"man those NASA folks are so dumb, writing all that HARD code just to launch a satellite...

>"man those NASA folks are so dumb, writing all that HARD code just to launch a satellite. I wonder where they must beg for their code? Maybe the forums. I'm so much smarter than them because I can do it in an easier way haha xD"
void setup() {

>"There, everything done. Man I'm so smart, I should be awarded a Nobel prize haha"

Attached: arduino.jpg (1200x893, 226K)

Now you just need to implement Satellite and begin()

I don't understand, what do you mean?
Do you mean this?
#include "satellite.h"

Embedded engineering is so simple, lol i don't get it why people go to univ for this, i guess they're not as smart as me hehe

said no one ever

>thinking a shitty arduino can survive space
>thinking your shitty code could survive radiation induced bit flips

You need to go back

Attached: 1475422597442.png (200x94, 17K)

Lol i don't know what they are, but I'm sure they have already been taken care of in the satellite.h file
I don't even know what's this "ohms law" everyone keeps talking about, but I am sure I'm smarter than everyone because I can click on samples and import blink.ino

I bet you're not even an EMBEDDED MICROCONTROLLER ENGINEER like me. I can program arduino

Now you need to implement sattelite.h

Excuse my, satellite.h. Mistyped it.

But ofcourse, I downloaded it from the internet by following a YouTube video

Where did you download it from? Who wrote it? How is it licensed? What does it do?

Suddenly the Indian space program is starting to make sense

I don't know anything about that but the main thing is it works, and I made it work.
So clearly I am very smart

Works for what?

>super power by 2020!
Orbital garbage will become 10x worse.

It makes the satellite work when I connect it to the satellite shield, I can see the light blink.
You have so many questions because you're not smart like me

good thread

Attached: 1542846367857.png (1200x750, 2.22M)

Can it even get much worse than China shooting its own satellites?

It was a joke. I'm pretty we destroy our shit more so to keep it out of the hands of the chinese.

I unironically entered an embedded micro controller internship because I did some Arduino projects while in university
I've done much more now, but I'm still thankful arduino existed at that time

>it's a buttflustered EE virgin is mad at Arduino chads episode
Go jerk of to Fourier transforms while I
void setup() {

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg (268x268, 61K)

Any pointers on where to start? I want to get into embedded programming to manipulate or hack hardware around me.

Find little projects and do them
Try to avoid using the same chip for every project; it makes you lazy