Whats the best encryption algorithm?

So I was wondering what is the best (most secure) encryption algorithm since there are so many algorithms (and variations)?

I've always used AES-256 (because that's the default) and I don't really understand much about encryption to choose. AES-256 is the only one I had heard of.

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I am sure that a few Google searches would've answered your question.
Encryptions can be mixed and matched in verious scenarios. Off-The-Record is a great example of that

One time pad

Caesar cipher

Who the fuck needs more than this?
I like to print out my text files and manually encrypt them for extra security.

Monoalphabetic cipher. Just add +1 to each lettera index in the alphabet starting at 0 for A and so on. Apply modulo 26 after. Not even NSA can crack this shit, its on the cutting edge of encryption.

Sort of a vague question. Encryption can be implemented in many different ways - what are you trying to encrypt? AES (also known as Rjindael), is the best cipher for encrypting digital storage. There's also other ciphers for different things, see hashing algorithms. There's other ciphers similar to AES such as Blowfish and more, but these aren't as well studied as AES. TL;DR, just use AES.

This. The only unbreakable encryption.

>Who the fuck needs more than this?
Someone who wants to protect his data from being decoded by someone who does not have the key?

More often than not, it's the mode that falls over. AES-256 in OCB2 mode was just recently cracked for instance.

NSA has already broken that.

xchacha20-poly1305 ietf

Encrypt with xchacha20-poly1305 ietf, sign with ed25519 and hash with blake2b. Store passwords hashed with argon2i

What are you talking about? That real?

>Google searches
Maybe he is scared to use search engines so he uses verbal communique. NSA get rekt.

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> gets frequency attacked

I usually go with serpent, it's fast enoughâ„¢ in software and more secure than rijndael



It's included in the last cryptsetup, compared to morus-1280-random it uses the AES-NI, so it will be faster

doesn't provide authentication

AES-256 and ChaCha20 are THE good ciphers, but they don't provide authentication and AES needs some mode to work on something bigger than 256bit block.
AES modes are giant mess, the few that step out are CTR (turns AES into stream cipher that generates one-time pad and XORes your message with it, no MAC) and
GCM (can calculate MAC in parallel to encryption and not in 2-pass).
Thus AES-GCM-256 and ChaCha20Poly1305.

For asymmetric key exchange that could be curve25519.