What is the Unix/Linux version of ctl+alt+del?

I've messed up my computer twice by doing a hard shutdown after it froze on me. This is the 2nd time I'm reinstalling it.

Attached: 1521320512260.jpg (399x384, 19K)

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Just switch to tty and pkill x if your graphical session freezes for whatever reason.

sudo kill -9 -1


Ctrl Alt F1 to access a terminal if you xorg froze
if this doesn't work you can try ctrl sysrq r to regain keyboard(may not be enabled on your kernel), if not then you're outta luck. if it is just do ctrl alt f1 then.
If you know it's enabled on your kernel and it's not working, then you're outta luck

back in the day we had ctrl+alt+bckspace or something but since linux never fails they decided to remove it

Thank you!


>I trust wikipedia

Thanks - I'll see if this works on my laptop.

linux might not but goddamn ubuntu locks up like a bitch

Okay, now this is cringe

I had the same issue so I switched to Kubuntu instead. Works much better for me.

Attached: 1541027638948.jpg (973x599, 248K)

>doesn't trust wikipedia
2004 is over, wake up

t. got told not to use wikipedia as a source on his middle school paper 2 weeks ago


Now fuck off

Install htop and switch to another user session with ctrl-alt-f2. Enter your username into the prompt . Login and type in sudo htop then you can kill the the crashes program. I wish I could tell you an easier way to do it but I don't know one. Its what I do.

To safely reboot a hung system, this is an "all else fails" maneuver: Hold Ctrl+Alt+SysReq then in turn hit the following keys: r s e i s u b
The pneumonic for remembering this is "Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring".

The commands do the following:
r put keyboard in raw mode
s sync disks
e send terminate signal to all processes
i kill all processes
u remount all mount points as read-only
b reboot

This is seriously something to do when you're absolutely fucked and the only other option is to power cycle the machine.

>He trusts wikipedia by default, unquestioningly
I hope you at least check the sources

>trusting people on Jow Forums to tell the truth about what they trust

kek ignore the second s. It's r s e i u b. Syncing the disks twice won't hurt anything but it's pointless to do.

ctrl+alt+f2 (or any fnumber) to go to another tty



Technically my OS is neither of those.

You caught me phoneposting

hardware power button

That's what caused my OS to go into a boot loop. It's happened twice and I've reinstalled twice.

It's frozen again at the login screen and ctl+alt+f1 does nothing. Also tried f2, backspace, etc.

I just did this and my computer survived. I pressed it very quickly this time. Before, I would press and hold.

Have you tried this on a laptop?

Yes, just werks. I only use laptops with non-shit keyboards though so there's always a sysreq key. Sometimes it's labeled print screen, sometimes you need to also press fn, but it's there.

>blindly trusting anything without at least checking cited sources, or in lieu, verifying with other sources
Come on, guy. You really think he would just trust something without verifying?


is there functionally any difference between SysRq-ing REISUB vs. RSEIUB? Wouldn't the latter fail to capture disk changes just before processes are halted?

(requires magic sysrq keys to be enabled beforehand, warning: this will INSTANTLY POWER CYCLE, it's equivalent to hitting the physical reset button)

I've always done s before e and i for that reason. I also wait a few seconds between e and i to let processes exit on their own if they're capable of doing so.

you will want to tErm before you Sync, since tErm will try to gracefully exit programs, and they may write to disk at that time

if im doing something on a desktop environment, and i started a piece of software that caused my computer to shit itself i would usually do something like

to get me to a text console
see what process I need to kill
kill it
ctrl+F6 to get back to my DE
continue computing

that's good if you can do that
if X locks up, you may need to hit alt+sysrq+r to be able to use ctrl+alt+F?, as that takes exclusive keyboard access away from X. if X locks up, it won't pass along the ctrl+alt+F? command

Wikipedia can't be trusted for factual information.

sudo kill -9 -11 TT


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