>when your program compiles without any error

Attached: 147652387452.png (352x387, 167K)

put me into the screencap

Always panic when it happens. Why isn't the compiler detecting my errors?

what screencap?

yeah it often seems to good to be true

it's more like this

Attached: randy.jpg (635x477, 182K)

ik that feeling

Attached: HAM2.jpg (720x500, 62K)

that's a big ham

shorten your feedback loop with static analysis

Enjoy your runtime crashes lmao

>when your seven-year-old bat script still works

Attached: MV5BNjgzYzgxNDMtNmM4ZS00MjNkLWIxZDgtMGFmZDUwM2E1MGUyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg (1098x720, 58K)

Eleventh post best post! /thread


He talks about programming and compiling PROGRAMS, so he's a programmer.
Not a coder and neither an app engineer not fine byte connoisseur.


is he giving her a nigger?

>using compiled languages

Attached: ezgif-4-c5ed9a7554ad.gif (320x240, 2.36M)

>he's not using a direct brain interface

Come back when you have an OS that written purely in interpreted languages, from the bootloader all the way to userland.

Attached: 8tmru3s5qah11.jpg (720x696, 37K)

that's a tuff hippo


the fuck is he doing

Yes cause writing code that compiles is difficult

eating a door handle of course

*crashes at runtime*

>switch out data structure with another
>program now runs significantly faster

Attached: 1524779012243.gif (360x238, 1.43M)

Japanese game show where contestants have to guess what is candy and what is not.

t. C++ programmer

this thread has been demonetized

Then the gay frogs suddenly appears next to you...

Attached: 736b7b3f5e7bae61325aa0fe9a961d66_400.jpg (398x400, 19K)

>when you finally kill a Soros-funded cryptojew gangstalker

Attached: spurdo_pepe_hmm.png (415x416, 5K)

Attached: 1537478586221.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

>when your program compiles but doesn't work as intended
>when your program works as intended but the sanitizer reports errors during runtime

Attached: 28fj3w.jpg (633x758, 54K)

>when you're working with django unit tests and it takes 6 minutes to tell you there's a typo

The fact that he can't into writing programs correctly most of the time disproves that theory.

Did it in an interview and went from half test cases passed to all

Who would've guessed that set operations were so slow