Yandere dev, /ourdev/, says he wants to hire a programmer...

Yandere dev, /ourdev/, says he wants to hire a programmer. Are any of you going to take up the offer and make a great game?

Attached: file23.png (1430x885, 261K)

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Does the if-else vs switch issue even matter though? Apparently compilers tend to convert them into the same thing when they get down to assembly anyway

supposedly its faster if there is a lot of cases for the switch statement, like 4 or more

>I programmed the cameras to stop rendering if the player couldn't see the mirror or the TV screens and the framerate improved
>this is the sort of thing that is affecting the game's framerate. Not the code.
>Not the code
Dude, it's in your game. You programmed it that way. How the fuck is it not "the code"?

ah yes, the good old "premature optimization is the root of all evil" meme


Go away, EvaXephon

Attached: 1540667476410.gif (399x163, 1.51M)

he still does string comparisons every chance he gets
but even that's not that big of a deal, his 10k line update method is the problem


pls no bully yandredev. he had a hard life

Attached: yRa0aoq.jpg (1291x919, 160K)

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It's still in fucking beta?

Can't he just made this a function instead? At least you know what the method do instead of letting it change a variable on your class.

he's not /ourdev/

I feel bad for him. I hope he doesn't fall for the trap meme or even worse: going ghost.

>going ghost
OwO what's this?

>being this new
He made a thread suggesting people about a plan for a game he had in mind people here loved the idea initially. This was way back and you probably don't even know it judging by your post.

>jew hair & shekel-detector
>a chin weaker than leafy's
>ears bigger than a bonobo's
lel at his life, I look like a god in comparison.

post face user


Keep your faggoty toys on your own board, you stupid /v/irgin.

Depends on what you mean by "matter". Switch is almost always going to be faster than if-else if statements mainly due to the fact that there will be multiple conditions that needs to be processed each time for if-else statements. The more number of conditions, the slower if-else if statements become.

For OP's example, if else is going to be "much" slower than the switch statement because conditions are called each time for if-else, while the switch statement will only call the condition once and store it (both gcc/clang optimizes this).

don't feel like doxing myself today so here's an approximation:

Pic related but my head has an upside-down egg shape, ears are about the same, hair is like a bronze mop, not greasy because I'm neurotic about grease, minor stubble in a goattee formation, weaker jawline.

I've become more attractive (or a feel more attractive) ever since i hit my 100lb benchpress benchmark at the gym.

Attached: approximately yours truly.jpg (640x640, 100K)


or use an array and store the right day at the right index

Also wtf is wit the shitty function name "IfElse", "SwitchCase" well you don't fucking say!?

>100ib bench
What a fag. I bet this is a closer approximation.

Attached: VN5Uwg6.png (633x833, 628K)

whoops forgot how pic looked.

Ears tilt back more than pic relatedabout 1/2in from shull at pointy bit, lobes not attached. Node is roman-ish because ancestry, brox is about the same but brows are thicker. Resting face looks like a mix between a depressed vinny and a sour neet, generally pessemistic so it makes sense i would not look pleased at the world.
Women misinterpret this as a smoulder and i'm not sure how.

Also i don't have a receeding hairline and i fucking hate thick-rimmed glasses and never wear them. Only own aviator and slims with thin copper frames.

>going ghost

Attached: Z6mmNIF.jpg (1600x1200, 870K)

Holy shit, does that even have a chin.

Will admit my skin is about as pale though. No nigger hair though i'm dutch.

Holy fuck, those eyes...

What's a "raout"?

why does this guy talk as if he's speaking to literal retards?

It's not about "the compiler does this" or "this is faster"

The problem is that you're using way too many fucking lines to express a single concept.
You should not EVEN be using a switch-case or an if-else that long.
There are OTHER, SMARTER, more EXPRESSIVE ways to represent what's going on there, that a less-than-average intelligence programmer will instantly understand the moment they see it.

Like most good literature, programming is largely about writing something that can be easily understood by anyone who reads it.

The "trap meme" would be marginally better than the current absolute STATE of his life.
A lot of the problem with these people is that they don't do the bare minimum to make themselves look presentable in front of others.

