So, which one is it, Jow Forums?

So, which one is it, Jow Forums?

Attached: cb.jpg (479x310, 12K)

Not that thread again.

Right of course.

depends on the language

If cond do

the only correct answer

whatever the style guide says it is. as long as its consistent who the fuck actually cares

Left in java.

Am i a bad person ?


Left or Right?
More like Unemployed or Employed

And the proper answer is Condition ? Statements : somethingElse;

Left in C#, right in Java

If I'm given the choice, left. To me it just looks cleaner being able to see where a pair of brackets begins and ends at a glance. Plus if you were an IBM employee when they paid by line of code you brought home more of those CS bucks.

if cond then

me on the left

Attached: Untitled.png (102x88, 957)

c,c++,c# left
java,javascript right

if condition:

Whatever the company/project/language coding guidelines say.

based pythonposter

Attached: python.gif (400x480, 124K)

>using conditionals

Left if you're white, right if you're a nigger

(if cond (thing one) (thing two))


There is another species. Pic related.

Attached: gtk.png (647x366, 31K)

IF(condition, true-value[, false-value])

Not too bad desu. Any of the 3 is fine if the project is consistent (and preferably following a popular style guideline

left, no brainer
right = brain too big for common sense

if (Condition) { Statements /* ... */ }


right for conditionals
left for functions and data structure definitions

this is the only correct answer

if (this){dothis();}

K&r is the only acceptable bracing style, allman is for niggers

K&R is BAD (pic related), it scrunches lines of code together just to save an empty line, K&R still wastes an empty line for closing braces.

There is no excuse to put up with K&R, Allman is more readable, it isolates the code inside braces away from the declaration. It takes twice as long to read K&R style code because your eye can't separate declarations from implementation code easily

Attached: K&R+Style.jpg (1024x768, 75K)

im the right

Yes. Eat shit and die

left with
#define begin {
#define end }
included in every header
if (condition)
/* do stuff */

Shouldn't your "else" say "else:"

> Left
you misspelled indian

OP's pic related doesn't show actually code but just shows an ellipse in comments, hmmm, wonder why OP would be AFRAID to show actually production K&R code??????

True patrician answer:

No brackets, no indentation, goto statements control execution flow

gay desu

It depends on the standards established by the project you're working on. Some require right explicitly, some require left explicitly, and some don't give a shit as long as you're not retarded.

Imagine wasting an entire line for one curly boi

>using line breaks
lmao fags

Best way to tell if someone knows programming or just spent 3 mins on code academy is with this answer

if Condition {

A sensibly designed language would not need the parentheses.

depends on the style guide

(when condition

>A sensibly designed language would not need the parentheses.

if Condition {
*/ }

Performed by a standardized fmt tool that also indents the code, so that if curlies accumulate, you can tell how many there are just by the indentation nesting.

This is unconventional, but the more I look at this, the more I like it.

Any language that needs a pass statement is shit.

War doesn't decide who is right. It only decides who is left.

: function ( flag -- )
\ ...

Forth superpower 2020

It changes based upon the direction of the wind.

Right, any basic programming class will teach you this the first week

left because i'm not autistic

is this even PEP8



If Then

Attached: coding.jpg (594x249, 33K)


fuck that's pretty clever

Same applies about Camel Case and snake_case

this, and in c++ i think the right is awful due to member initialization lists, i.e.
Something::Something(int x, int y, int z):
x(x), y(y), z(z)
// ...

// kinda hard to make that look good with the right style:
Something::Something(int x, int y, int z):
x(x), y(y), z(z) {
// ...

Right, left is good for beginners but right looks better and saves space.

Attached: DissedReact.gif (322x242, 1.37M)

someone needs to make an editor plugin that makes all C-family languages do this only while in the editor and then save it as normal brace style to the file

depends on the language used.
C++ = right
Java = left

shit I mean the other way around

K&R > GNU style > literally everything else
Anyone who disagrees is a heretic

Isn't paying by line of code the best way to get inefficient and extremely unnecessary big codes?

(thing (if cond one two))

Always used right, recently tried left and I’m kinda liking it. It’s more readable for sure, and I would often find myself putting empty lines for sake of readability in right anyways.

Attached: D053526B-87D5-4546-AF95-585406D95886.gif (270x188, 1.78M)

wait i don't see the benefit of this

That's exactly what happened friendo. That's why no organization I know of uses this archaic practice anymore.

So I take it you don't do any OOP then. Fucking idiot