You do realize the government can straight up see everything in your computer remotely, right...

you do realize the government can straight up see everything in your computer remotely, right? and it's easier for them to do and they have more of a reason to do it if you use Linux

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how so?

The simple reason why this isn't true, is because governments are at war with each other and have to protect their data from each other.

Who is paying you to say this?

Hardware backdoors
yeah, but your shit isn't hardened our government and other powerful governments are fuckin with government level shit

>hardware backdoors
You're right, user. I was saying that AMD and Intel so called "vulnerabilities" are actually government backdoors.
Security researchers just found it and mistaken it for vulnerabilities.
It is actually intended functionality.

Of course, no one will confess this...

How do we stop you?

>linux bad, big red flag
>encryption bad, big red flag
>obfuscating IP, big red flag
use any of these and you are painted as a criminal, terrorist, enemy of the state,... etc. unless you are useful to someones agenda or purpose.
apparently security shouldn't lie in the hands of the people, just over arching control of government or business for the sake of 'security'. sad but this is the direction majority opinion 'sheep' are pushing for. fear inspires idiocracy, idiocracy fuels profitable manipulation, profitable manipulation fuels the money grubbing dipshitery, coupled with copious amounts of ass coverage in an effort to maintain 'profitable credibility'. welcome to the internet!

Snowden was a confidence trick. I called it. NSA can't do any of that shit. They just want us to stop taking precautions to avoid the FUD he spread.

he was useful for a large variety of purposes.
which is why he is still alive.

The vast majority of people here use their computers for little more than the equivalent of saturday morning cartoons. I don't know why people get so paranoid.

I mean, people go crazy with encryption, proxies, and Qubes, while they sit in insecure apartments in shittier neighborhoods, driving cars that cheat on safety tests. You are much more likely to be murdered in your home or die on the highway than a government agency getting uppity about your anime and video games.

Some of them are real pedophiles. Others are just autists.

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Because power control is a scary and real thing; look at Ashley Madison or the Fappening. You might say that it is morally justified because cheaters "deserve what they get" or "you shouldn't take naked photos if you don't want anyone finding out" but that would be consequential. The ends do not justify the means.

The vast majority of people also do things with phone or computer that can ruin their life if the wrong person knows.
For example, I'm a perfect person in the eyes of most, but if they all know that I once got curious and looked at gay porn, I'd probably kill myself.

Yes. Using coreboot and an open source OS and encrypting your data is practically the same as emailing it to the government. Store it unencrypted on an up-to-date Windows 10 machine to make it harder for them to find. I put mine in a folder named "My Secure Files" for added security.

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Dude there's nothing wrong with looking at gay porn. Don't kill yourself.

airgapped, faraday caged, and soundproofed

Lots of people search for CP but it doesn't mean the government gives a shit, still they have quotas to meet (90% of the results are always CP related in my area:

You two are at Alex Jones levels of reaching. And it's just that, so ridiculously hard to even begin to imagine, forget prove.
Also, Snowden was mentioned. It stopped being paranoia then and there.

Snowden doesn't exist.

Do you think it's just a coincidence that CGI has reached the point where you can't tell if people were added to videos and news clips and the emergence of the imaginary Edward Snowden?

They manufactured him using Pixar-level CGI. Have you actually looked at the leaked data? Did you see how shitty those powerpoint slides are? Snowden isn't REAL.


Linux is a kernel.

lol @ Jow Forums denying this 100% true fact

which government? which department of the government? which levels? which people have access? do you have any idea how stupid it is to simply say the government has access?

> Watches gay porn
Look at this faggot

You must be in some 3rd world shithole.
Dude, even the normans who had their nudes leaked don't give a shit. They think it's funny or a little embarrassing but that's it.
And even if there's a real risk of something bad leaking to the public like looking at CP or gay porn or being fucked in the bum, normal people just don't regard it as a likely enough possibility to give a shit. They don't even know or really care about the threats and chances of being watched. Just autists do.


>caring about security/privacy
Well, since you hate "AUTISTS" so much, forego using banks or any banking software and see how well that whole scenario works out without security/encryption measures. And where do you think you are explaining that the majority of people are tech illiterate?

damn, this is making too much sense

I'm sure we'll get all the answers, just give the man time. Forget Snowden saying it is doable if enough time has been put into it, but here is OP claiming it's all "straight up".

Yep. Unfortunately I bought an i3 6100 back in 2016. Should have waited a year and go for a Ryzen. At least AMD's PSP requires a person to be physically accessing my computer, unlike Intel's IME where they can do whatever they want from afar.
I honestly don't bother with the government. If they want to know what you do, they eventually will. What I do care about is corporations. I can easily prevent corporations from spying on me and selling my info.

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>not using a librebooted thinkpad
>not using an open source operating system
never gonna make it

>I honestly don't bother with the government. If they want to know what you do, they eventually will
>every government has its own NSA
>every government is the same as the one in the US

there is more than one government

Nigger, please. This is old news. The government has known everything about everyone for decades. Ask the real question, you brainless fucktard: why is there evil in the world? If the government is all-knowing, and all-powerful, and all-loving, then why? Ask it, you fucking bitch.

I am an Israeli, we have our own versions of the NSA and FBI. Luckily they might have me on some list only for being a commie.

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Nice try, NSA

Big problem with us is that among the tons of individuals that do those itens to personal concern there are two or three that plan on bomb some building of mass shooting a bunch of mid-class blonde bullies.

