Daily reminder

Daily reminder

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what waifu


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I wish death upon retards and newfags like you. Every insipid, stupid motherfucker who has no understanding of Jow Forums's culture and just clicks through inane shit and thinks he's part of Jow Forums just because he's using the site.

You are not one of us. You are not welcome in any capacity. There used to be a time when faggots like you had to actually lurk or risk being banned, but thanks to the limp dick spineless fuckers, we have to put up with people like you who don't understand any aspect of the site they use, and instead of adapting, they try to change and poison the culture and the health of its community.

Fuck you. Fuck everything about you and unironically fucking kill yourself you fucking retard.

Я пoнял ктo ты.
Tы жe тoт caмый кaccиp мaкдaкa из /soc/, кoтopoгo чyть нe изнacилoвaли 4 чeхa, дa? Узнaл тeбя пo хapaктepным гpaммaтичecким oшибкaм и нeyмeниeм выpaжaть cвoи мыcли. Hy чтo жe ты oпять paзмычaлcя нa вecь тpeд o cвoих пpoблeмaх? Teбe мaлo былo, кoгдa кpyг пoчётных и oлдфaжных бoяp дpyжнo нaдyдoнил тeбe нa гoлoвy, дa тaк, чтo ты пoтoм eщё мecяц пиcaл гнeвныe жaлoбы в /d/, paзмaхивaя cвoeй кpoвoтoчaщeй cpaкoй. Кoгдa жe ты yгoмoнишьcя, нecчacтный имбeцил, yдeл кoтopoгo пoдбиpaть oбъeдки oт нopмaльных и cocтoявшихcя в жизни людeй и пepecтaнeшь oтпиcывaтьcя в тpeдaх co cвoими шизoидными пpoблeмaми. Лyчшe бы твoeмy oтцy oтpeзaли члeн, дaбы oн нe пpoизвёл нa cвeт тaкoe cyщecтвo.
Дaжe нe бyдy читaть этoт выcep зaлётнoй дayнидзы, пpocтo пpocpycь нa eгo пpыщaвый eбaльник и нaccy зa шивopoт хoлoпy, чтoбы нe пoвaднo былo бeз paзpeшeния тявкaть. Cвoбoдeн, oбтeкaй.

please trashtalk me more and crush my useless ballsack

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Thats really gay, anonne

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But am I alright poster

Sorry, I don't speak backwards

there's nothing gay with femdom

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>there's nothing gay with femdom

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The woman is 100% straight and 0% gay and if you let her dominate you that's mean you are 200% straight and -100% gay
the harsher is femdom, the more you become straight

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Based and true

You have a fundamentally misplaced understanding of heterosexuality.
Men are dominant by default. Being the one to take it makes you submissive, which is default female sexuality. Role reversal is gay. If I'm to take what you said at face value, this guy is the paragon of masculine heterosexuality, and I think we all know that's not true

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t. dumb russian boy pretending to be a dumb russian girl pretending to be a dumb russian tranny

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Holy fuck it's mind blowing

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being dominant make you manly with is being gay because of manliness=gay, gays are attracted to manliness
if you are a man then heterosexuality is all about the woman element, if you let the woman element overcome you then you truly become the straightens of man

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What the fuck are you going on about? I have a buddy who's totally straight and his desire is being beaten and dominated by a girl because of reasons. Said that if I were a girl he'd be into me, so shut the fuck up with muh dominant men horseshit please.

So you're saying letting a woman fuck you in the ass is the pinnacle of heterosexuality.
As long as we're clear, faggot.
> I have a buddy who's totally straight
>Said that if I were a girl he'd be into me

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the pinnacle of heterosexuality would be if you let the girl castrate you in the most painful and humiliating way, pegging is fine but not mandatory.

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>implying a chinese slave smuggling forum full of virgins would rather choose to keep their virginity over trying to hit on a mentally ill bitch
kek admit it you'd probably be my orbiter if i were born the opposite gender

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how does hitting on a mentally ill bitch remove your virginity?

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makes you one step closer to being less of a faggot
also masculinity and femininity are social constructs and if you're unironically an indoctrinated coservacuck or a regressive leftist who believes in that shit you're among the people i'd like to see being hanged on trees, just saying you're worth less than cockroaches.

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Wait so you are conservative or what?

>also masculinity and femininity are social constructs
Who should I believe, millions of years of evolutionary wisdom, or the latest babblings of mommy professor

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most likely leaning on anarchism but i don't really give a shit about dealing with politics

>literally killing each other over a piece of land for thousands of years

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Last one are you really a tranny?

no one is a fucking tranny on here it's just a meme

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I guess all of these strange post of yours
Were just banter