Is C# the all around best programming language around?

Is C# the all around best programming language around?

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>great middleground between low level and high level
>used in the industry
>has been around for ages
>has world's best IDE(VS)
>intelligent GC
>ton of extension support
>great documentation
>no drama/sjw/trannies involved


With .net Core it unironically may be

The only fags who think C# is in any way remarkable are otherwise only aware of Java.

It's probably up there, honestly. For the enterprise world, it likely is the best.
But as always, it heavily depends on your use case.

go is better, prove me wrong

>smashes your face with a garden shovel

here's your proof, fagduke

What's the best C# book I just started learning it

This! Go shits on c#

Just use Udemy courses

Video > Books

Nobody fucking uses Go.


C# is a dead language, deal with it.
Enjoy your pajeet coding while you can

mostly doesn't work on linux
>>great middleground between low level and high level
>>used in the industry
looses to java
>>has been around for ages
it is not that old.
>>has world's best IDE(VS)
hahaha... no. VS is pile of crap.
>>intelligent GC
>>ton of extension support
>>great documentation
Msdn is complete shit written by complete poojets
>>no drama/sjw/trannies involved
No drama? It is owned by ms. It is already full of tranies ant other rainbow mental disorders

No one uses C# besides a bunch of microkikes because .NET SDK is a literal spyware and steals your code.

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.net core is ezpz to setup
Mono is great for linux gaymes development

>t. ANSI C fizz buzz enthusiast believing all memes he reads

>more jobs = better language
Jeez user I had no idea PHP and js are the best

>not using HolyC



It isn't cross platform. THe .NET FRAMEWORK is not cross platform. C# is designed for use with the .NET FRAMEWORK. Mono only offers some of the features, not all of them. .NET Core has no GUI frameworks. The only GUI framework you can use with Mono is Windows Application which never looks native except on Windows.

Java is a better language in terms of implementation, not in terms of features. Java is inherently cross platform, has Javafx as well as other GUI projects.

>Go fuck yourself

If you mean with Unity, I am laughing at you and not with you.

I'm making the jump to a C language should I go with C or C++ meme and make 100k a year?

Congratulations for missing the point.

Doesn't work on any of the BSDs as far as I know. But all good open-source software works on the BSDs.


Attached: dril.jpg (240x240, 3K)

overall probably it is
still shit tho


people who say otherwise are clueless


If you are looking for a good language but don't care about jobs C# is literally is in the bottom of the barrel. C# literal is a pile of trash, rip off of java yet can't even be cross plaform.

Consider ditching anything windows related. Embrace extend extinguish is still in effect.

You were only half right, JS is the best, PHP is the worst