Work in biggest Scandinavian Bank

>work in biggest Scandinavian Bank
>all IT guys are located i India

Systems freeze all the time and Indians doesn't care, no one cares

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just do the needful, sir

can you show pusy and bobs dear ok?

Well my brother in law is working for Scandinavian news site and he is pretty good web developer. I assume all high paying countries are either looking for outsourcing or paying cheap migrant labor.

It's just the way it is, good for that brother in laws site because they are employing from shitty 2nd world soviet block in EU, but still...

Ah Nordea. Never stop being so shit.

I won't be surprised if the EU decides that tech support should be located in the company's host country.

>company's host country
more like
>EU decides that tech support can only be done in EU

This will stabilize economy across EU

>protectionist eurofags afraid of a little international competition.
Googooogaygah, yuros need big mommy government to watch out for them

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I love how IT departments are basically farmed off to indians. Probably why cloud is taking off, easier to remote manage. Seriously one day there will just be big Sansar Ramadahran Shivoravamajeet cloud.

Three years ago I got a freelance translation job to translate finnish technical documents about banking software to english, I wonder if the translated documents went to pajeet tech support

Ur very beutiful lady send vagene

I hope your eggs freeze too

Why would she? All Scandinavian females that want children already impregnated by achmed the other just want the white race die as fast as possible.

So the recent O2 outage was not caused by a Sven in Sweden as reported but a Pajeet in the Punjab?

It's because MBAs see IT as something they don't really "need" when they can farm it off to some indian contractors except for maybe a couple of network admin who work in house.

Plus, in some ways, it looks good on the Leger, they can't claim employee salaries as a business loss, but they can claim against contractors i think.

IT really suffers from the "what am I paying you for" effect.
Shit's working? Why am I paying you, you just sit in a back room and jerk off all day.
Shit's broke? Why am I paying you? It's your job to make sure stuff doesn't break.

Well, half the morning is resetting peoples passwords because they forget them after the weekend/vacation

Exceptionally ironic when most companies are utterly dependent upon IT departments.

This is why smart card authentication is beautiful.

IT is the steel foundation that modern businesses rest upon.
It's worth it to invest just a little extra to make sure that you won't be caught with your pants down because you cheaped out on backups.

Come to think of it, is windows hello enterprise friendly yet?


Holy shit why do they all talk like this

She cut I want see her vegane and bobs pls

sir, open bob

God I fucking hate Indians. If you're a pajeet GTFO you fucking curry nigger.

Cost cutting.
Some managers think that all IT guys are equal.

> murican user calls out eu user out for protectionism
the irony
probably only okay if orange man does this

Many of uk banks are pajeet operated IT now.
One or 2 of them have weeks of downtime, WEEKS because of some fuckup.

Last time they deleted entire batch queue on mainframe and it took a month to fix.

>hire a pajeet
>cheap but incompetent
>hire an amerifat
>get shot

Sounds like a no brainer to me

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well, that is path towards globalism
little by little economic zones of free trade until everyone joins in

>hire a europoor
>get worse quality than the pajeet

>company proudly has all its call centers in the country
>call center staff sit on the same floor as the CEO to try and motivate them or something
>99% of the staff are still indians, they're just physically located in the country
>people still get massively pissed off when they call up and get a strong indian accent

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