Are there 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896 or 281474976710656 possible ID’s...

Are there 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896 or 281474976710656 possible ID’s? I’m not smart enough to figure it out

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amount of valid unicode characters to the power of eight

NIG id get

Yes IDs are different.

I calculate a kot id

So it’s only 281474976710656 then. Seems too low.


If I remember correctly it's just a factorial, which would mean it's 8!. But I don't know how the different characters available factor into it... that would increase the number, I think? Because we're basically dealing with a higher base (like base 10 is what we use, but since there are 26 letters (times 2 for lowercase and uppercase) + 10 numbers + however many symbols it would be a way higher base)

How many symbols are possible in an ID?

ID’s are in base 64, and since there are 8 possible places, it *should* be 64^8 possible combinations, since there are 64 possible in the first spot, 64 in the second, etc.

If you got the amount of unicode characters right, then that's how it is. 300 trillion seems low to you?

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what if IDs were like lottery numbers, so you couldn't draw the same character in a single ID

In terms of KOT Id, yes. Think about it. How many ID’s have KOT in them?

Well that could either be KOT, KOt, Kot, kot, kOt, kOT, or KoT. That’s 8 possible forms. Then think that it could start in the first, second, third, forth, fifth, or sixth place. Now consider how many ID’s have KOT somewhere in them, for example 11111KOT, 22222KOT, etc. When you calculate how many possible ID’s have KOT in them, 300 trillion seems low.

But kot-form IDs have literally happened about 15 times that I have seen

If that was the case, which it isn't, it would be 64 * 63 * ... * 57.
Tho OP's guess of 64 is probably too high, I think some unicode characters are invisible and won't be a valid part of an ID
The amount of ID's containing KOT variants is gonna be high, but it's gonna be lower than 300 trillion. I don't understand why you're tripping over this. Assuming your calculation of 300 trillion is correct, then the amount of ID's containing KOT would be 64^5 * 6. If you want all the variants just multiply by the amount of variants. It's gonna be lower than 300 trillion.

what happens after the system runs out of IDs?

The 4chins servers shut down and we will finally be free

2^192 like a boss
2^48 also

based poster
next time please no frog

wrong. not all unicode characters can be picked for ids
(#ofPossibleCharacters) to the power of 8.

That's why I said VALID characters dumbdumb

It's not a permutation so it's not factorial

there's like 10. two of them are KOT ID

The great happening will begin.

Tada. The possible number of kot Ids is 72*n^5. n is the total number of valid characters an ID can take.

Attached: 2018.jpg (1728x2304, 723K)

Ire ID Get

Attached: mfw not ireland.png (797x561, 38K)

That will never happen. They will just restart.