GIF to Webm thread

Give me a gif to webmemize or fucking do it yourself:

for %%f IN (*.gif) do (
ffmpeg -i "%%f" -filter:v hqdn3d=5.0:5.0:5.0:5.0 -c:v libvpx -b:v 0 -crf 20 -qmax 40 -quality best "%%~nf.webm"

for f in *.gif; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -filter:v hqdn3d=5.0:5.0:5.0:5.0 -c:v libvpx -b:v 0 -crf 20 -qmax 40 -quality best "out/${f%.*}.webm"; done

Attached: 1538123413918.gif (400x400, 1.4M)

Attached: 1538123413918.webm (400x400, 160K)

Attached: 1540344584108.gif (600x400, 3.56M)

Attached: 1540344584108.webm (600x400, 387K)

do this one
i want to see what size you get

Attached: Trump Thumbs Up Smile.gif (720x404, 1.75M)

Why would irreversibly you increase the entropy of the universe by using energy wasting CPU cycles on shitty plebbit-tier images?

webm is a shitty hack for an image alternative.. stop using it

gif has global support and works the same across all software.. videos do not

t. buttmad iToddler

That's a tough one. Good optimization lad.

Attached: 1541896270396.webm (720x404, 1.1M)

This is a gif to webm thread not a webm to gif.

Videos are smaller and run more efficiently on CPUs. Stop buying Apple.

i got 1.3M with your original command

Who wouldn't want to hasten the arrival of the heat death of the universe? Do you want sentient life and it's perversions to roam free for longer that it needs to?

Here's one with heavy denoising applied.

Could be your libvpx version, recent updates have improved compression somewhat.

Attached: 1541896270396.webm (720x404, 689K)

that looks good

i have
Name : libvpx
Version : 1.7.0-1

are you looking for 'lossless' compression?

Attached: 1541896270396.webm (720x404, 192K)


no, i'm just seeing how small it gets without losing too much quality

I have the same version too, that's odd...

Did you forget to copy "-quality best"?

tiny, but you obviously see the degradation.

Attached: 1541896270396_2.webm (720x404, 52K)

no, i used
ffmpeg -i "~/Desktop/temp/Trump Thumbs Up Smile.gif" -filter:v hqdn3d=5.0:5.0:5.0:5.0 -c:v libvpx -b:v 0 -crf 20 -qmax 40 -quality best "Trump Thumpbs Up Smile.webm"

oh nevermind, brainfart on bytes vs kb

Attached: Trump Thumpbs Up Smile.webm (720x404, 1.08M)

now mine is 1.08M vs that first one you posted at 1.1M, must be 4chins messing with me

Hey, that's pretty good.

Attached: 5-chicas-del-anime-que-nos-gustarĂ­an-como-imouto-6-Animemx.webm (500x248, 174K)

Attached: 5-chicas-del-anime-que-nos-gustarĂ­an-como-imouto-6-Animemx.gif (500x248, 777K)

phh, ridiculous. GIF IS ALL YOU NEED.

Attached: GIF.gif (500x248, 100K)


thats nice and all but the webms look like shit compared to the original gif,maybe up the quality a bit

No thanks. I'll keep the original gif with the original quality instead.

You call that optimisation?

Attached: gif.gif (500x248, 47K)

Attached: Trump Mocking Laugh.webm (720x404, 903K)

Counter signaling much?

Attached: 1518627088576.jpg (674x670, 77K)

Nah. Hiromoot should just allow APNG.

Attached: 1526727260655.png (672x1237, 38K)

It's barely better than webp, why not just adopt webp for everything?

With the exception that the webm is slightly shorter and loops faster as a result. Something appears to have fucked up during the conversion.

It's barely better than the results with the -min_size option, which does have a tendency to fuck up and create corrupted footage like . The results without the option aren't just barely better and gif2apng -z2 (the more sane command that produces only slightly larger files than -z2 -i500) is also a lot faster then gif2webp -m 6 -q 100.
Yes, WebP support would be nice, but animated footage isn't exactly its strong suite.


Attached: 1541898961012.jpg (674x670, 88K)

Don't be lazy. If you want a proper webm then use the official source. Gifs look like shit unless they're only showing simple animations.