth, fast, to the point.
joplin is a nightmare in that regard, they cant design for shit


unironically org-mode.

Used loads of note taking apps over the years,
but I think I've final found a solution that is pretty
much perfect for my work flow.

I use emacs with org-mode, and save all my
files in a git repo. This means all my files are
plain text files with no propriety blobs. Plus
emacs has some awesome modules for
searching my notes and editing.

I like workflowy, and there's an open source clone of it called Vimflowy that uses vim keybindings and is FOSS. Alternatively you can use Emacs org-mode. If you absolutely NEED mobile device note-taking I'd say go for StandardNotes

Ah, now de soibois are looking for a replacement.

>Rats leaving the sinking ship.

>Get Info Select 11.

Use it since IS 2007. It is vy expensive but I guess in the meantime you have learnt the hard way why good software costs.

>And IS is the OLDEST outliner software around.
>Works from XP to Win 10

And now suffer & repent, EN user!


Just wanted to add:

>Info Select with
>Lotus Organizer 6.1

*the perfect match*

Now, go back to EN!

And in one year they start discussing about a Veracrypt replacement.

*how pathetic*

Fucking idiots. First, they write on the IS Yahoo forum how to migrate to EN & now this.

Forget it, trannies.

>Yr irrevelant data is trapped in EN


You also can look for the IS knock-off Ultra Recall.

If you are clever, you can make Ecco Pro work for you. It is a bit outdated, but sld be o.k.

Otherwise, only OneNote left... and that's just shit. Like Outlook.

>Info Select 11
>why good software costs
why does it look so shitty then lmao

like it's really fucking terrible user just like buy office at least











onenote might be the only one that can to handle really long pages, like thousands of screens long. that's game and that's why it's so good and native is a must.
all those notecuck applets being on electron too lol you cant do anything with them
that and concealing disconnecting sections pages model make it worse than a continuous word doc desu

>just like buy office at least

Ok, will not shill IS. Just got yr "Office".

N u t t e r

gave up on everything , just using Ted notepad which essentially is normal notepad, but with some nice hotkey functions

>all those notecuck applets being on electron too lol you cant do anything with them

Totally agree, son. Just forget that rubbish.

It is either OneNote or IS. And Ecco if you have enough time.


Well, even I as an ardent IS user work with Notepad++. It's actually quite good.

Just like notepad.exe.

you can export to plaintext on desktop app

i like

>you can export to plaintext on desktop app

Smashing, kiddo. Good luck!

Standard Notes

honestly if I could just open multiple text files next to each other in a horizontally scrollable split view
Not tabbed view because it's fucking annoying having to switch between them
Not split screen, be it window manager feature or program's own one
kinda like tweetdeck but a text editor

unironically this

emacs org-mode for ultimate utility

For WYSIWYG editor, Cherrytree.

doesn't that violate github policies for not being software? or is okay? I might just do this but with vim and latex

Well, then it definiteiy is IS. Or else, get your OneNote.

>emacs org-mode for ultimate utility

Tks but I use Win. And got abot 10 GB in various IS parts...

Yeah, I am also locked in. But at least, IS works on Win 10.

>press S for Win 10. Me use Wi XP & 7.

Why no love for TiddlyWiki? It looks very interesting.
Doesn't it use some kinds of wiki mark up?
org mode looks very daunting. Also, how about image handling? I've seen some packages but still not sure.

Mi Notes.

>org mode looks very daunting
It has a learning curve (so does emacs itself) but once you get the hang of it and configure it to fit your workflow, there's literally nothing more comfy, efficient or flexible to use than Org. I use it for note taking, quickly capturing ideas / bits of knowledge, managing tasks / todos / projects, tracking time spent working on shit (especially billable time) and even spaced repetition learning (with org-drill). Can't imagine ever going back.

>how about image handling?
Local image files can be inserted with [[file:path/to/image.png]] markup or through org-insert-link function, and they can be either displayed inline (in the current text buffer) or as links to be viewed in a separate buffer. Don't know if there's an OOTB way to inline-display images from remote URLs, but I'm sure someone already wrote an elisp function for it if there isn't.

git =/= github
github functions as a hosting provider for git repositories
you should know this

>Also, how about image handling? I've seen some packages but still not sure.

Emacs provides inline images, just provide a
link to the image and it's rendered by emacs.
I have an images directory that mirrors the
layout of my notes that way it stays sane.

>doesn't that violate github policies

I run my own gitlab server, but I can't see that
github would drop your notes repo.

I know that in my notes I do have info that I
wouldn't want to share with just anyone. I'd
use a private repo if I didn't have my own git

do you understand what a text editor is
proprietary file format

quite mysterious that some editors have columns but won't let you have as many as you like with a horizonal scrollbar and other ways to navigate between them. you could argue that's actually shit usability but i want that anyway. make one stick on the left, scroll between others with hotkeys or something. and just having everything open
sublime text lets you have 5 columns. there's some mysterious ui shit going on though, there's no 5 column split option, only four, but making a new group will make another one appear. then as you make new groups they split the rightmost column vertically lol. some more retarded interface quirks like, it doesn't let you drag those groups around on the screen at your will, so like, you can't have middle column or leftmost one split in two. little tab scrolling arrows are pretty meh for the space they take and functionality they offer, which is worse than a scroll. sidebar is pretty cool tho. you might've liked some file exploring structure bullshit, but files persist and that may be ok. some options set in preferences could be tucked in the top menu which are terrible dropdown undiscoverable waste of time nightmaers always but can be hidden
cudatext does 6-way splits, interface feels more sluggish somehow
vscode lets you make even more but beyond eigth one they become inresizeable lmao
and at that point, if there's no horizontal scrolling between them they're just unusable and impractical. resizing can be quite frustrating because horizontal space is fixed and those columns can't just slide away instead of shrinking down and changing size
it does some cool stuff but also tries to phone home every ten seconds
these are kode app for koders and you know those people are. they have some shit figured out though
minimalist writer lmao fucks are insufferable too, especially when in reality their shit is farthest away from the word minimal or simple: some bullshitty frameworks, bloated installs, opaque file formats, etc.

taskwarrior + taskd

>do you understand what a text editor is

No. So, will you explain, desu. I am quite computer illiterate.

I've used literally dozens of these over the years and have settled on ticktick

vim outliner

note.txt or

No, they're not applications.
If you're a single user, on a single device. Use files

If you're a single user with multiple devices, use network attached storage.

If you want fancy rendering, use a markdown rendering application decoupled from the file.

this, I use plain text and is OK for me. Go full KISS user, do not make things more complicated than it should be.