These are the based we/a/boos behind mpv, say something nice about them!

These are the based we/a/boos behind mpv, say something nice about them!

>inb4 butthurt normalfags who haven't done anything

Attached: 2018-12-02-031751_647x1261_scrot.png (647x1261, 126K)

Vlc is better

nice job doing bloated ffmpeg wrapper

MPC-HC is still better and thats abandonware

Why does anime make people so smart?

It's a mystery

Attached: yuri.png (1280x720, 724K)

I feel less comfortable now knowing that media player application was made by weebs.
They've probably put spyware code in mpv somewhere that can watch me masturbate through my webcam
Has anyone actually fully audited mpv's source code. I think it's time to do that now

Of course not.
Its "safe because its somewhere on github and someone maybe someday audited it".

At least one of them has good taste.

Don't worry user, the world won't see your feminine penis! Like said, these people are high IQ and would never do anything of the sort.

all one needs is mpc-hc with madvr

I think it may be the other way around, smart people prefer anime. It's a mystery though as to why.

When Jow Forums collaborates on a project, it becomes a logo, then it gets abandoned. When /a/ starts something, it becomes something amazing like mpv, manga coloring, and hentai uncensoring, with ridiculously good results

Attached: 1496638848688.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

im installing VLC now. jesus christ
thanks op

Not to mention that weebs on Jow Forums put together a replacement for Nyaa within a week

They're not being taken over by trannies.
Oh wait.

Can I use mpv with a gui?

mpv has a gui

Trannies are the only thing I hate more than actual women.

all the disadvantages of a woman + all the disadvantages of a man
trannies are basically an experiment in creating the theoretically worst human

I'd suck their dicks if I saw them on the streets desu, mpv is too great. Specially considering that before mpv every video player was either garbage or so-so, wheras mpv is just perfect.

Attached: fuck me right in the ass.jpg (255x255, 21K)

>trannies are basically an experiment in creating the theoretically worst human
But Jewish people already exist.

One can be both jewish and tranny.

Don't forget that nyaa pantsu was a joint /a/ Jow Forums project.

VLC is better and they have shit taste.

who do you think are funding this experiment?

Can one of them tell me why mpv is currently broken on Arch then?


>what is open source: the post

>nyaa pantsu was a joint /a/ Jow Forums project
And wouldn't you know it it's fucking shit

Which version are you using?

Was giving me an error about a missing shared library, so I had to downgrade back to 1-3.

>it's a mystery
No, it's just autistics like anime and the smart ones are able to dedicate themselves to working on these things /because/ of their autism.

Thanks weebs

Anime seems to positively correlate with intelligence and political opposition in western countries.
In the western west there are intellectual anime rightwingers and libertarians.
In Putin's russia there are intellectual anime liberals (of the Sargonian classic flavor) or libertarians.
libertarianism also correlates with high intelligence and being socially inactive.

I think it generally takes an open and a curious mind to get interested in an exotic foreign entertainment that comes with subtitles.

So in the western white countries this specific kind of openminded intelectuals is attracted to the japanese cartoons while the closed-minded and non-curious individuals enjoy native entertainment and don't complain about government too much,

Trannies are the mad beasts created by (((them))) to spread the socio-political equivalent of rabies

When is wm4 coming back? These weebs are ruining mpv.

this kills the Jow Forumstards

Don't know, but it's unironically true.

all popular players are just ffmpeg wrappers...

>In Putin's russia there are intellectual anime liberals (of the Sargonian classic flavor)
Vee is a Chad that pays for strait shota.