Are lawmakers really not knowledgeable about technology...

Are lawmakers really not knowledgeable about technology? I'd understand if they didn't know you can sideload apps on Android or something, but not knowing that Apple makes iPhones seems a bit absurd. I mean, every iPhone has the Apple logo on the back of it.

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Correct; they are really not knowledgeable about tech. That's why we need to have people who are knowledgeable get into politics. Otherwise this will keep happening.


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Google makes cell phones
All cell phones = iphones to old people
"You have one of those google android iphones right?"


Imagine if congress was actually representative of the population, and not just a few stubborn old white men.

Dude, Republicans think the Earth is flat and was created 6000 years ago by an invisible man who lives in the clouds.

they're mostly a billion years old and barely awake even when they're talking

They don't have any genuine beliefs that aren't profit related. They might put on the kooky tinfoil hat when they're running for re-election but when they get back to DC it's all tranny hookers and blow.

They're moral hypocrites but that doesn't mean they're not genuinely retarded.

wait a sec, they ask for actual tech support for family's phones?

They're nihilists

Idiotic hyperbole like this is why no one takes you seriously.

Lawmakers don't know anything about the real world, that's why they work for the government.

It's not possible. You have to be stupid to succeed in democratic politics.
>inb4 ackshually it's a republic
Yeah, ok, whatever. You still need the mongoloids to vote for the assholes who vote for you. Doesn't change anything.

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>iPhone can't run google now

gb2 plebbit, libcuck

To be clear, it's a democratic republic. We democratically elect representatives (the republic) to vote on bills for us because doing it manually would be too ridiculous.

They don't but it doesn't matter anyway because they're pretty much controlled by the tech companies. Being tech-illiterate just makes it easier for them to dodge questions.

It's a corporatism

Corporatism or not, I'm just clarifying the "democracy vs. republic" confusion that everyone has.

>why his daughter's iPhone is acting strangely
This isn't even an appropriate question for Tim Cook.

Yeah but he could've tricked old people into thinking that he had some sort of point with a solution involving some sort of government surveillance and control over our devices. And old people vote in droves. Honestly we are lucky that he fucked up and used an iPhone.

What the hell does that mean?

For god's sake, what'd the racist fuck in the sidebar do THIS time?

>congess doesn’t have any genuine beliefs that aren't profit related

Why do these supposedly liberal journalists care more about "muh tech illiterate boomers" and PewDiePie more than how these tech companies are monopolies that basically turned the internet into their ad-supported surveillance state?

Because journalists aren't actually liberal. Easy.

>We democratically elect representatives
Except the President and the Senate before 1913. Democracy is overrated.

he probably fucked up on purpose to appear more relatable.

Baited headline. Do you think the Google CEO doesn't have information as to why any particular device might be misbehaving? Like he doesn't have extensive knowledge on the competitors product?

He didn't insinuate Google made iPhones, he asked him a tech support question because he's s fucking sand gook

>congress asks stupid questions
>congress is controlled by Republicans
really makes you think

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They do this to disguise what google is doing.
>”haha those old guys don’t know what google is, how they claim google spies on us!”

Only the flat earth part is actually hyperbole, though. And they actually would believe that if they followed the Bible.

I watched the entire thing. There were only a few dumb questions. there were a lot of good questions

Why don't you watch the house committee meetings yourself sometime then? They livestream them and they are put up after the stream. They are quiet cringy. They are completely blind, yet they are the ones who make the laws too.

well the fact that literally anyone in congress would think asking a generic tech support question to a ceo is okay is pretty fucking terrifying.

Should I run for congress guys? I have a polisci degree and some experience with local government work. I might win. Should I get in and educate old fucks on tech?

Go for it. House of Reps is easier than Senate for obvious reasons. I'm thinking of doing something similar, although my background is in software so I'm going to start by working for my local transportation department.

Is thre anything newsworthy on the verge at all? Cherrypick something cringeworthy to make evil seem like the good guys, complain about some swedish gay guy being a nazi, when all he did was recommend an anime review channel not knowing about the possible nazi connections, make a guy build a PC, without ever fixing mistakes in editing or by filming it again.

It's true. Journalists work for corporations that manipulate people's emotions and control their belief systems as a way to generate profit. The journalists don't care one way or the other. They read a script and NPCs believe it and they make money from it. If they're lucky, they can also get the NPCs to repeat the script. It doesn't matter if it is Alex Jones or CNN. Its the same tactic.

I would say some journalists are probably legitimately liberal or conservative, but they obviously have editors and advertisers. Nobody is gonna piss off the advertisers. And if they use Google Analytics, they probably don't wanna piss off Google.

