What's the worst anime Jow Forums

What's the worst anime Jow Forums

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your favourite

pupa was terrible, and not in a "OH GOD HOW TERRIBLE" way, but a "oh. this is terrible." kinda way.

cereal excrements lame

Delet this

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unironically musashi gundou, garzey's wing, hametsu no mars, and your favourite anime.

Attached: Musashi Gundou 10.gif (352x197, 265K)

Nice flag.

Jow Forums

Surprised to see no Abunai Sisters listed yet.

idol shit, probably.

Rainbow days btw

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Worst popular anime with a mostly bandwagon hatebase? Probably stuff like SAO or Naruto

Worst anime in terms of absolute dismal quality, voice acting, scenario, and other inexplicable things that just leave a bad taste in one's mouth? In my order of ranking
1. School City Valanoir
minor power gap
2. Kakugo no Susume (Apocalypse Zero)
3. Tenkou Danzai Skelter Heaven
power gap
4. Mars of Destruction
5. Tie between Noir, Gilgamesh, and Musashi Gundou

Attached: actual scene from School City Valanoir.png (512x384, 175K)

>Tantei opera Milky Holmes.
Definitely the worst anime I've ever seen.

Milky Holmes is modern day master piece you retarded nigger

also adding that on top of Garzey's Wing already being awful on it's own, it also has one of the worst English dubs of all time. Dub is the way to go for the true Garzey's Wing kino

Attached: Garzey no Tsubasa 6.jpg (500x383, 88K)

Maybe it's a masterpiece to you, but it really makes me sick. Sorry for failing to appreciate an anime with a cureless retard as leading character.

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Ninja Slayer from animation

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normal noses

It used to be Haruhi since it seemed like the writers had no fucking idea what they were going for... Is it a comedy? Is it a slice of life? Is it attack on titan? Is it a sci-fi? Is it a mystery? Oh yeah and how about the same episode 8 different times. But I grew kinda fond of the last couple episodes and Haruhi herself so I can't hate it, it's just really goofy.

I also hated the last couple episodes of Madoka Magica and was real close to dropping it, but after a week overall I thought it was a decent animu.

And then I moved onto Love Live which it was kinda boring but I thought it was alright.

So in conclusion of all these opinions and anime's I had some strong feelings are... I'll have to go with Darling in the Franxx, a anime i've never watched but it seems like some Netflix NPC anime, so I no like it.

What's the opposite of boku no pico?

>NaRuTo Is BaD
Says every bandwagoning cringelord who hasnt watched the whole thing.

i dont watch an excessive amount of anime but the worst i've seen

1. re:creators
2. shingeki no bahamut virgin soul
3. another

>hurr durr umaru chan suxx
Sounds like what an NPC would say

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an*me an shit

Whatever anime this leaf has in collection of reaction images