Does the increased radition from putting your phone up to your ear when answering it damage your brain/health?

Does the increased radition from putting your phone up to your ear when answering it damage your brain/health?

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you are penetrated by waves all the time when you're in a city

If it did then why is it the people who are actually avoiding doing it the most retarded?

probably, there incidents where new 5G network tests kills off birds in the area, so it can't be that healthy

you should probably avoid 4G, 5G and every new G coming your way. use optic cable internet when possible.

I'd worry more about constant blue light and your eyes/skin

>formulating a "sentence" like this
>calling anybody else retarded


It makes perfect sense.
"If it did" - If cellphones produced anything dangerous through normal usage
"then why" - From this, why is the next statement true
"The people who are actually avoiding doing this" - The people who avoid cellphones because of fears about 'radiation', Group A
'The most retarded' Why is group A more retarded than those who don't worry about cellphone radiation and there fore are exposed to it more?

The end result of the sentence is that retardation is a precondition for worrying about this crap, not the result. All this meaning in such a short sentence confuses brainlets.

it's not confusing me, it is just full of grammatical errors. I would expect such grammar from online tech support, not from native English speakers.

>If it does then why are the people who are actually avoiding doing it the most retarded?

Not as much as using your phone instead of excercising and reading internet instead of critical thinking

It's non-ionizing radation, so it heats up your body fluids.
Low power so it shouldn't be a huge effect.


3G has been proven to induce cancer in mice. it doesnt really matter where your phone is.


even if you have wi fi on, you are still emitting radiation.

it fucks your shit up on a quantum level

>drives a car
>takes recreational drugs
>has sex with random people on the weekend
>worries about mobile phone radiation

>you are still emitting radiation
from your own body
there is no escape muahahahaha

Pajeet detected.

ayyy lmao


Okay but what about people, the majority of animal studies do not extrapolate to humans

there used to be lots of insects in the city, now there are none. all dead from phone cancer.

the sun is also radiation

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The localized heating from chance interactions abd interference with certain chemistry appear to be the best working theory as to why non ionizing micro and millimeter radios cause cancer.

cancer rates are going up and the insect population is going down, at the same rate that mobile phone use increases. coincidence? I think not.

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Cool sources man, I see your point and all the correlations.

>The Sun gives you cancer

do you remember as a kid there were lots of bees? where are they all now?

bees are dying to polution not paticles that heat up water and get emmited by your own body all your life you turbonigger

Verizon disinformation agent detected.

>damage your brain/health?
you weren't doing anything with these anyway


People use the term "radiation" too loosely. RF radiation is not the radiation a nuclear reactor gives off. Nuclear reactors give off ionising radiation, RF does not. The only harm you are going to get from RF is an RF burn. To get an RF burn the transmitter usually needs to give off more than 5 watts. Handheld 2 way radios are usually limited to 5 watts. GSM phones generally use up to 2 watts. GSM is being phased out. LTE uses less than 1 watt.

What birds? Provide corpses and an autopsy. Not hearsay.

this is an interesting question.
regular cellphone radiation, with normal usage duration, has been demonstrated to change brain physiology in mice. further research is needed to explore the effects on humans.
all of the people saying that it doesn't are speaking from a position of ignorance, because no one knows for certain.

Yes WHO has recentlycame out saying it causes brain tumors or brain cancer. AT@T had scientists research this in the 90s and the results came back positive that it causes brain tumors. AT@T lied about its safety to the public, obfuscated the data, fired the lead investigator and covered it up for almost 30 years. The head of that research to this day advocates the safety concerns wireless technology create and is still largely ignored. This is very common business practice for most companies that create harmful products or byproducts. It only takes a little bit of digging to find the truth beyond what the media is fed by the businesses and the public opinion they force with invasive, aggressive and sophisticated marketing campaigns.

-$6 million

Couldn't be worse than the exponentially more powerful environmental waves that have been constantly penetrating your body since you were a fucking embryo.

sad, how he looks now, he was the hero of my childhood

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Yeah, blame private industry, but ignore the fact that military used radar long before.

This has jack shit to do with capitalism.

b-but its non-ionizing!!!