
Hi guys, i leave my 2 pc on every night to run scrypts on chrome .
Can i do the same with a raspberry pi 3 b+?
I m a complete noob in this field, but i can learn.
i saw people installing win 7 on a raspberry but i wonder if the ram of the raspberry can hold 24h/7 the scripts runnin on chrome with tampermonkey.
With my pc chrome uses almost 800 mb of ram so i wonder if i break the raspbarry thatway?

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 10K)

How old are you


why do you want to change? PCs sucking up too much power?

yeh, and even too many noises and lights since i sleep with pcs in my bedroom

Just get old laptops.

i guess is too expensive and increases noise and lights problem

Raspberries have an ARM based CPU. Windows 7 only works on x86 based CPUs. There is however a Windows 10 version which runs on a compatibility layer so that it works on ARM but it's very slow and the RPi barely has enough RAM to do anything.

If you need a gui this is too much for the raspberry. It only has 1GB RAM. You need ROCKPro 64 2GB/4GB (60/80$) or (if you need x86) Intel Atom compute stick 2GB model (100$).

Just use GNU/Linux on it. There are plenty of options for ARM. It will do the same job.

you can't install windows on ARM machines; even if you could- it wouldn't run because you need 2gb of ram at least

>ROCKPro 64
Is the ROCKPro 64 4 GB easy to program as a raspberry?
If i follow raspberry programming guides on that board do i get the same results???

They're both ARM, they're both running Linux. You can't fuck up unless you're completely retarded. Of course there will be tiny differences but if you need to script something Chrome related it will be identical.

> (You)

>too many lights


i hold all the stuff in my bedroom.
to keep other laptops on all the time in my room i get more noise and more light, result i sleep bad

You have Chromium on RPI, you can install addons as well like in Chrome.

I have the ROCK64 4gb and Chrome runs like dogshit (armbian).
I don't know why that is and I think something is going horribly wrong. Haven't tried other distros yet.

Oh god. I'm not even going to ask. Surely I'm not the only one both amazed and appalled. Surprised? No.

god damn you are incapable.
>no fans
>no spinning disks
>no noise
>no lights when screen is off

some stores are even selling these for $25 now

Attached: Screenshot_20181203_083234.png (933x739, 140K)

if you are actually making money from that shit just run the scripts in a cloud instance such as scaleway. if not cure your autism

Pi can run any simple scrips without issues. Also there is such thing as headless Chrome. There isn't any windows on the Pi, but you don't need it. TL;DR: get the Pi.