Why do you hate systemd anons? It works, it does its job, every distro uses it and its the future for sysadmins. Did Lennart Poettering hurt you in your peepee? Justify other init systems with technological reasons. No "but muh choice!!!", fuck choice, survival of the fittest, only one gets to survive.
Why do you hate systemd anons? It works, it does its job, every distro uses it and its the future for sysadmins...
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a LOT of reasons why people don't like it, and I think the people who don't like it all likely have their own reasons for not liking it.
Here's a posting about someone discovering a massive memory leak that used up 4GB of ram. While I have yet to see something this massive, I have definitely noticed Systemd using more memory than the alternatives, and some leakage here and there as well.
Some see it as an unnecessary security risk due to its massive attack surface. It recently hit 1 million lines of code.
Some don't like it because they dislike its habit of scope creep. The project ends up assimilating things that historically should not have anything to do with init. gif related.
There's also some other design decisions that people have an issue with, such as using Google DNS by default (because of course systemd can handle DNS), using binary logs, etc.
Lastly there's the conspiracy theory side of it, which alleges that systemd is an NSA attempt to compromise GNU/Linux, and due to Systemd as a project moving way too fast, it can't be properly audited.
For more links and arguments, see:
for more on the DNS issue, see pic related
A common argument in systemd's favor is that it 'made scripts shorter' or some other BS. In reality, it only does this when compared to certain scripts for sysvinit. This is a common tactic of Poettering and his shills, comparing their garbage to the only one cherrypicked example that makes it look good. Same thing happened with PulseAudio, comparing it to OSS even though that had been depreciated in favor of ALSA years ago.
the infamous motherboard bricking
That's Spectre/Meltdown tier. Nobody got haxx0red for it.
and lastly, Systemd, code quality-wise, is just a terrible piece of software.
It's too big in scope. It's developers to cavalier about bugs. And it gives to much control over the Linux desktop to one company, Red hat.
>Spectre/Meltdown weren't fucking awful because """nobody got haxx0red for it"""
>inb4 the biggest myths
Did you fucking make that image?
Because honestly its a pile of shit, fucking gibberish.
It says that run service and restart scripts for nosh are #!/bin/sh -e exec true
I mean. You're a fucking retard right? Or you just didn't even look at the image.
Shit was made by some retarded prick. Most sysv init scripts would fill the entire fucking image 5 times over, and you say cherry picked like its actually against systemd.
Yer fukin tarded son.
>to much control over the Linux desktop to one company
ya know, despite all of the arguments here, and the fact that that's clearly a bad thing, judging by OP's statement of "fuck choice", I think he unironically wants that. What a sad future for Free Software that would be...
>fact that that's clearly a bad thing
Because making shit easier to use and unifying a bunch of distributions is bad right?
Get fucked idiot.
Even Linus himself said its a rhetorical issue and he said the kernel shouldn't default to fixing the flaws,
It probably get tiring cleaning up after Intel. Kinda like the poor guy at the circus following the elephants around.
>Did you fucking make that image?
>Because honestly its a pile of shit, fucking gibberish.
>It says that run service and restart scripts for nosh are #!/bin/sh -e exec true
Yes it does. Your point?
>Shit was made by some retarded prick
>Most sysv init scripts would fill the entire fucking image 5 times over
They may very well do that. But we're not talking about sysv init scripts, are we? No, we're talking about other init systems that people conveniently ignore when it works best for them.
>you say cherry picked
Yes, I do say cherry picked. In the defense for systemd, shills ONLY compared systemd files to sysvinit scripts, ignoring any other options that existed and exist, as well as probably specifically picking out only the worst examples of those sysvinit scripts.
>Yer fukin tarded son
Says the tripfag
Dude exec true is a fucking hack, do you unironically not get that including that shit in an init script comparison proves that its a fucking joke?
Blows my fucking mind. I could drink myself retarded for a decade every day and still have more sense than these fucking idiots.
So what should he have done? let everyone get fucked?
>Here's a posting about someone discovering a massive memory leak that used up 4GB of ram. While I have yet to see something this massive, I have definitely noticed Systemd using more memory than the alternatives, and some leakage here and there as well.
Legitimate bug.
>Some see it as an unnecessary security risk due to its massive attack surface. It recently hit 1 million lines of code.
Don't use Linux or GNU.
>Some don't like it because they dislike its habit of scope creep. The project ends up assimilating things that historically should not have anything to do with init. gif related
Systemd is not just an init system and doesn't claim to be.
>There's also some other design decisions that people have an issue with, such as using Google DNS by default (because of course systemd can handle DNS), using binary logs, etc.
Optional defaults.
That's not systemd's fault. You're blaming systemd for the manufacturer's buggy UEFI implementation.
>why does Jow Forums hate the status quo
>why does Jow Forums hate useful & functional things
Forgot to remove your trip you dumb fucking queer