Most Overused Memes in Tech??

>Machine "Learning"
>Javascript "framework"
>User Xperience "engineer"

What else, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

None of the things you put in quotes deserve to be put in quotes. Not every buzzword is a meme. You should delete this thread and strongly consider killing yourself.

t. UX engineer for cybersecure JS ML frameworks


Attached: 1486862557742.jpg (600x392, 72K)

>he thinks machine learning is a meme
found the brainlet

pattern recognition in large datasets != learning you turbo brainlet.

>he thinks machine learning isn't a meme
muh random "weights" approximating funkshuns

What a shutdown. You can see him give the kid an ocular pat down and assess his threat level.

Attached: SCYNPU1.png (610x768, 767K)

Machine learning is just fine tuning a flexible model to match the data set provided. The meme part is companies trying to apply it in situations it has no business being in because they assume it can replace a human or just want to make a snakeoil product. If used poorly your just trading one set of problems with another.

>Quantum Computers
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying these things won't exist but right now it's just marketing relabelling and stretching the truth.

The MATERIAL MEME from Goygle.

Everything Apple(l), anything (((Freemium))) or (((Secure))).

Anything (((Ecosystem))), Cloud-based or any biz based in Israel.



Attached: the v dream dying.png (1820x380, 77K)

>dat webm
So satisfying

IoT is the greatest one.

open source

it would have been more satisfying if the (((christian))) got a face full

would have been more satisfying if the microdick kid would have got his head knocked off.


That has to be one of the best webms around.

Attached: 1439696648466.jpg (900x900, 87K)

That Chad gave me a quarter chub and I'm not even gay

cloud, machine learning, cyber security are fields that have produced a ton of value in the past 10 years

idk how they're a 'meme' as much as they're things advertised to the mainstream that Jow Forums has to be contrarian about

That look of shame.


Oh yes, here it is.

>right wing defense projects
lol. But let's admit it, VR has always sucked and will continue to suck because it's inherent to the design. It will take AR to go mainstream.

Back to the desert, Abraham

>muh random "weights" approximating funkshuns

>putting muh before a real thing means it's useless
this is the worst meme

>muh climate change
>muh freeze peach
>muh security vulnerabilities
>muh free software

works for anything

Christianity was formed in Rome.
>b-but God incarnated in Asia Minor
In Roman territory. Then Paul took the teachings to Rome where the religion was raised.

Absolutely blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Attached: 584aba7d1da7ae6ee4705dca.png (460x276, 32K)

Cyber Sec isn't a meme, lot's of jobs and future positions, and a highly respected field.

Attached: 86785.png (1222x1177, 241K)

I hate to tell you, but his hand is the wrong.

look at the shirt.

oh lol

I'd say learn Verilog / VHDL.

>millenial complaining

the most overused meme of all

Thats not tech though.

God damn it mac

Attached: 1538211011960.jpg (325x231, 11K)

that is the best webm

CNN is not the only form of ML

based and redpilled webm

t. brainlet who couldn't get 1 callback

Women "in tech"

I had one professor hype it, and had a lot of interviewers be impressed with my experience with fpgas despite it not being a part of the job.
more like "women" lmao

>muh autism

>muh fitness funkshuns

Fake news

Attached: DBD0E16929F44942A35CFD27DBE4E63F.png (680x834, 270K)

It really is. Overpriced shit for so-so experiences. Pulmer is right

>Machine "Learning"
>Javascript "framework"
>User Xperience "engineer"

One of these things is not like the other.

Biggest meme to surface recently

The JavaScript one?


Also never noticed the hand pointing on the guys shirt lol.

>pattern recognition in large datasets != learning you turbo brainlet.
Then what IS learning, you humanist retard? Having a """soul"""?

Basically yes.

Javascript frameworks make writing javascript bearable

Yes, one of them is not only a meme but a pile of dogshit which should be banned from existence for ruining any and all software it comes in contact with, namely JS.

According to psychology, learning is
>"a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience"
I'm gonna have to side with the turbo brainlets on this one


>big data

Cyber security is just information security you retard

>computer "science"


>rooting for the soulless ginger kid
fuck off npc

"CPU", "GPU", "Motherboard"

>no "microservice"

"AR" is much less of a meme than "VR"
anyone from /tpg/, here? Particularly the GURPS general will know that we're headed for transhuman space.


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