Job satisfaction

What is most important to look for in a job in software development?

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this literally every single perk you can buy yourself

people that won't make you hate every second spent on the job

anything that says "engineer"

Money and benefits. Obviously make sure you do 8h day, some tards work free overtime because "pay is good" reducing their hourly wage to that of welder.

Why? Can you elaborate?

it means you get to tell dumbasses and spergs what to do instead of being a wagecuck

welders make more than software developers though

Oh I guess that means you should work free unpaid overtime then

hahahahaha no
I am a software developer and although I get paid well I hate my job and think about quitting every single day

so why dont you quit then?

>What is most important to look for in a job in software development?

if you are new to this;
what you can learn and clear progression path, not being tied down to old tech and a good variety of tasks while honing in on a key skill
eg: work with kotlin for an android app, but dabble in abit of back end api calls

if you have been doing this for a while;
team fit and happiness
also pay

The reality is 99.99% of jobs suck and the other 0.01% are only available via nepotism or god tier genetics.

What do you hate about it?
The technology, the task, your work environment, your colleges, your boss?

Software is a great hobby and supplemental skill, but should have never become a career of its own. Chemists can learn to program, doctors can learn to program, electrical engineers, mathemeticians, etc can all learn to program. There is no reason to have dedicated programmers doing what others could easily learn to do for themselves. Any career in software development is going to be a convoluted heirarchy of middle-managers inventing busywork to keep up the illusion of necessity. Nearly everyone in software development is in fear for their jobs at all times, because they know they're not actually important, it's miserable.

A team of people you like, because you're going to be around them a lot.

>what others could easily learn to do for themselves

Avoid big companies with internal politics and shit like that.
Find out if you like to work with developing new stuff from scratch or debugging and improving production systems, and choose accordingly.
Be wary of MGMT buzzwords like DevOps

Read this book, and look for the signs.

Attached: peoplware.jpg (411x600, 58K)

because I need the money to pay off my student loan

based and redpilled answer. this guy gets it
although I have to add that talent is also important

mainly my boss and my useless coworkers who commit changes that aren't even compilable


not just money, but with benefits that company gives you

they need to be factored as well

basically, money

Do you actually have a Github or Gitlab account with actual contributions either to other repos or your own?

Is it (partially) to show your skills to potential employers?

Attached: git.jpg (850x450, 128K)

not using java

Java is one of the comfiest languages though, especially with the good IDE support.

I'm still early in my career so I don't know everything about what makes a job "good", but I'll list off the things I hate so you can take the negation of these things:

1. Ineffective management.
Every decision must be approved by management - it's micromanaging down to variable names on occasion.
Management is unresponsive to necessary tasks, meaning long wait times to get anything done.
Managers who do too much. My boss is simultaneously senior developer, database administrator, sysadmin, change/release manager, help desk, and project manager, meaning each of these things gets done very poorly and off schedule.

2. The hardware sucks.
Low-spec machines means it takes forever to do simple things like compile your project.
Visual Studio + debugger + Internet Explorer window for testing application + Firefox window for online documentation = 100% RAM used

3. Programmers required to spend time on things they shouldn't.
I have to attend forklift safety training. No, I don't work around forklifts - I work in an office.
My coworkers become tech support on occasion because the customers won't call the help desk and won't put it a trouble ticket, and are reprimanded by my boss when they direct the customer to the help desk.

money and flexibility. flexibility is big i like to do hangout, sleep in, and surf during the day and then work at night. and make a lot of money cool