Going full homogay trap would be a step in the right direction in this case, because being a faggot in this way requires you to go to a completely different extreme where you're constantly worried about how you look and experiment and try to optimize your appearance in front of others.

No, its not my job to refactor
if (isStupid == false){
return false;
} else {
return true;

yandere dev is a brainlet with several ounce of creativity.

Wow, so this is what a real life retarded person looks like out in the wild
Also nice reddit spacing, nobody will ever take you seriously

Attached: fhUbe7a.jpg (500x1020, 66K)

t. yandere dev
good job outing yourself as a massive newfag though

Attached: 1499754145952.png (886x477, 95K)

don't come back yandere-san

Can't he just simplify the code much more using enum?

There, that reads better

>not getting the point

the absolute state of Jow Forums

He ought to use some of his patreon dosh to sign up for some CS/SE courses

He obviously meant that the performance issues were not with the actual game logic but instead with things like the graphics engine.
Absolutely disgusting. Why not use a lookup table?

Pic is absolutely disgusting. Using switch instead of infinite ammount of else if is better, but still absolutely horrible in that case. Why not just use a string array if you're that stupid?

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In this case you can literally just index an array, fuck the whole ifelse thing

Go back to your reddit hugbox ,Eva you are a massive faggot, you already had an opportunity to fix your eldritch abomination code but fucked it up because you are a retard and now that the patreon bux isnt flowing as strong as before and the shit hits the fan you scramble like the fag that you are to find someone that might fix your shit.
go away kike and never comeback

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ask around in /dpt/. i'm sure there are people who'll help you out. they have their own site, as well -> dailyprog.org

considering you'd be refactoring shit like this I'm not going near it with a 50 foot pole.

holy shit dude go outside and stop browsing Jow Forums or Jow Forums etc. this isn't healthy for you

>Rainbow six: Sage

I think its more about his shitty personality more than his face

Didn't he sack the previous programmer TinyBuild hired for him to convert his code from JS to C#?

I'm pretty sure he accused the programmer of "slowing him down" on adding new features, even though translating code to another language is already time consuming enough without also trying to clean up and optimise a shit codebase.

Basically the guy isn't a good coder and an even worse manager, prioritising ramming more features into the game rather than cleaning up what already exists, probably to keep the game in the limelight. If that game actually gets completed I'll be amazed.

But the switch takes more lines of code and is uglier

It actually can't be finished. If it gets finished, he loses his money flow from patreon, because there's no way the game will sell any units. The game will forever have content added until the entire project implodes on itself.

Just use an array big head

Tbf in this example that's not even the point.
He isn't doing anything to the operands in this operation (presumably the day is incremented else where) and he isn't doing anything to the result other than storing it in a variable.

It makes no sense to use any kind of branching statement over a list or data map if it's just a read/write process.

Knowing YandereDev when the game needs 32GB of Ram to run what looks like a PS2 game, he will blame not being able to optimise it on all of the emails he just HAS to read.

Why is everyone in the thread making suggestions without knowing the context of where this applied?

The context is days of the week though. 1 is always going to be Monday, there's nothing to check because Monday is never going to be another number.

>using a lookup table to retrieve 7 values

Someone show arrays to this guy

for(int id = 1; i < 7;i++)
if id == 1:
day = Monday
if id == 2:
day = Tuesday


>Switch is almost always going to be faster than if-else if statements mainly due to the fact that there will be multiple conditions that needs to be processed each time for if-else statements
thats only if you have processing in your comparison
if it's just if x == y it's the same shit

And hash tables
and functions
and basic algorithms
and how to structure code
and how to split said code neatly across more than one file
and how to program in the first place

days = ["Monday","Tuesday",Wednesday","Thrusday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"];

Day = days[ID-1];

go easy on Jow Forumstards all they do is talk about how to optimize 50 line programs

This is all it needs to be.

If we're lucky, otherwise it's just brand evangelism.

That's not reddit spacing, retard.

Putting a blank line after every line break is retarded.

It looks like this.

And is reddit spacing.

