IPhones literally crash when exposed to helium because of apple's cheap engineering

>iPhones literally crash when exposed to helium because of apple's cheap engineering

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I am glad I didn't buy an iPhone, because I'm so often immersed in helium.

Are you an astronaut, user?

>exposed to helium
something everyone experiences every day, right?

For anyone curious, the clock oscillator uses MEMS silicon which has known issues in the presence of Helium.

brb, throwing away all my helium

a fun joke to make one day yes

>be someone important
>use iphone
>get dabbed on by some fucker with helium

You're doing god's work, user. Thanks.

>1000+ $ phone
>can't handle helium
It Just wekrz*
*not if exposed to one type of gas because quartz is too mainstream

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that's pretty interesting. seeing as it's not likely that we'd be in a helium atmosphere, this isn't really an issue. not like the root login bug, at least.

It seems a hospital had a helium leak a few weeks or so ago and around 40 iphones in the building ended up having issues. Some taking more than a day to turn back on.


Not a huge deal for most people, but I can see certain industries where you'd potentially want another device as your daily driver.

I aint clicking that link, r*dditor

Thanks user

Was a good read, good thing I carry a 5c from highschool ;^)


>because quartz is too mainstream
I lot of manufacturers are switching to MEMS oscillators, they're just using properly shielded ones.

>itoddler get StarbucksĀ® Upside down caramel sugar mocha pumpkin spice vinte twirl iced coffee
>itoddler walks into grocery store to buy 20lbs of tofu to meet daily basedmilk goal
>strolls passed the flower and baloon section
>balloon boy dabs on her(him) and unloads 20lbs of helium right at you, destroying all Apple electronics in her(his) purse, book bag, and pockets
>gets fucking euthanized

This is why you should always buy a balloon at the grocery store and make sure to tip then a thank you for your service

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Yeah. Turns them off temporarily. I heard they don't work so well in water deeper than three feet either. How fucking stupid is that? There's water on 70% of the planet's surface!

OH! So it's a sound tech if well-implemented, but apple pulled a "We can make our own"?

lmao good thing I didn't buy this faggot fruit phone or else I wouldn't be able to use my helium tank

No, they bought it from a manufacturer before the proper shielding was implemented, then kept using the ones they had bought even after the manufacturer produced a properly shielded one and encouraged them to switch.

What other company uses MEMS oscillators? Most phones still use quartz for clock oscillators. Other MEMS devices are of course present in most devices, but THIS issue specifically is with SPECIFICALLY the MEMS clock 32khz oscillator.

You all may joke, but Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe

Samsung, LG, and Huawei all use MEMS oscillators for their clocks in their newer phones, and tons of other manufacturers use them for clocks in systems other than mobile phones.
>THIS issue specifically is with SPECIFICALLY the MEMS clock 32khz oscillator.
And it's specifically with an old revision of a particular SiTime oscillator that had shielding issues that have since been corrected. The 32khz MEMS oscillator packages that SiTime sells are no longer sensitive to helium.

Have an upvote!

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That's a pretty stupid point to make
Hydrogen is both more abundant and worse for MEMS oscillators, but it doesn't matter because no person is ever going to expose their phone to high concentrations of elemental hydrogen under normal circumstances.
If we were just going off of universal abundance, then it's a travesty that phones aren't resistant to dark matter.

And Notes are prone to "current leakage". Phones are gay. Move on.

>iPhones literally crash when exposed to helium because of apple's cheap engineering

I'll add: it's because of how weird-ass helium is. Clock oscillators are vacuumed, but helium is such a little bitch it leaks inside plastic case through plastic and prevents normal operation. It then leaks out back to atmospheric levels.