
Ok Jow Forums so I finally decided to give Emacs a shot.

The only thing I'm not yet sure about is whether to use evil mode or go with the default keybinds. I haven't used vim that much so I would have to learn either from the ground up basically.

Attached: Emacs.png (1000x1000, 155K)

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the default keybinds are pretty retarded and were chosen with absolutely no thought towards ergonomics
for example, moving up or down by one line is C-p or C-n, and moving left/right by one character is C-f and C-b. these keys are nowhere near each other on the keyboard and not designed to be comfortable to use
meanwhile, vi and evil-mode use the keys hjkl right on the home row so you can navigate text without reaching all over the keyboard or getting an RSI in your pinky

But if I use evil mode what happends to all the m-x comands and stuf?

colon is basically M-x

But the M-x comands and the other ones are the things that seem really usefull

Why the fuck are you using C-n and such for single line/character movement? Just use the arrow keys. Emacs is not vim

Rebind Ctrl to Caps Lock
Just use the arrow keys

You can still use those with evil-mode

Oh ok then I'll probs just try evil mode

But the arrow keys are so far away...
I also already did the Caps Lock meme

you don't need to use vi keybindings, and you don't need to use emacs bindings either.
instead you just start using emacs and whenever there is a function or some commands that you like to use a lot, you bind it to a key that you like. emacs is pretty flexible like that.
This does take some time though. Just learning about all the different things emacs can do will take months. Every now and then you'll extend your init.el with a few lines. In the end it's worth it though, because what you end up is a setup where you'll feel at home and is really comfortable to use.

Yeah the "make it your own" part is what got me interested.
That and also when I saw what org mode can do

you only need to remember a few keybindings like C-g, use evil-mode for editing and everything else

I want to give a try to vanilla emacs, but the main point that puts me off is how you always spend to much time pressing a modifier. this completely fucks up my touchtyping since I have my hands in all those weird places.

I know this might sound dumb, but my biggest problem I had with vim what that I would accidentally start typing thinking I was in insert mode when I was actually in command mode and I would fuck up what ever code I was working on. My recommendation to anyone using vim is to make the cursor change from a block to a I-beam so you know what mode youre in. So basically after getting sort of good at vim I started to get frustrated
with it just being good for text editing and not having good out-of-the-box functionality. So Im learning emacs now and sort of liking it as I got REALLY sick of going in and out of insert mode to do simple editing. If I ever really start getting good at emacs Im going to buy foot pedals to handle key chords because staying on the home row and using pinkies to hit ctrl and alt is simply not workable. Mapping ctrl to capslock will not offer a big improvement either.

>I know this might sound dumb,
it does sound pretty dumb. keeping track of modes shouldn't be that hard. just get used to stay in normal mode by default by always pressing esc after an insert.

It's not dumb when you're first wrapping your head around modes and why you would want to have them. I made that mistake a lot too starting out, but now I have the habit of always exiting. Rebinding escape to something more convenient helped a lot, but I was pressing Ctrl+[ for a while.

try the jk escape life. when you press j it holds the cursor like a paste buffer ", and won't type the j if k is pressed. if anything else is pressed it'll type j like nothing happened. its legit

Vim beginner here, happens to me all the time but I never broke anything because of it
Another thing that annoys me is capslock, I don't know how many times I "pressed" Q instead of q or some other bullshit

Imagine using a 144 MB text editor

If you're new to both sets of shortcuts, then it's worth looking into open source keyboards and layouts designed for programming. Modern keyboards really aren't.

Even if you want to use vim keybindings it's important to learn the
basics of emacs bindings because the vim bindings only really extend
to simple text editing. For everything else it's easier just to use
the emacs bindings. Don't rebind caps to ctrl, just press control
with the left side of your palm and you'll be fine. The control-n/p
keys to move up and down a line seem sorta unergonomic, but most of
the time it's better to just search for the text you want to go to (or
use a package like avy-goto) than to scroll all the way up to it.

