I am a genius programmer

#define PI 3.14159265
using namespace std;

int main()
double c;
while (1)
for(double a = -PI; a< PI; a+=0.35)
c = sin (a)*10;
if (c>0)cout

Attached: 1485315964009[1].png (498x497, 156K)


this also works without the if statement
shit code

>using namespace std
>#define PI

>genius programmer
Probably because your parents think so.

nitpicking retards

he's right
#define PI 3.14159265
using namespace std;

int main()
double c;
while (1)
for(double a = -PI; a< PI; a+=0.35)
c = sin (a)*10+10;
for (int b=0; c>b; b++)cout

but why

Attached: adfasdf.png (278x288, 3K)

u could've photoshopped that. that's no proof it works

user, I...

Attached: ITemplate.jpg (550x396, 37K)

Me too, my programs never crash.
int main() {
try {
// insert code here
catch (Exception) {
goto: start;

Attached: 1396475315046.jpg (549x563, 46K)

>two for in a while

*blocks your path*


int main(void) {
int c = 0;
for(double i=0;; i+=0.35) {
c = (int) (sin(i)*10+20);
printf("%*s", c , "waves\n");

Attached: judgingyou.png (672x787, 964K)

>genius programmer
>not using python

I don't understand how this works

imagine this for loop as
double i=0
while(true) {
//everything that was inside
c is optimised to one line and printf is being printf with its formatting (I rarely work with printf, "%stuff" tells compiler how should it represent variable(s) that are next argument(s), in this case "%*s" tells it what to do with variable c; learning how this printf magic works is your homework (and I guess mine too now)


int main(void) {
for(double i=0;; printf("%*s", (int) (sin(i+=0.35)*10+20), "waves\n"));

what is stdlib.h there for


because even I sucks cocks. Nice catch!

he's using the sine function. are you a high schooler?

so that the libs get std


!!! ALERT !!! ~~ WARNING ~~

This is a hack! It looks innocuous, but it has hidden characters. DO NOT BUILD AND RUN THIS! It opens ports on your PC and allows an attacker to connect remotely to your PC.

You've been warned!!
