Any advice on aptly learning assembly?

inb4 ida pro

Attached: assembly.png (693x398, 62K)

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Not even joking, that cheat sheet is enough, look at it for like 10 minutes and you know enough to do anything. assembly languages aren't complicated at all, just list of direct instructions, no features to learn besides a couple quirks and syntactic sugars here and there

Scratch that, you do have to learn calling conventions, that's about it

If you know basic stuff like what is a register or flags and conditional jumps etc, you can write assembly in any arch after a few days of studying. CISC is easier.

OP here this sounds promising. I've already been diving in, in the hopes of slowly learning the ropes on REing basic video shit

>inb4 YIFY,

nah just curious

never had to use asm except for a few cases

could you give me an example on how this would improve for example a C program?

It wouldn't, don't mess with the compiler.
The big bottleneck in computing is memory access, so learn to optimize that if you really want to go down that road

any tool to find those disgusting pieces of shit?

Write a Java program that calls native methods that you write in C which themselves call out to assembly functions that you've written and assembled yourself and you get a good feel for the toolchains and how it all fits together.

fuck around with AVX

sounds terrible user

use luajit ffi instead?

gprof should be low-level enough, but I'm not sure

Just blippity bloopity at it

Attached: cosby-assembly.png (1285x3744, 512K)

what the actual fuck
how did this get published?

Attached: greenlantern.jpg (129x189, 30K)

>learning assembly

What's there to learn? There's nothing to assembly languages.

Now, if you mean how to efficiently implement algorithms and data structures in assemby and how to structure your program, that's a bit more complex and Jow Forums isn't going to help you.

xor ecx before div instruction

start with a x86 32 bit processor
what is a register?
what size are the registers and what registers are those registers composed of (if any)?
which are the purposes of these registers for this specific architecture?
what is a stack?
how can i manipulate the stack?

By that point you will have found plenty of resources and/or directions to head to.

If you have knowledge of higher level languages it'll piece together quickly.

Reverse the master boot record of your choice

beautiful! so i guess start with 64 bit

No idea but it sent my sides to orbit

the book is actually good outside of that page lmao

liveoverflow on yt is pretty based