How cheap will GPU be next year?

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the fuck am I looking at

a bitcoin mining server

Imagine if Bitcoin had something beneficial behind it.
Like the massive amounts of computing power being used to power cancer research etc..
But no, all of these things are just crunching empty numbers.

>donating to cancer research
this shit is designed for ant-people who are coping with the fact that they have no real impact to society. it's the same way donating to the church worked in the middle ages. it has no impact.

tfw proof of work

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Your example only works for people that think the dollar they donate at the grocery store does anything. If every computer/server currently dedicated to xcoin mining were to be used for running simulations and math for literally anything else, it would have an infinitely better impact on society

I agree with that but cancer research is just a god awful example.


how is it not a server?

10,000 graphic cards

Not very cheap. P/E ratios will correct past the mean and idiots will dump into crytpo

Not much.

Shit I thought bitcoin mining was just this you're telling me its not?

Well, most mining farms have their own energy source or they fund new power plants that sells their excess for cheap to them.

I like to replace all arguments about "crypto" with "gaming"
but the Jow Forumsaming board gets buttblasted if their precious GPOOs are being used for for some frivolous pointless shit that accomplishes nothing instead of Jow Forums's fivolous pointless shit that accomplishes nothing so no point in even trying

gaming is a better use for gpus than some greedy pyramid scheme

Are you memeing

Nope just straight up ignorant not the guy you were replying to btw.

a ponzi scheme is not a pyramid scheme

yes it is?

gaming is a better application of resources than crypto as much as sports are a more useful industry than financial services

Miners use processors (GPU, CPU, ASIC, etc.) to continuously verify blockchain transactions against algorithms, and in doing so they also discover new bitcoins
That's it. They crunch numbers to verify transactions made with an imaginary currency and eventually discover more of that imaginary currency.

yes imaginary internet jew coins are totally comparable to legitimate finanical services

Forgot pic

Attached: Here-is-a-List-of-the-Biggest-Bitcoin-Mining-Farms-Globally-8212-Digital-Trends.jpg (1028x1300, 170K)

>They crunch numbers
I thought that this made it so new equations could be solved I guess not if thats the truth bitcoin is a fucking sham.

The people behind cryptocurrencies claim the value comes from all the work that goes into creating them combined with their ability to become ubiquitous/universal currencies and that they aren't ponzi schemes at all

Attached: Mining-how-it-works.001.jpg (1204x650, 564K)

they are solving the oracle problem

It doesn't serve anything, it's a client for a mining pool, the mining pool is the server.

The federal reserve is imaginary currency.


Why so many small fans over larger box fans?