That is the reason (I believe) Us gov and citizens are so concerned about software freedom and privacy (in the wrong way). If you are not a bad person, what do you have to hide? Problem increases if you add the factor that us citizens are uneducted radicals with love for god, guns and human rights... The only thing they interpret as (as for say) 'right' is their own opinion.

But this is a Zionist catch-22, a double bind.
"Either do as we want and you will suffer a little less, or don't do as we want and suffer more."
This is a form of Zionist blackmail/racketeering. The obvious way out of this is not to abide the Zionist. One will suffer more at first, but far less consequentially. Getting out of chains which are being put over you will demand some suffering at first. But the suffering will not be great compared to the consequences of being enslaved.

Also, why bash the Zionist? Not only for the systematic abuse of Palestinians' human rights, but also for their meddling in the US politics. Consider the fact that the NSA shares almost all data with Israel's Mossad.
Not to mention, various banking cartels are almost exclusively Zionist. Same goes for many tech companies, such as Intel, which are not only openly Zionist, but also implement hardware backdoors for their fellow stateless countrymen to use.

real question, how does a hardware backdoor bypass encryption

A backdoor for a government becomes a backdoor for malicious actors eventually. Any deliberate compromise with eventually be discovered by some bad actor (government or not) and will be used to steal your shit, any private information stored on your computer, passwords, credit cards, personal info, etc.

For me its not really about having something to hide. Or about some tin foil hat power struggle between individuals and government. Its about very basic security principles.

Gets access to the key used for encryption via the circuit; doesn't go through authentication procedures for access, just has its own thing to access it for decryption.

so what they actually do is to introduce defective encryption codes into the actual algorithm and so they can brute force by extracting the known part to be just randomized code, they did it in the past but eventually developers end up noticing, the new meme is to make special chips that will encrypt everything faster for you instead of having to use the cpu or gpu its like those chips that are specialized for certain video condex

Literally just talking about this stuff anywhere on the internet puts you on a list.

>*unplugs Ethernet cable*
you what m8?

While hardware backdoors are a serious concern there is absolutely no evidence for this claim at present despite significant security research in the area.

>we xrayed a piece of plastic and had no idea what it was doing

Meltdown and Spectre were found, Spectre being a one bit per minute unprivileged read exploit that borders on trivial. A JTAG for the Intel Management Engine has been discovered. The Intel Management Engine itself has had it's firmware systematically dismantled until only the most core functionality remains. The Sandy Bridge APIC exploit was found despite only being possible by the skin of it's teeth. Hell, even a small vulnerability was found the in the AMD PSP by way of static analysis.
There is continual extensive research in this area that has found the most marginal of stuff, never mind something so glaringly obvious as a persistent remotely controlled RAT.
And that's just the obvious public research, never mind the fact that companies do their own security audits and so do governments (not every government is the US government and many of them are not thrilled about US government backdoors).

hello mr. cia

No. This is something we should always be vigilant for real evidence of, not cheapen by running around screaming the sky is falling when all the available evidence suggests it isn't. If you really believe it I suggest you pull out your ethernet cable right now.

>They probably can
Knowing how much government employees work
>They probably don't.

10/10 gif

Every chip and mobo has a radio.

Completely false. Only thing for certain is that they are PCAPing the internet backbone and parsing for interesting things.

Seeing everything on your computer is absolutely false though.


My ass.

Just because the government has the ability to hack into anyone's computer/phone doesn't mean they are going to.

Look at NSO Group and how they exploit the iPhone, one of the hardest phones to hack. Read about what Five Eyes agencies are capable of (ETERNALBLUE, Stuxnet, Flame, Regin). Read about who these people are targeting, and ask yourself, am i one of these people?

Using these hacking tools and 0days has an enormous operational cost. When you're dealing with NSA, they have so many tools and exploits they use for different operations, because they can't have adversaries uncovering other ops because of bad ops.

Learn who the fuck you're dealing with before talking about shit you don't understand. None of you are important.

How do you remain unimportant? How does someone remain unnoticed?

>the government uses civilian hardware in their computers

Besides Trump's cellphone, no, the government isn't buying motherboards, etc off the shelf at a Best Buy.

Where are they buying motherboards then?

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area 51

I'm not an Intel cuckold Winfaggot, so I don't have this problem. Feels good man.
>inb4 muh PSP
It has no remote networking capabilities (unlike the IME) and is a purely localized threat. Feel free to prove me wrong. Protip: You can't and you won't.

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Yeah, no, that's wrong. Within my department and 99% of the divisions they're using entirely off the shelf hardware and software solutions. It's almost entirely x86 servers and workstations that run Windows or RHEL. The only exception I know of are some old SPARC servers that use Solaris which are kept as backups in case everything else goes to shit, or in case a lot of the x86 servers need to be rebooted for updates immediately.

So yes, the government uses shitty Best Buy hardware. There are no super secret quantum computers that the big bad government is using to run the .gov websites, you mouth breather.

Through GSA.

This. What a bunch of retards ITT

Is it government secret mall or something?
What's that? Can I buy from them? How it guarantees safer boards?

Why are people so desperate? Is it low libido? Teen girls are literally posting lewds on sites like instagram, If that's not enough for them, we should kill them all, they're dangerous to society. Kid brains with the strength of an adult.