You gotta be kidding me!

you gotta be kidding me!
is there any workaround yet?
>inb4 install gentoo

Attached: wang.png (1050x195, 21K)

Install gentoo

Uninstall C:\Windows

funny guys

>uninstalling a folder

Attached: 1532307928559.jpg (560x577, 35K)

any workaround?

The absolute state of wincucks. I remember when I had to find workarounds for decisions microshit made for me.....

This has been fixed in the re release of 1809...

but 1809 hasn't been re released yet. at least not in the semi-annual channel

let's be fair, linux is 100x worse user.

what do you think uninstallation is exactly?

t. down syndrom guy

Works on my machine.

it's literally not. there's literally nothing worse than having another company decide what your computer does and not giving you any input.

lmao c'mon, i meant to say in this regard. as linux requires you to do workarounds all the time spending hours to get a very simple thing to work.

Yes, edit HKCR in regedit manually to assign something.

Linux is a kernel you underage fucktard.

if you know what you're doing then it's extremely straight forward.
know amount of Windows knowledge will fix a shitty proprietary bug.

they didn't decide on anything on your behalf in this exact case. it's a BUG.

a bug coded by retarded pajeets and uploaded into my computer.
you're right, they didn't decide anything because I got rid of Windows the second I had the chance.

uninstalling is used for software. deleting is used for files and folders.

I see you drank the abstraction kool-aid

yes, i agree it's a shitty bug that shouldn't have happened at all, or that should've been fixed in like a day.

FOSS doesn't have this issue because the bugs are usually fixed as soon as they're discovered.
except Firefox because Mozilla is just retarded.

I see you know nothing about how software installations can corrupt your system if you simply start removing directories without uninstalling them properly.

You can download the windows 10 update tool and get it yourself because its probably not ready for your machine or whatever the fuck they do that causes it to be delayed for some people.

>updates often break even when released
being a pre-release guinea pig is clearly the way to go about this

do i have to download the whole windows iso?

maybe in windows lmao

Literally more unstable than arch linux.

>he changes the defaults

Attached: george.jpg (250x250, 17K)

you're only fooling morons with this bait

and yet you still gave him a (You)

I have plenty, I hand them out like candy, I prefer to share. here's one for you as well.

>it deletes a bunch of files and folders
>don't run
>delete the same files and folders manually
the difference: ???

more like an annoying bug than an instability. the system doesn't crash on anything

Dude! Please!, Install Gentoo.