List of distros from most based to least based

1. Slackware
2. Devuan
3. Gentoo
4. GuixSD
5. Trisquel
998. CloverOS
999. Arch
9999. Manjaro
9999999999. Void

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Oh look another thinly veiled incel systemd hate thread complete with pedo weebshit mascot.

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Systemd is shit but I included Trisquel in my list so its not really a systemd hate thread


Gentoo uses systemd too (by default now) but I had just assumed you were too fucking stupid to know any better.

shut the fuck up retard

lol I'm literally watching The Matrix on Gentoo right now. You fucking poser, get out.

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how could you be so retarded
I literally put void at the bottom of the list how the fuck could you think this is a systemd hate thread
oh my lord

I use Ubuntu.

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>1. Slackware
What do you think of bunsenlabs

Wait, ignore all that for a second.

You put a distro at 999999999 and expect me to know what it is?

Never used it


How do I into streaming torrents

Its in the image man, peerflix.

You can install it with npm.

0. Ubuntu
Use the distro for the white man. If gods programmer used it, so can you.

Ubuntu is just worse debian

You are just worse me

1. Windows 10 2016 LTSB

Where does gobolinux fall on this list?

t. brainlet zoomer

Wherever you’d like except for 1 or 2

my favorite distro is windows 10 home

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fuck off

>Devuan is rated second
>still Debian didn't even make the list
Shit thread

0. Ubuntu

Windows 7
Windows XP
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows ME
Windows Vista

I use qbittorrent and select the option "sequencial download" the effect is the same.

Why hate Void?

I can agree with this list.

Fuck u retarded faggot.
I use Parabola/Hyperbola and Gnu/Libre kernel.

it's dying. try to go to the forums

I also use pop!_os which is Ubuntu with a haircut. Can't complain.
For fuck's sake '98 is KING of windows.

parabola is just more autistic arch