*p++ // same as *(p++): increment pointer, and dereference unincremented address

*p++ // same as *(p++): increment pointer, and dereference unincremented address
*++p // same as *(++p): increment pointer, and dereference incremented address
++*p // same as ++(*p): dereference pointer, and increment the value it points to
(*p)++ // dereference pointer, and post-increment the value it points to

Attached: zachqwe1o4w01.jpg (645x773, 53K)

I'm also going through this now. Pointers are okay. Pointers to arrays of pointers I still have trouble with

this unary operator was a mistake
it only exists because original compilers were non-optimizing and could not guess that += 1 is increment instruction

++ has precedence over * so the compiler ++
*p++ is *(p++)
others are obvious *++p is *(++p) and ++*p is ++(*p)

the real answer is to use parens to explicitly show what you want

You're a Node **ppHead


whats the problem retard


I don't see what this is about, is it meant as jab at C? In that case what is the point you're trying to make?

I don't get it
my brain is self destructing

Then review the material at a later date until you do retard. fuck how is studying so hard for you.

This is completely easy and anyone having trouble is a weak programmer and a brainlet.

Attached: 1ghost_jack_salt.jpg (500x708, 22K)

Probably He has no idea about operator precedence, what happens you move on to the advanced stuff before covering the basics

You should shut the fuck up because there is zero chance that you understood everything when you were learning.

Quit scaring new programmers.

fuck trying to remember that
just use parenthesis

it is ok but some of them are rather obvious and adding excess parenthesis reduce readability e.g. *p++ is common practice

when do you even use pointers?

what is an incremented address?

When you want to point to memory.
Memory at a higher adres.

PyToddler detected.

trying to understand this stuff is not useful
don't write ambiguous code in the first place


Isn't it p.e.m.d.a.s?


C++ is a bit of a "it's not because you can that you should".

I'm not gonna lie, it makes me feel l33t

>using pointers

ty famb

a pointer to an array of pointers is an integer that refers to the start of a location in memory that contains integers that reference locations in memory

>> When do you even use pointers?

Exactly. Ever since picking up Golang there is no need for that prehistoric manual memory management nonsense. Keep wasting time fixing buffer overflows and memory leaks, neckbeards.

but golang has pointers though