*autism intensifies*

*autism intensifies*

Attached: ShanghaiMissingFloors.jpg (280x504, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

translate.google.co.uk/#en/zh-CN/ground floor

>no 0 floor

>he didn't realize 4, 13 and 14 being absent
>4 is a bad luck number in china
>13 is in general a bad luck number
>14 is always absent in the usa
>in the usa the ground floor is the first floor, hense 1 and no 0

Floor 0, 4, 13 and 14 has been made inaccessible from this lift. What's your problem?

>14 is always absent in the usa

>appealing to subhuman superstition
>imitating Americans which aren't even human
They should unironically kill themselves to be honest.

Are you retarded or have you never been to a city building?

Check out the autism on this guy

My bad, it's 13 that's absent in the usa, and 14 is again absent in china because it's read as 10-4 and 4 is still a bad luck number there.

What seems to be the problem, OP?
>What are private floors

Attached: 1540486335644.jpg (544x638, 34K)

>My bad, it's 13 that's absent in the usa
The absolute state of the US

That's actually where we keep the burger lounges. No communists allowed.

he's not wrong about 13, though

These specific numbers aren't because of private floors.

>people are afraid of certain numbers
Would it be lucky if the floors were called 0b1101 or 0b100 instead?

>currentyear argument
There's still a shitton of people and cultures that are superstitious about certain childish shit.


>live in apartment 39
>everyone keeps knocking and asking where the bitches at

Asians are afraid of the number 4 and numbers containing the number 4 because 4 sounds like the word for "death" in moon.

>he lives in afghanistan

>tfw live in floor 13 in apartment 39 in block 4

Attached: 1522693437529.png (600x600, 116K)

>he doesn't
Get a load of this kafir.

>he lives in an afghan neighborhood

>>in the usa the ground floor is the first floor
I believe you mean in Chinese.
translate.google.co.uk/#en/zh-CN/ground floor

You'd be amazed that it's the same in the USA.

insectoid chinks

Is nobody going to talk about the fact that the numbers follow in rows instead of columns even though they're further apart row-wise?

Attached: 3a31c2b3f9be474c110a530f0f97febecbf0ffe984d2119bb94da7b60dc56bdd.png (1280x720, 989K)

>people are still retarded


fuck, people likes jumping off 14th floor

Yes it's bad design, but it is by chinks, what do you expect?

their faces when i wave my smol benin at them

not a big problem imo

>no 13 floor
I'm a burger and this always pisses me off. It's fucking architecture, it's a business not a game, be professional about it.

I actually have no problem with that, the buttons are roughly in the position of the floors, given the limited vertical space on the board. It's a bit unfortunate that they're spaced so widely apart.

What about kids that are born on the 4th of any month? Are they considered unlucky?

>what is abortion

Yes, especially on February. 4 and 2 sounds like "will die" is Nippon moon dialect.

if you're born on the 4th of April in 2004 then you'd be.

Why would they purposely name their numbers like bad words? Are they retarded?

>why does breath sound like death if corpses can't breathe????
This is how retarded you sound.

Chinks are extremely superstitious. It's not surprising really, imagine taking some primitive idiots and then in 50 years jumpstarting them to modern industry. Of course they'd think that everything around them runs on magic since they never saw the slow progression that non-primitive stonethrowers saw

>breath sounds like death
Not even a little bit.

A chink would cheat their birth to avoid this. If you looked at a birth registrar in chinkland, you'd see loads of people born on the third and the fifth, but none or almost none on the fourth. They'd just fudge the date because otherwise magical sky superstition will get them. Then they go home and run over some children on the way.

But no one is superstitious about the word breath and purposely avoids using it

The number thirteen has no reason to be viewed as superstitious as it is either, even less than the number 4.

Most places just use B for basement if it's a room below ground or something like that rather than -1.

Yes but I don't see anybody going as far as changing their birth date to not be x/13

is just some retarded Jow Forumsfag who stumbled upon the wrong board.

Americans and Europeans are retarded too in regards to the number 13.

Some buildings don't have a 13th floor or 13th apartment because the rent would be cheaper due to less demand.

I used to live on the "13th" (14th floor in Americanese but we call it 13) and never even gave it a thought.
I don't think anyone in Europe actually gives a shit.

This. Nobody gives a shit about superstition here. We have all floors from 0 to whatever the fuck how high the building is, including 13.

Oh hi!

Attached: 8CD69FE6-E503-496C-828D-6CE2594DA058.jpg (2839x4617, 3.84M)

Ho boy you should spend some time in china.

Cursed image

>The tower's exterior is supposed to mimic the shape of four cylinders in a car engine, with the museum representing a cylinder head.
Literally has nothing to do with superstition. I'm very sure they even called the floor above the groove the 13th floor.

Doesn't look anything like engine cylinders though.


The Chinese may be superstitious, but claims like should be backed up by evidence.

I know about 4 and 13 but 14 is a weird one. No, it's not always absent.

The professional thing to do is to maintain the tradition of skipping floor 13

The even more professional thing to do is include a button for 13th floor but just not hook it up to the circuit board.

I've lived twice in apartment nr 13.
How fucked am i?

Nippon means Japan though

the absolute state of afghanistan

here I often see
E would be Erdgeschoss (ground floor)

Attached: a5015096de6d027dd30f0d9795e99422fae0a7a504f13acecf95d477db80763b.jpg (985x1108, 319K)

13 is not absent you fag.


Just hold it in for 24 hours.

it's derived from imported readings of chinese characters. the nips actually made their own word for 4 to avoid saying death, but it's still technically correct. seven has the same problem actually.

the chinese were just fucking dumb a few thousand years ago.