I've got about 6 months of Python under my belt as my first language

I've got about 6 months of Python under my belt as my first language.
What language should I learn next to supplement Python?

Attached: python.jpg (768x768, 33K)

You should learn C/C++ and learn how to create bindings to Python for better performance (e.g. the Boost.Python library).

typing "import" and sticking the pieces together doesn't equal learning a language, user

I recommend that you start using c ++, mastering it well since it is one of the most complete codes

>since it is one of the most complete codes
are you actually a pajeet or just larping?

sir please do the needful and learn c++ thank you sir

Learn C, it's great match with Python thanks to ctypes.

Depends. What do you like and dislike about Python?

I only think that c ++ is a good language to start lmao

name one modern programming language that doesn't use libraries. I won't wait because you can't.

amazing! it's almost like there's a difference between #include and importing every fucking thing forever with a 70x memory & processing overhead with zero learning experiences

I like Python because:
Easy to learn
It's syntactic sugar, especially list comprehension
Scripting language. I don't have to compile.
It's extensive libraries

What I don't like:
I'm not sure. There isn't anything that really bothers me

Hi I'm plz ignore me I'm a retard

if you were right you could simply have explained why instead of this mindless response, but for some reason you couldn't.

Based on that I would somewhat unironically suggest learning a bit of Bash if you don't already know it:

* Quick and powerful syntax for simple ad-hoc programs
* Entirely meant for gluing programs together
* Integrates well with programs written in Python and everything else

It's a terrible language with tons of pitfalls and very unsuitable for writing programs from scratch, but it's a super convenient way to run other programs.

For example, if you write a Python program that reverses strings you input, you can use Bash to do that to all text files in the current dir:

for i in *.txt; do ./myprogram.py < "$i" | sponge "$i"; done

or if you use OpenCV to write a Python program that detects faces in images, you can use Bash to find all such images and put them in a directory:

find / -name '*.jpg' -exec ./hasface.py {} \; -exec cp {} ~/FacePix \;

welcome to HELL little boy
no one will be holding your hand now

Thank you.
I already know the basics and somewhat more advanced topics in bash, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
Do you happen to have more languages?

If you had balls you'd be learning PERL you fucking faggot


I was unable to use Python. I'd spend 1 hour trying to do X in Python, what I can do in just 5 seconds in Javascript. It was a fucking nightmare to work with JSON in Python, a nightmare.

>It was a fucking nightmare to work with JSON in Python, a nightmare.
you wot m8
JSON data behave exactly the same as a Python Dictionary. There isn't any difference between the 2.

import json

It's hard to make general recommendations, but maybe Java. Compared to Python, it's faster, still ubiquitous, but not as nice to write.

I write C++ for a living, which is super fast and gives you great power over low-level details, but it can be annoying to write and debug. I love Haskell personally, which is basically the opposite: very powerful, flexible and great to write, but gives you far less control over low level details and performance.