Consider using Doom Emacs

I don't understand why people think moving their hand over to the mouse and back is impeding their productivity. If you are a good programmer you should spend the majority of your time thinking and not straight up coding. I just don't see why using a mouse is really that much of an efficiency hit, its like trying to save a nickel when spending thousands

>Just use the arrow keys

>I don't understand why people think moving their hand over to the mouse and back is impeding their productivity.
really? so you cant see how someone who codes 8 hours a day, 5 days a week would be bothered by moving their hand to the mouse EACH time they need to move the cursor or select something?

>Don't rebind caps to ctrl, just press control
>with the left side of your palm and you'll be fine.
I thought this was a joke but I keep people spreading this "tip". This is as silly as something like "you can hold your beer and use an oversized smartphone at the same time if you use your nose to type on the touchscreen.



I guess I understand using evil and the like if you're coming from vim, but these vimtards who spout that it's the only way to use emacs are retarded.
I have used default keybindings for ages. I would recommend changing the left control to another key unless your hands are different than mine and pressing that control key doesn't strain your fingers. I changed it originally to caps lock, but quickly decided to flip my left control and alt keys around. Now if I need to hit alt, I do it with my right thumb. If I need to hit control, I do it with my left thumb. I find this works very well for me. I have a couple other packages that help me jump around a little easier too.
The first is god-mode (github.com/chrisdone/god-mode) which is bound to escape. This lets me have modal editing so I can type 99 n and move 99 lines down.
The second is avy (github.com/abo-abo/avy) which lets me jump to specific words on the screen very easily. It's hard to describe. Watch the video in the repo to get an idea.
Third is swiper (github.com/abo-abo/swiper) which replaces the default emacs search with a (in my opinion) much nicer and easier to use interface.

tl;dr if you're new to emacs and don't already have the vim commands imprinted on your mind, don't feel the need to learn that esoteric garbage and build something that works for you

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Install doom emacs desu.

What does Jow Forums think of pic related?

Attached: 666px-Spacemacs_logo.svg.png (666x666, 130K)

Bloated and slow.
doom-emacs is better in basically every way.

Here's how to actually learn it.

run vimtutor from your terminal. Do it once a day until it's second nature

But the book practical Vim and read at least the first 4 chapters. It's an easy read and if you are ok with reading on a screen it's available on libgen.io

Now try spacemacs for an example of a well-put-together emacs config.

Just stick to spacemacs for a couple weeks. After you get a handle on what emacs actually is an what it's capable of you can choose between spacemacs, doommacs, or roll your own with emacs+evil.

At this point your path will become clear to you. The next step for most people is to continue using emacs as a main editor and learn a little bit of emacs lisp. It's easy.

I promise you that once you get vim in your head and use evil mode for a week, you'll never go back.

>Here's how to actually learn it.
>run vimtutor from your terminal. Do it once a day until it's second nature
Thats NOT the best way to learn vim, trying to learn all the hotkeys at once will just frustrate you and make you quit. Start out using the arrow keys, just get used to using vim like a normal editor by learning how to open and save files. Just slowly start incorporating hotkeys as you feel you need them. This is a painless way to learn vim, it worked very well for me. I learned this way by being forced to use vim for a programming class with zero instruction given on how to use vim.

I have used it. It's really not as big of a deal as Jow Forums likes to make it out ot be.

>Bloated and slow.
>doom-emacs is better in basically every way.
This is FUD that gets repeated every time Spacemacs is mentioned on Jow Forums. Spacemacs is just a preset collection of emacs packages the same as Doom

i've been using kate since i decided to try kde. i liked mousepad better. why isn't there a terminal editor that doesn't give me shit? even nano gives me shit and fills my directories up with gay ribbon files.

How did you manage to type this post? The keys required are nowhere near each other.

My palm naturally rests on control. It's not hard.

Except it literally is.
My doom emacs bootup time is 0.7 seconds. My bootup time with spacemacs is 6.4.
It's FAR slower to start up, and because it runs most of the lisp interpreter rather than bytecode it is also vastly slower to operate.