ITT: your favorite or most used aliases

>ITT: your favorite or most used aliases

Here are mine

mkcd () {
mkdir "$1"
cd "$1"

alias please='sudo $(history -p !!)'

Attached: 90sboomer.jpg (977x689, 194K)

>when you realize OP isn't even kidding.

alias ls='ls -hNF --color=auto --group-directories-first'

alias connect='wpa_passphrase -i wlan0 -B -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'

woops I meant 'sudo wpa_supplicant
but you get the idea

Attached: nothing.jpg (781x1024, 54K)

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

this is probably my favorite desu

function f() {
$1 "$(cat $HOME/.db/fileDB $HOME/.db/dirDB | fzy)"

alias cfa='vim ~/.aliases'
alias so='cd ~/Documents/sync/dev/scratch'

edit your cfa alias so it sources that file after editing

Bought a monster white today because of the boomer meme. It's in the fridge. What am i in for?

Its OK, nothing really spectacular

alias p='ping'

alias nt = "ping"


alias ..="cd .."

I just sipped one, it tastes good for me to keep wanting to buy them

What happens if you do ../../mydir

Some basic stuff
alias yup = "yay -Syu" and pup for pacman
get for pacman -S
del for remove
ss for search package
qs for search package locally
zz for exit
home for ~/
ll for ls_extended
pls and ffs for the sudo history-p !! thing
Cant be bothered typing it out but you get the gist
Using the same alsof for apt & xbps

case "$(uname -s)" in
# QuickLook
alias ql='qlmanage -p'
alias doas='sudo'
# Export ZFS volume
alias zumount='sudo zpool export'
# Unmount ZFS volume
alias eject='sudo zfs unmount'
# Connect to Ci40 over serial
alias ci40s='sudo screen /dev/tty.usbserial-DN01M65W 115200'
alias doas='sudo'
# Connect to Ci40 over serial
alias ci40s='sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200'
alias dhewm3='doom3'

make='clear; make'

alias open=kde-open5

alias c='clear; cd; exec zsh'


alias u='sudo pacman -Syyu;'

alias shake="./Shakefile.hs"

>single letter OS breaker

Attached: 1465441717862.jpg (540x591, 44K)

alias update='sudo xbps-install -Suv'
alias shave='sudo xbps-remove -o'

alias cd=git_cd
git_cd() {
builtin cd "$@" && { [ ! -d .git ] || { git fetch origin; } }

alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias weather='curl'
alias reboot='sudo reboot'
alias shutdown='sudo shutdown -h now'
alias sf='screenfetch'
alias l.='ls -d .*'
alias lsq='ls -a | grep'
alias t='tmux'
alias ta='tmux attach'
alias td='tmux detach'
alias folders='du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr'
alias youtube-download="youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4'"
alias get_space="sudo du -sh ./*"
alias update="echo password | sudo -S apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoclean -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y"
alias tstart="sudo tlp start"
alias ytv="youtube-dl --add-metadeta -ic"
alias yta="youtube-dl --add-metadata -xic"
alias es="speedometer -r enp11s0"
alias wf="speedometer -r wlp2s0"
alias 4get="wget -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm,pdf"

export TERM=xterm-256color

>DN01M65W 115200
just interesting, that's all user.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-24 g - Technology » Thread #62723282.png (539x586, 30K)

>DN01M65W 115200
let's go even deeper shall we. 1/2

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-24 g - Technology » Thread #60851621.png (898x251, 19K)

>DN01M65W 115200
be careful next time, you macfag

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-24 g - Technology.png (586x543, 25K)

>uname -s
>not uname -o

alias Syu="pacman -Syu"

What's your point?

uname -o
uname: illegal option -- o

>using a non-portable extension to determine operating system

alias op="faggot"

this is what I use with Git Bash on windows
alias v=vim
alias u="cd .."
alias clr=clear

alias desk="cd /c/Users/monk/Desktop"
alias dev="cd /c/Users/monk/dev"

alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -AF'
alias l='ls -CF'

# [p]age [p]revious: rerun the last command and pipe it into less
alias pp='fc -e : -1 | less'

# look at processes
alias prg="ps aux | grep"

# size matters
alias sz="du -hs * | sort -hs"

alias cp="cp -i" # confirm before overwriting something
alias mv="mv -i"

# i change bashrc and bash_aliases a lot
alias rebash="exec '$SHELL'"

# fasd
alias v="f -e vim"

o() {
xdg-open $@ &

# rice
alias pape="feh --bg-fill --randomize --recursive ~/Sync/media/papes"

# yank file contents
alias yy="clipcopy"

alias ef="mbsync -aq"
alias mutt="ef &!; mutt"

anywhereprint() {
mutt -s "foo" -a $@ < /dev/null -- [email protected]

alias gst="git status"

glog() {
if [[ $@ == "" ]]; then
command git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate=short -n10
command git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate=short -n"$@"

alias gl="glog"

alias gco="git checkout"
alias gd="git checkout dev"
alias gm="git checkout master"
alias gf="git fetch"

shopt -s autocd

rip youtube video to mp3
alias youtubemp3='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3'

the best of the boomer meme

does this work for mkdir options, like mkcd -p for creating parent directories.

alias :q="exit"

no, you'd have to add that to the
mkdir [HERE] "$1"

what you could also do is:
mpcd () {
mkdir -p "$1"
cd $1


$:mpcd test/folder/structure

here is the result of doing it with -p added to my mkcd

$:mkcd test/folder/structure -p
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘test/folder/structure’: No such file or directory
bash: cd: test/folder/structure: No such file or directory

What cancer system lacks the -o option?

-o is a Linux-specific flag; in other operating systems' versions of uname the flag is either nonexistent or the same as -s

They're honestly my favorite Monster drinks, marginally less caffeine at 140mg per can but workable. Had two today.

>alias yup = "yay -Syu"
You do realize just "yay" works, right?

I see some sources recommend the .conf in
and some in
what's the difference?

There isn't one.

emacs="emacs -nw"
I can think of a few things I should set aliases for though.
I like them, but I like grapefruit.

>emacs="emacs -nw"
Just compile an emacs with
./configure --without-x --without-all
like this you'll have the best emacs.

>home for ~/
~ is already an alias for home

I don't get this, can you explain to me what he did wrong?

that's what I thought, cheers