But why?

>be me
>military freak, gun nut and conspiracy theorist
>live in the middle of nowhere because *muh nature*
>decide to prepare for inevitable race war by working out and eating healthy
>go for 20 minute run every day
>start having a salad every day
>take Alex Jones Super Male Vitality because why not, I’ve got nothing to loose but money
>neighbors start to whisper amoug themselves
>I get labeled as “that weird guy in the woods”
>get served a search warrant because someone thought I was manufacturing explosives
>they find nothing
>mfw me trying to be healthy almost get me labeled as “that one weird guy”

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dumb frogposter

This is why I filter Canadians


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kot id

Is there something wrong with enjoying a classic?

Your country’s motto is “the country of cunts, cucks and crime”

>I don't feel bad for you in the slightest
Here is why

I used to live near an asshole like you. And it's not your regiment that causes people to cast an eye, it's how you all choose to do it. Every fucking time, you all do shit (it seems purposely) sometimes, to get people to look at or view you a certain way.. And every fucking time it bites you in the ass.

Just do it like a LURK. Do your thing, but if and when you see neighbors around, smile and say hello, offfer a hand if they need anything, then be about your way.

Unless you are legit in a cabin in the woods, then put on a friendly persona.

I used to run on the side of road, I minded my own business, I don’t bother with people, but I just minded my own business and I think that if someone wants to mind their own business, you should mind your own business too and leave them alone.

whom quote

You did nothing wrong except falling for the Alex jones supplement meme. I dont trust that faggot. Stick to things proven to increase testosterone, like diet and exercise.

I only took it because I had a bottle from a uni project, so I said fuck it and took it.

Tasted like maple bark and bear sweat.

maybe your that weird guy because your a gun nut who is a conspiracy theorist and a military freak who is preparing for a race war and lives in the middle of the Canadian woods?

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They didn’t know why I was working out, they didn’t know I had guns, and they didn’t know I was a conspiracy theorist.
They just thought I was weird because I never talked, Never was outside a lot, and ran 20 minutes a day by their house

>They just thought I was weird because I never talked, Never was outside a lot, and ran 20 minutes a day by their house
that is weird, but I'd never call the cops on you.

Canadians don’t like people who are weird

Have you ever socially interacted with them? Or are you a weird hermit.

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I didn’t look like a weird hermit, I wore clean clothes, dress presentably, washed by hair and shavd, etc. I would only say the bare minimum, if they said hello, I’d just say Hello back and nothing more.

I’m sorry to hear that leaf but you’re making the right choice for your body

people gave me wierd looks sometimes when i used to jog in the park
no idea what is wrong with those assholes

I am preparing for the day of the rake

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they're probably cow-licking soccer moms who don't like healthy men, hah.

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You hit the nail on the head
They had the “I want to speak to your manager” hair too

>conspiracy theorist
So basically you believe things based on SUPERSTITIOUS NONSENSE rather than observable fact.

You deserve everything you get, you fucking moron.

This guy summed it up better than anyone else:

>nothing to loose

According to scientific rule, you can’t prove something to be 100% true, so in reality, everything is a theory.

I don't know what "scientific rule" you're referring to, but it sounds like you're referring to an idea in philosophy called the problem of induction.

In any case - you can still believe in things beyond reasonable doubt. Such as the existence of yourself. Or the existence of gravity. Or the existence of the sun. Etc.

Scientific enquiry allows us to test the world (and the universe) to discover the true nature of reality. By carrying out scientific enquiry, we collect evidence. And as we collect more and more evidence, we can reach conclusions about the nature of reality with greater and greater certainty.

It's just like a detective trying to solve a murder case. If the detective finds fingerprints of the suspect on the murder weapon, as well as the victim's blood on the suspect's clothing, as well as the suspect's footprints at the crime scene, as well as a clear motive that the suspect had for killing the victim, as well as security camera video footage of the suspect carrying out the murder, then the detective can be pretty damned sure that the suspect is guilty. Can he ever PROVE it 100%? Well that depends on whether you're willing to believe the proof that is given. You could choose to believe that ALL of that evidence, including the video footage, has been fabricated. You have to make your own judgement of whether all that evidence is likely to have been fabricated or not.

Science is the same. We have overwhelming evidence that evolution is real. That the Earth is over 4 billion years old. Etc. That's why we believe these things - because the evidence for them is overwhelming.

Whereas evidence for the efficacy of Super Male Vitality, for instance... I'm not sure there's a lot of such evidence.

I like Alex Jones, he's a funny guy, and I'm a conservative so I like what he does. But I can't stand conspiracy theories because they're just fucking stupid. Beliefs should be grounded in evidence.