Take me back Jow Forums

take me back Jow Forums

Attached: midnight_1996_Dec_21st.png (1243x854, 1.1M)

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ranch or cool ranch?


Attached: 1539865901761-g.jpg (530x402, 43K)

Attached: borgs_outside_medialab.jpg (1217x958, 473K)

Attached: computerdude.jpg (425x260, 35K)

cool ranch

isn't he fully-silver-haired chad now?


he better be

Attached: headphones.jpg (640x439, 55K)

You stupid bitch. You stupid fucking bitch. I can't believe how dumb you are. Jesus CHRIST. I can't believe how FUCKING dumb you are. You are the dumbest motherfucking

cooler ranch

Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut

none of you were even ALIVE

Attached: angry squirrel.png (271x280, 185K)

Attached: oldie but a goodie.jpg (2094x1015, 777K)

Attached: 1541895442730.jpg (2048x1365, 1.53M)

Remember cubicles?

I was. I was also alive for this


Nothing actually changes.

Who is this? What is the actual source of this picture?

I don't know. Back in 2010 I did a lot of research, trying to find out who was but I wasn't able to find anything.

Was that from the episode where Dilbert got pregnant after being raped by a model rocket?

Attached: MV5BODkzMTc5MDEyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzc0NzM0MjE@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg (182x268, 10K)

Remember when you would decorate your desk with personal items, such as photos of loved ones?

Remember not having to deal with language barriers?

He aged pretty gracefully.

Attached: nerd-computer-not-so-much-webs-most-iconic-grown-up-dirty-jokes.jpg (450x600, 47K)


I wish I had a cubicle but I'm too young so have to put up with this open office hell. I feel watched all day.

>take me back Jow Forums
upload a 1.1MiB png

Trick question.

Attached: Doritos-Cool-American.jpg (746x1000, 54K)

I was 22.

Open office is so bad I am nestolgic for cube life. God this is sad.

my favorite part is that he still has the wood paneling. this is a wholesome image.