I fell for the Vulkan meme

Guys I fell for the Vulkan meme, over 1000 lines of code and still no triangle drawn on screen. In fact when the triangle does draw on screen, I will have to redo the drawing code because the triangle data is being stored in the shader right now (Setting up the vertex buffer will be another 200 lines of code or so).

At least I will see those sweet, sweet extra frames as a result of the pain it takes to design a static graphics pipeline - if I even have enough time to get that far.

Attached: VulkanTutorial.png (458x472, 19K)

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good job user, do your best

Attached: I'll try my best.gif (300x300, 244K)

You won't get any extra frames unless you are CPU-limited

I looked at it and thought: "why bother?".
My opengl pipeline uses newer features to batch everything together, which makes it super-fast anyway


Attached: 1491161071324.gif (785x757, 824K)

Neat OP. Do you mind sharing the link if its more than just the usual "trust me, just copypaste this and itll kind of work"?

Vulkan and Direct3D12 are the future. OpenGL will be dead and buried within the decade.

Direct3D12 is trash, it's still stateful and therefore suffers all of the classic faults.

opengl was dead from the day it was born
it's just not buried yet
and it walks around in a decrepit state, undead because of a few games that poorly use it

It came out of the ashes of firegl when microsoft tried to kill anything but directx.

Surprised it could stand after that.

poor thing
we should let it rest already
a shame that vulkan adoption seems pretty slow. games either aren't ported from windows at all, or continue to use opengl due to missing engine support

There's literary nothing wrong with OpenGL 4.5 and the GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension

Vulkan has shit drivers and no fullscreen support on Windows thanks to Microsoft bribes


It is actually a really good tutorial, I'm just loosing motivation haha

I heard rumors that Microsoft was supposed to help work on openGL in the 90's and instead they put all of their effort into direct3D and put trash code into openGL to kill it.

Maybe, the context creation and function loading is pretty trash

Vulkan and Opengl are good to know if you're trying to be a game engine dev / understand GPU on a low level.

If you want to actually make a game though use an existing lightweight engine or you're going to be stuck writing boilerplate forever.

they said the same about X11, C, Ruby, Trump, Windows, Apple, Mechanical Watches, Our economical system, Capitalism, The Queen, Typewriters, Television...

Can you even draw a line without a third party library?


lmao it took 4 days to get to this point, I have a poor attention span.

Attached: TRI.png (1551x866, 202K)

That's a retarded comment from somebody who knows shit. Plus vulkan doesn't have screen tearing

>Plus vulkan doesn't have screen tearing
Vulkan does have screen tearing if the compositor is disabled
And if it isn't then Vulkan is laggy and juddery

A large section of performance is gained from how static it is, openGL is fairly dynamic and is set up to receive any command at any time, while with vulkan I can pre-plan the entire pipeline from the start.

Great job