What standard do you use to name your variables?

My opinion in variable naming is this

>int someVariable; //God tier
>int some_variable; //Jesus tier
>int SOMEVARIABLE; //Mary tier
>int v; //Judas tier

Attached: 116CED96-2D5F-4BF3-A469-D2A503493E22.jpg (678x452, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Snake is best!

int IIlllIII;
int IlIIlIIl;
int llIIlIlI;
int IIIIIlll;
int IIIIllII;
int lllIllll;

Jesus is God tho

int some-Variable;

Attached: cutePepe.png (3000x3000, 945K)

Yes and no. Jesus is the son. God is Jesus but Jesus is not god.

Attached: javascript.jpg (659x317, 41K)

UPPERCASE_SNAKE for constants
i, j, x, y, z, tmp and other short names for stuff that doesn't really matter (e.g. indices)
Everything else is mostly language dependent (e.g. java has its own naming convention)

Never ever use shit like the m_ prefix for class members, it's an old practice that is considered retarded nowadays.


int Peniseater

int dateOfBirth;

Oh...Jow Forums stripped the emojiis out. Mark my words it was hilarious guys

links are non-directional

Doesn't it still mean that god is all 3 but each individually is not god.


If you used camel case in that variable name you would have saved 3 bytes.

int one = 2;

Attached: INS4N3.jpg (1000x563, 151K)

If it's so trivial that it can reasonably be called just "some variable" I'd probably just call it x. That's rare, though.

My style varies depending on the semantics of the language. In C and sepples, I use k&r style. Very terse internal variables, outward-facing functions get a semantic namespace and a name that clearly describes what they do. Snake the namespaces, concatenate the rest (e.g. namespace_helloworld). In Java/Kotlin, I use highly descriptive everything, camel case for variables and title case for types (ObjectType objectName). In python and rust, I'm less verbose than Java but more verbose than C.


I use type synonyms sometimes to make my code more readable. I.e. stuff like size_t, index_t. For identifiers if I’m working on application software on gui stuff I’ll be very verbose on smaller functions I still never use abbrevations. It will just always lead to confusion and look ugly.

int one = 2;
int seven = 3;
int three = seven + 1;

function divideBy(int num){
return num * 23 * one + seven;

What does divideBy(three); return?

well camelCase is the convention for JS so i do that

>>//God tier
>>//Jesus tier

FYI you're going to hell for using them in vain

I didn't know fundies frequented Jow Forums

ArrayList anArrayListInstance = new ArrayList()


int printf
int scanf
int if
int while
int for


>$someArray = array();
>$someArray['some_value'] = $value;
>$someArray['arrayValue'] = $arrayValue;
>function Foo() {}
>function fooBar() {}
>class FooBar {}
>const SOME_CONSTANT = 'value';

Going by the standard used at my workplace:

Loops or variables used in a very small scope - just single letter

function and variable names - descriptive words in camel case

constants - descriptive words in all caps with underscores between each word

Yeah this guy gets it. Would add that in Java and JS it only makes sense to camelCase but pyhton and sometimes php or C like the_snake.

Etc depending on how nested I am in a parameter. Sometimes itll end up looking like
And of course the second variable would be all 2s

what the fuck
why can't you use proper variable names?

Nothing because one and seven are undefined

This makes sense to me

like this:
Theorem FixedPoint_C: is_contraction f ->
exists a:X, phi a /\ is_eq (f a) a
/\ (forall b, phi b -> is_eq (f b) b -> is_eq b a)
/\ forall x, phi x -> is_eq
(lim (fun P => eventually (fun n => P (iter f n x)))) a.


t. Certified Mensa member

t. enclosed space lead painter

error: initializer element is not constant

But if you could code actually code; 552


a,b,c,..,z for storage variables, alllowercase for function variables, camelCase for object instantiation.



idk about that but this post made me smile

int SoMeVaRiaBLe;

Attached: huehuehue.gif (600x447, 2.54M)

Read a style guide for each language, asshole.


It depends on the context and the conventions of the language and field you're programming in, but generally I would reserve capital letters for constants or defs, single letters for index variables and opt for snake case for regular variables if it's my own project.

I prefer snake_case because it's less confusing but generally ill just look at the style standard for the language to keep things as readable as possible for anyone reading my code who has a lot of experience with that language

Nevermind I figured it out.

Public properties
>int SomeName

Private variables, and local variables
>int someName

>int n, var item, var feature


I use a random combination of all the tiers.

On a sidenote, I don't really get why people seem to think scientists are terrible programmers.

int32_t registers[256];

Its really just lack of expertise in young scientists

Scientists who program tend to have their code introduced to the real world before their skill in coding is fully developed whereas cs students spend years writing bullshit programs and getting good before their code sees the light of day