Separating your message into paragraphs with line breaks isn't reddit spacing.
You can use regular line breaks for lines still related directly to the last, however it's a good idea to put a blank line between lines that aren't directly related, like conclusions.

In conclusion, you're a retard.

Don't even need to initialize it.

Day = ["Monday","Tuesday",Wednesday","Thrusday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"][id-1];

But it looks like days are going to be used more than once, in which case it would be better to just use an enum.

>nobody will ever take you seriously
Nah, only /v/tards will. Now if only there was a way to make them not respond to you at all.

>Jow Forums shits on 1 bad function in some random indie game in which any 1st year babby college student can make better

Now that's desperate.

At least you admit it now.

>Implying is only 1 bad function
>He thinks someone that writes something as stupid as OP pic wouldnt write even more horrible code

Yandere source code is a museum of bad code

The source code was leaked/publicized at some point, it was all atrocious.

The fact that he wants to hire another programmer means that he has got himself into a dead end where one change in the code instigate changes in other parts of the code.

The people paying for his Patreon literally do not give a fuck. He still makes 3k a month off it. When will you naive 'programmers' realize the consumer does not give a fuck about how its programmed as long as it works and they can do the things the game advertises?

He already did, but he sacked the programmer and broke ties with TinyBuild who hired them on his behalf because YandereDev couldn't wait for him to finish the job of porting the code to c# before adding anymore features.

Or he wants to work on other aspects of the game(story/models/music/direction/dialog/etc) instead of wasting time programming it.

You can do a lot with even this look. Imagine if he had the personality of, say, Danny DeVito. The true whatever color pill is that looks do matter for men, but the primary reason they matter is because you can more often than not accurately tell what someone's personality is by his looks.
Jow Forums, please.

programming it is all he does it has no story and he doesnt make the art

This is why no sane programmer would go into game dev to work more with less pay. Maybe game engine dev and selling code assets to the art goyim.

He looks like me and I'm 100% kike.

literally wrong

making games is more fun than making boringass business apps and websites

He doesn't really make any of that himself, he gets it through Unity asset store or by unpaid freelance by fans.

YandereDev purposely feature creeps the shit out of the game because it gives PewDiePie something to scream about every month.

no, kill yourself you stupid fucking incel. i hope i made your life a little shittier when i found your old shayda forums and spammed the shit out of them.

He still has to setup the scenarios and decide how the game progresses. That's a lot of work on its own.

He's a director at this point, and directors don't typically program. He created the original idea behind Yandere which attracted so many players.

>He's a director at this point, and directors don't typically program.
hes a fucking solo game dev
seeing he doesn't make the art he spends 100% of his work time programming
"setting up scenarios" is programming

Not at a large company after 10 years when you get zero say in game design.

fuck off alex

I can promise you Undertale's GameMaker code would be in the same tier as Yandere. Undertale 2 is also made in GM.

The franchise is still massively popular. Wanking over how optimized you made your code is the dumbest shit you can do and a complete waste of time to anyone that isn't a code enthusiast.


fucking retards.

Attached: 2018-11-01_12-56-28.webm (640x434, 2.52M)

not sure a job like that even exists in the game industry after 5 years you're either a senior dev or you've quit

>Dev: Hey it would be cool to do this!
>Shareholders: Or you could not and spend that time instead implementing loot boxes

I feel like he would have fallen for it by now tbdesu. I feel like 30 is too old to fall for it but then again, maybe not.

Attached: eva.png (456x336, 153K)

OP is Evaxephon

But adding loot boxes takes less than a day. I wouldn't even consider that programming but more tweaking a math formula to make the RNG jew as much money out of people as possible.

>Actually thinking people are losing their shit over the code in the image
Not really m8, it's just that particular piece of code is far too complicated for what is a really simple task so one can only imagine what the fuck is going on when something actually complex is written.

Also undertale is a 2D game, you just can't fuck up performance on modern computers, but Unity3D is very different.

Use a map/dictionary instead of using switch or ifs

And that one day is guaranteed to generate more money than months of work implementing anything that is out of the ordinary.

thats way slower

Is it? With a branch statement it has to compare each time until it gets the correct day. With an array you're just grabbing a String from an ID you know will always be the same.