After its all said and done with the CURRENT backend languages in a couple of years which ones will prevail or which...

After its all said and done with the CURRENT backend languages in a couple of years which ones will prevail or which ones will fail? Will PHP finally die? Will GO Blow up? Will Node.JS continue to rise? Will C# with its .NET still be so popular? Will Java still be everywhere(probably yes)? What do you think bros?

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Unless JS dies and it wont because there is no replacement then node will probably become the standard

node and javascript have already won.

c# and .net core is popular in the enterprise, but I am not sure how long that will last. Node has it surrounded.

>Node for big businesses

Could it actually work

I see four paths
>Good end
server side templates in ruby or something
>Bad end
RESTful server side render PWA SPA javascript spaghetti bolognese
Java web applets
>True ending
Hypermedia BBS

Node is only good for SPAs, it cant handle heavy duty crud apps. Using callbacks on an event loop is just not scalable concurrency

PHP is already dead, the PHPzombies just use legacy PHP apps and WordPress as part of their marketshare statistics.

Ruby/Rails is a one trick pony for crud apps, it will remain popular but simply is too opinionated to handle microservices, SPAs or anything new

Elixir/Erlang will go well for anything having to do with streaming and web sockets or anything else that needs to maintain a constant socket connection. Also good for distributed server architecture.

Python/Django is simple to use and doesnt use *magic* under the hood like Rails, everything is direct and straight forward. So it will continue to get use in crud apps

Go is going to win big, you dont even need frameworks for Go, it can handle anything well, any kind of server/framework architecture you can think of. Nice concurrency for when you need it. Its going to bridge the gap between web apps and server architecture.

Isnt GO fairly old already? Why hasnt it blown up like Node or Django

Go takes a little bit more skill, its not as ready-made as traditional backend frameworks. Its sort of like going back to the direct control you had with vanilla PHP, but without the screwy insane API that vanilla PHP has

>Node is only good for SPAs, it cant handle heavy duty crud apps.

I remember PayPal switched a lot(and i mean a lot) of its code to Node and it works greatly

>prometheus, alertmanager
>literally every hashicorp product

>literally who

Half the modern devops/infra world is literally who, Jow Forums, everyone.

Go is popular with large companies and corporate infrastructure, not hipster startups

Whatever happens JS frameworks will keep aborting into this world every fucking two years and continue to change the landscape with the same rehashed concepts.

this ^

yes, I've used it in big companies in production, it's been used a lot in Netflix too, as said it's already becoming a standard


well wasm is becoming pretty popular rn. A LOT of blockchain shit is starting to use wasm for a deterministic vm and as a result its leaking into their browser use as well.

wasm still needs js

you know he's a real internet expert when he thinks PHP is already dead lol.

Whats with web shit stealing programming languages name


does that seriously bother you user?

buzzword used to pay sysadmins less