I want to code a game from scratch

I want to code a game from scratch.

What are some realistic bounds for a one-man project, and what is an appropriate language to write vidya related software on?

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>What are some realistic bounds for a one-man project

I mean notch made minecraft all by himself at first. The bounds are what you want them to be.

Fact is though if youre on this board asking ppl how to code a game from scratch, you're massively ignorant and out of your league.

Find a tutorial how to write snake or space invaders or something, follow that, and then once you have a basic understanding then start fucking around from there.

80s or 90s early games for home computers.
Don't waste time write own graphics pipeline,game engine or other weird stuff.

Don't go 3D complex game engine, just build comfy 2D games using easy 2D engines.

but I want to actually own the game I develop, not some 30-70 split to some game maker engine dev.

it would be convenient if you let yourself program in assembly, but since you're doing it from scratch, I hope you're good with screwdrivers and voltmeters.

listen faggot you have to learn how to walk before you can run. use someone elses stuff at first, figure out how it works, make your own better stuff. literally how every single programer since the 90s has made their career.

Free and free usage

Looks around 5000 lines code C# single file for celeste game aware nominate and Stardew Valley use XNA.
XNA is free usage and commercialization just can't use special Xbox Live API without Microsoft contract

Godot is MIT Licensed and is the best engine available.


Bro if he needs a screwdriver he's doing it wrong. He needs a soldering iron and a whole lot of bread boards. He's also gonna have to come up with his own display technology. Probably means a shit load of LEDs unless this guy can figure out how blow glass and make his own LCD or CRT.

Depends on your experience. Sounds like not very much, so if you're super dedicated, have the patience to learn, and have some artistic talents you might be able to make a pretty, but somewhat janky 2D platformer. That's about as high as I'd aim.

make text adventure games in python

Go back to /vg/

Attached: fapk13.png (500x500, 15K)

>notch made minecraft

Attached: 1515194654646.png (310x229, 68K)

Uh yeah he did, jens didnt come on the project until beta. That game in its alpha form was entirely made by that fat autismo swed

I seriously doubt if he even knows real assembly anyway, not the mock up overly simplified version in the webm.


I can write hello world without bugs, how much harder can it possibly be?

Notch didn't make Minecraft because prior art existed?

You're a special kind of stupid


Most people can program pacman in one day (common interview task) so maybe try making a pacman clone real quick and then go from there.