Int myInt = 5;

>int myInt = 5;

Attached: 1507295761446.png (485x443, 26K)

/* this a method */

Attached: 1529294968381.jpg (250x250, 8K)

>Person person = new Person();

Attached: 1539206832369.jpg (157x117, 3K)

Attached: A9347342-7D81-4937-A742-688A507C7E8E.jpg (960x768, 104K)

OP op = new OP()
Fag = true

auto myint{5};

/* this assigns the integer value of 5 to the integer variable myInt */
int myInt = 5;

public class apples{
public static void main(String args[]){
int boy, girl;
boy = 18;
girl = 68;

if (boy > 10 && girl < 60){
System.out.println("You can enter");
System.out.println("You cannot enter");

Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56K)


old New = new Old();

Attached: 1541417377617.gif (720x960, 2.74M)


Attached: 1388427417040.png (397x298, 118K)


>final boolean GENDER;

Attached: smug (2).png (563x542, 260K)

I thought Jow Forums hated him?

program OPIsAFaggot;
var vAge: Integer;
vAge := 26;

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (400x400, 20K)


> Encoding the type of a [function] into the name (so-called Hungarian notation) is brain damaged—the compiler knows the types anyway and can check those, and it only confuses the programmer.
Linus Torvalds

No wonder Microsoft writes buggy code.

>int ourInt = 5;

Attached: 1313715187002.png (756x760, 40K)

if (flag == TRUE) return TRUE;

MyInt = 5

Fuck boomers


Attached: Pepe thinking man.png (554x744, 34K)

What if at the end of the program I replace every variable with the name I want, faggot?

if (obj != null)

Attached: 1541323166285.jpg (1462x2046, 121K)

Hello backend I'm here where are you? :-(

this is why I don't hire people that can't write DRY code.

what??How can you write a data structure without doing these little checks then?

You can use asserts or handle Null Pointer Exceptions :zany:


switch (myEnum)

Attached: 1541399211320.jpg (903x960, 52K)

is there an actual memes-aside reason why you should use assert or null pointer exceptions over simply obj != null?


Attached: 1517663258102.png (900x729, 129K)

After 2 years of studying c and python, I can just barely write a hello world.

Attached: 1532065117773.jpg (705x527, 247K)

do you practice at all outside your uni's coursework?

>hiring people based on skills and intelligence
Bad goy approach multicultiralism

that's just depressing

just like Jow Forums

Studying by book virgin vs studying by example chad(me). Can immediately start writing in any unfamiliar programming language by dissecting code snippets written in that language. Haven't read a single book on programming in my entire life.

class OP : Faggot

const TRUE = FALSE;
const FALSE = TRUE;

for(FALSE = TRUE) do { /* 10 miles of nested comparisons */ };

auto my_int = new int{};
//Do something
delete my_int;

Attached: soy.jpg (1221x795, 461K)

>int a = 0;

>#define TRUE !FALSE

Attached: 1529484860253[1].jpg (320x320, 18K)

same tbqh

Thanks for deleting my comments mods, instead of deleting garbage threads that have absolutely nothing to do with technological discussions. Same as the drug threads, the music you program to, which programming socks to wear, etc

please literally jump into a grinder and get rekt. thanks

not in most cases

You can never be too careful


int main(void)
return 0;



class apples{
public static void main(String args[]){
int age = 60;

if (age < 50){
System.out.println("You are young");
System.out.println("You are old");
if(age > 75){
System.out.println("You are REALLY old!");
System.out.println("dont worry you arent really thta old");

Attached: 1524537149203.jpg (638x558, 64K)

if (condition == true)
return true;
else if (condition == false)
return false;

public class apples {
public static void main (String[] args){
potpie potObject = new potpie(4,5,6);

public class potpie {
public int month;
public int day;
public int year;

public potpie(int m, int d, int y){
month = m;
day = d;
year = y;

System.out.printf("The constructor for this is %s\n", this);

public String toString(){
return String.format("%d/%d/%d", month, day, year);

Attached: 1523988036669.png (474x711, 90K)

a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3

Attached: inteligent fish.jpg (3300x1600, 1.08M)

I told you, don't make fun of Bucky.


