Ditch your phone

Ditch your phone
Oh btw I do have a phone from a family plan but only because I don't pay for it lol
I also record with this phone
But you totally don't need a phone goys!

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smartphones are disgusting mind control military devices and should never be used to access the internet > a neural network

shooting toxic signal through apps at this long-standing protected signal neural network is a violation of military protocol and it baffles the most studious as to how it was ever permitted.

Luke is the dictionary picture example that accompanies the definition of "inauthentic."

what a fucking retard
doesn't surprise me one bit he's Jow Forums personified

guys ditch the botnet use only free software because it respects your freedom and privacy
libreboot your computer and use void linux
oh btw i have a google account and upload videos to a google video platform lol

Who is this guy and why does he look like a fucking borderline basedboy

next unabomber

I find him so confusing. In the one moment he makes really good and thought-out points, but in the other moment he has ironically memes as opinions.
Like today in the stream. Topic is global warming. He just talks shit about iceage or something, acts like there isn't mountains of scientific evicence and says that this topic is addressed by people who he finds cringy, so he doesn't want to be associated with them. WTF that's not the point. Talk about the topic or stfu.
It's like he does only care how he is perceived by some sperg on the internet, even if it means ignoring facts.


His recent video on the upcoming Q&A was particularly bad. "I'm not going to answer questions about X... unless you pay me, then sure I'll talk about it". He's becoming a total shill now that his sub count is up.

ITT: try to represent someone on the internet as a hypocrite. But as if your ideals and actions are 100% the same. Don't be mean to someone who has the balls to show themselves to the world with all their strenghts and contradictions.

Many contradictions also are not so irl, because in reality there are more layers, that you just don't see yet.

He's a cutie. :3 Go Luke!

>He's a cutie. :3 Go Luke!
t. horny tranny faggot

He literally said he agrees with scientists on the level that CO2 levels SHOULD cause an increase in global temperature average, and pointed out that many right winger primitivist groups also accept that idea.

>adds html macros to shitty text editor
>look guys I made an IDE, fuck JetBrains!

Than why is it bad when politicians try to do something against it?
It's immediately "le lefties try to control muh life with le taxes and le regulations".

He says he doesn't like how leftist use global warming as an excuse to bring in climate immigrants. I am actually on the opposite side of the spectrum and I watch him for fun. I like how he is against using plastic cups or bottles while he is drinking tap water that went through plastic at some point.

what an ugly boi

Literally just stop taking public figures opinions on unrelated things as more important as the average person..

Who gives a shit what Luke Smith thinks about global warming?
Who gives a shit about what jordan peterson thinks about nutrition?
Who cares who [Taylor swift/Kanye west/...] tell you to vote for?

It's not their field of expertise. Just because you have an audience doesn't mean your opinions on everything matter

Their opinions*

Goddamn it

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>Only dumb niggers and leftist kikes use tracking devices called "celluar phones"
Christ Luke isn't holding back anymore

He's not wrong.

Do you want to hear about a cool book I read on the Pathophysiology and it's affects on the French Revolution?
It's a really incisive look into the origins of liberalism (which btw, most normie conservatives are really just liberals if you think about it). I've already got through the first couple chapters
Would have read more, but I got distracted learning a new markup language so that I could duplicate someone's work on ancient Mesopotamian runes. Also I tweaked i3 so that it semi-resembles the functionality of a stock XFCE/Openbox with a few options enabled.

Attached: Not-as-Smart2.jpg (1280x720, 411K)

He says he just leaves it a home and doesn't use it often so it doesn't spy on him as much.

Hi OP I am Luke Smith I’d like you to delete this thread thanks

- posted by iPhone Xs with Tapatalk


idk, he sure does put in a lot of work regardless of authenticity, really admirable in my opinion

this is a child who jumps on every contrarian trend. he is a sub110IQ poser.

There is no way he is below 110 IQ, he is clearly pretty smart.

Politicians use it as a cash grab you fucking dumb sack of shit

good point! ideas should be removed from the narrator (can't completely b/c motive is an important factor I.e. eternal (((shills))) but I digress). its a bad idea to shutdown narrative b/c this nigger or that nigger said it, current year everyone is dumb might as well embrace.

user brings good point though, some subjects are tiresome and can be mentally filtered to focus on self improvement. climate change is a great example since monolithic in nature and can't have reasonable impact unless you're a fortune 500 (or at all depending on outlook), although maybe activism is a way to make a change, idk I'm just a dumb faggot. maybe someone can make an equation to figure out efficiency of fighting w/ people to real world impact...

sorry this thread had me thinking

hey Luke

Void isn't truly free software and Luke only has Coreboot on his X220, which he couldn't even do himself.

lol he's more concise than I'll be for a long time

As long as it is better for the climate, who cares? Stop being jelly and make money yourself.

> acts like there isn't mountains of scientific evicence
There isn't. Not for the stuff enviormentalists try to push. Remember that they told us the world would be over by now.

We're not talking about the Maya calendar, dipshit.

>do iqdb.org image to find out who this sperglord is
>see results

Fuck this guy, I'm out.

I'm pretty certain he posts these threads himself

the moment this faggot gets a job he will ditch his dumpster dived thinkpads for a macbook

>mountains of scientific evicence
lol, unreflected repeating of government propaganda. the evidence stands on very shaky grounds. we don't have a proper way to measure global temperatures nowadays because tmeperature sensors are unevenly distributed and their resolution is integral.
also the people saying that global warming is real are people who depend on government grants to keep their jobs. and governments love nothing more than regulations and any opportunity to tax people.
there is no independent research done on the topic because scientists are financially dependent on a party that has a vested interest in certain results

>over by now
yeah, they predicted a new ice age. kek

Is this copypasta? That's some serious schizo word salad

>Than why is it bad when politicians try to do something against it?
because no matter what those idiots do it won't work. politicians are incompetent. too incompetent to make money in the free market. so wtf do you want them to do? they will tax everything to death and create mis-incentives that will make the problem just worse. everything the government touches just gets worse.
and those are the honest politicians. then you have a good part which are just greedy sociopaths and just want power and money and don't even care about the climate. as long as their dicks stay hard and their pockets stay full they're happy. and they will do absolutely anything to stay in power.

110 isn't smart. 110 is pretty average. normie npc tier. shit you find on reddit or on Jow Forums

>Stop being jelly and make money yourself.
just to have that money robbed by politicians?

atleast he has some good tips for newfags

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>higher than average is pretty average

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> Following whatever somebody tells you to do
Hello there fellow NPC, Yes I am also consumerist NPC. Did you watch the Vargs latest video? Rember not to masturbate.

But seriously, if you watch any of these guys (luke, varg, etc.), and don't just take what they say as either advice, warnings, or topics for discussion, then you need to go back. NPC's not welcome here.

the guy is a parrot. a parrot with horrible genetics (bald in his 20s).

I browse my 4chins on my phone. I don't give a shit if the military knows what I'm doing. I just shit post anyway.

How dare you assume his IQ is anything less than 200. He is literally Terry tier. Luke, I hear you have a script or something for seeing when your name pops up in these forums. If you read this, I want you to cum in my ass daddy.

Attached: luke.jpg (573x767, 221K)

>A reasonable point being made on Jow Forums that actually adds to the discussion
user, I like you. In my view (and there is some evidence to back it up,) when a fortune 500 company takes abuit oike that they don't just stand idly by. They can't have the regulation/law/bill/etc impacti g their bottom line. So as the regulations/laws/bills/etc continue to pile up they continue to "downsize" by cutting employees.
Leading to my next point, if we're to draw up and equation, there would have to be some exponents to compound how the additions of extra regulations will hurt the little guy more than the big guy.


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guy's been venting on /sci/
it'll pass

purest for of autism

Seriously? I thought he was in his late 30s or early 40s.

Luke you are a sad, sad little boy.

top kek

Based and redpilled

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he is in his 30s now but bald at 20.

>"guys stop playing video games they're a jewish conspiracy"
>plays deus ex music

>listening to the theme of a game is the same thing as playing the game
Jow Forums: the absolute state

He has a gameplay video of Deus Ex on his channel despite saying he doesn't play vidya

Leave him alone, hes a cool dude

yep! his videos + vim tutor is what allowed me to quickly adapt Vim+LaTeX. this is coming from a literal retard, the way he explains stuff is very good and a lot less verbose than what might have been offered only 3 years prior. Many linux tutorials are lacking like this (christmas-ost Indians w/ static + word pad come to mind immediately, long esoteric readme.md come to mind also, such as the abortion that comes with vimtex)

Thanks for posting my pasta, i am glad to see someone enjoying it
Thanks for replying to it

>politicians are incompetent so I advocate the opposite of what’s in my best interest

nvm solved it

haters gonna hate
Jow Forums is a shithole as usual
luke does his thing
all you do is shitposting and asking stupid shit
while some of you actually belive in global warming, topkek

What does he even do for a living?

That's a funny way to spell "hypocrite".

Early balding means high testosterone. Something you lack seeing as how you're projecting your own insecurities by shitting on Luke.

grad student in linguistics and patreon bux

Who did?

the thing about luke is that he's become too lost in larping. he doesn't understand that modern traditionalists have to embrace the duality, and that riding the tiger is LARPING.

for example, jerking off to anime traps is ok

>i hate friendless NEETS
>also im a pseudo-neet linguistics student that wants to live in a cabin but i really really REALLY hate incel neets that dont have friends btw

what a retarded amerimutt fuck

sure bud and i'm sure you have no clue from what anime those songs on your drive are

he literally fucking streamed the game
he's a videogame streamer, let that sink in

Not a secret, he admitted in a live stream that he pretends to be his own haters

>81 / 7 / 50 / 2
Makes you think

wow, pathetic

luke the balding snub nosed amerimutt whoring for attention again