Siema dżordan

int a = b = c;

Holy shit


Attached: 21312312412.jpg (800x679, 100K)

Powertool Patch 0.0.1b

this function calculates the n to the power of a given number.
The result is returned as an int.
Please do not input negative exponents as of yet. (will be fixed in the next patch *glomps*)
int powerof(int n,int to){
int result = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < to; i++){
result = result * n;
return result;

Attached: 1512561930807.gif (600x450, 1.66M)

>#define while if

When I was young this would confuse the hell out of me in programming tutorials. The other example they provide is
Car car = new Car();

I guess that's why they were programmers and not teachers

Attached: 1524484721396.png (871x672, 164K)

I've seen something like this in production code, without the 'else' oc


this is a library to control some fucking LEDs on a string, on a controller with less than 64K of memory

just fucking kill me

Attached: Capture.png (356x216, 9K)


Attached: pp550x550.jpg (443x550, 38K)

#define ZERO 0

Attached: me-new.jpg (633x640, 47K)

grug is actually the best thing that could have happened to this subreddit

upvoted you :)

my $int = 5;

/* beginning of for loop */ for ( /*init assignment for control variable i*/ i = 10 /* we assign 10 as init value*/; /*dont forget semicolon*/ i /*control condition for our for loop*/ < /*binary operator less than because we don't want the value to be higher*/ 100 /*higher than 100*/; /*never forget semicolon*/ i++ /*after every iteration we increment the control variable by one (1)*/ )
{ /* start of a block*/
/* body loop */
} /* everything must come to an end, including blocks*/

I always comment my code to avoid confusion and increase clarity.


Fuck off faggots, not everyone is a 35 year old wizard living in their moms basement with nothing else to do but write code all day on their shitty gentoo thinkpad and then make fun of strangers on the internet because our coding abilities are not as great or our style does not fit their fucking "LOOK AT HOW 1337 I AM XD" standards.
You'll forever stay a virgin because no fucking girl, and as a matter of fact no fucking company either, care about how you declare your fucking integers.

Retarded elitist faggots!

rate my meme :)

Attached: me.jpg (449x385, 39K)

>t. javascript "developer"

Is that avoidable? Assuming Java because of obvious world modeling.

export INT=5

if Jow Forums.postNo() = quints {
echo "checked"

What? Is this referring to some lewd granny stuff?

I need to make a script to replace instances of bullshit myVar myList myComment with our

>assignment operator
>identifier starts with number
>quints is not defined
what are you even doing on this board? posting
cpu/gpu shill threads?

>not using constexpr


Attached: confused young mio hands to head.png (591x716, 322K)

>can't code just by reading and understanding the concepts in the books

Attached: stupid helper pepe.jpg (1920x1541, 145K)

The only way that ever made sense to me... Logic takes over code analysis and composition. Feels godlike. Others genuflect appropriately as well.

set myint=5

Almost forgot about that

>>int myInt = 5;
So what's wrong here? Explicit better then implicit.

god tier

not freeing up integer reference pointers

not using auto

FUCK why do people use fucking "my" in front of their vars???

NO its not myInt, its just a fucking integer. The "my" part only uselessly increases the character individual has to type. Not to mention when I see it used in big projects, it just makes the whole project look like a fucking child drawing tapped onto the fridge.

Attached: aaa.png (600x494, 643K)

>getting this angry over npc-tier programming

unnecessary semicolon

>getting angry
I'm just pointing out, no need to get defensive here

This. Should be
int Int = 5;

No. The person you replied to has no idea what DRY means.

C# syntax.

The software you write is shit since all you understand about programming is the syntax.