>*tips fedora*
well said lad

Encryption ban coming in 2019? Oz did it so I figure we’ll be next.

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They probably just view CEOs of tech companies as general tech support.

what the hell is the point in these hearings anyway? to display how stupid the government is?

>Google makes cell phones
Honestly, I'd be surprised if they knew this.
What you're describing is more the Nintendo effect, where every game console you owned was called a Nintendo by your mother. But iPhone is huge, and so is Apple's branding, why would you think that Google somehow eclipsed them such that people would assume iPhones were made by Google automatically?
That's just stupid.

Instead, look at it like this. He literally asked Google why his granddaughter's iPhone was acting strangely. Something hundreds or thousands of people do every day in their browsers.

>Are lawmakers really not knowledgeable about technology?
Why would they be? They have teams of people to handle that stuff. If they never want to touch a computer they don't have to.

Lindsey Graham brags about not using e-mail. This surely applies to most others as well.

I'd think they would at least want to refrain from not knowing things most people would know. It would be like saying they thought Steve Jobs invented Windows.

>iphone behaves strangely
>everybody knows apple is flawless
>it has to be googles fault
It's that easy.

based and blue pilled. fuck drumpf and fuck white people

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>congressman makes an argument and mixed up tertiary unrelated terminology, correcting himself a second later
Wow it's fucking nothing.

Indians are basically wh*Tes but with brown skin. Therefor they're as evil as wh*Tes

go back there

>Corporatism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, scientific, or guild associations on the basis of their common interests.[1][2][3] Its intention was to avoid class conflicts, instead allowing society to function harmoniously like a human body (corpus) from which its name derives. Originating in Catholic social teaching, corporatism has been associated with some forms of Christian Democracy and authoritarianism or fascism

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>white nationalists congressman confuses iPhone with Android phones
US gov confirmed that iPhones are shitty just like Androids

God damn these white men not understanding technology created by other white men.



Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


>the system is broken so let's say "fuck it" and do nothing to fix it then complain about how Boomers ruined the country
Fucking Millennials I swear.

I don't understand. It's one thing to not care about meme technology, it's another to be a literal luddite. Is that even something to be remotely proud of, let along brag about?

hah probably somewhat true. Millennial congresspeople will be replacing them soon though

I think he meant corporatocracy.

Haha it has two asses :D One it the front and one in the back :DDD

Start with state-level offices and work up to federal level.

Graham can hire someone to do email for him.

and they won't know the upcoming tech
politics is way to slow

We just need to have these people hire knowledgeable people from the tech field to speak on their behalf. They, themselves, don't have to understand it.
Yesterday was the equivalent of politicians trying to understand how rocket science works. When congress has a meeting about NASA and the future of space travel, they have a board or committee to speak on their behalf filled with reasonable experts. For whatever reason, they don't feel like they need to do the same thing when it comes to the internet.

We need a Richard Stallman or a Bruce Schneier to tell these tech companies to fuck off and to ask the really hard questions that they try to keep secret.

>Google makes cell phones
incorrect, and this lack of clarity is what makes them get away with this shit.
Google makes a line of cell phones AND the operating system that is on all android phones. They aren't even the largest manufacturer in the cell-phone space.
So even if they asked "Do you make all android phones?" Google would be able to say "No." Because that's true, they don't make all of the phones. The distinction like this is what lets them sidestep questions because the people asking them don't realize that they're lying by omission.

It's like when questioned about Dragonfly the other day. They were asked several times "Is Dragonfly going to affect US consumers" or "Is Dragonfly going to share US Consumer data." Each time they got to answer "No", their reasoning being that Dragonfly doesn't exist yet. It's a theoretical creation at this point which has some prototypes which does not use US customer data YET. That tiny technicality allows them to lie and get away with it.

Which is why they need to be asked precise, specific questions directly addressing their technology so they can't claim "Well it doesn't exist yet so I don't have to tell you." like they did yesterday.

Steve King happens to be a particularly stupid man but a lot of the Republicans in Congress aren't a whole lot better.

The problem is that we have people who care more about gun rights or global warming not realizing that technology is gonna set the trajectory of the country for the next hundred years. People think shit like net neutrality is trivial nerd shit but their grand kids are going to get majorly fucked in the ass depending on what happens in Government today.

Google services are accessible from multiple devices.

But all anyone can talk about is pajeets deflection.

What happened to the right wing in America? It's not like this in other countries.

The "winner takes it all" system leads to a climate where doubling down regardless of how retarded it is and trying to distance yourself as much as possible from "the enemy" pays off. In most other countries, you have coalitions, which means that parties are willing to compromise on a lot of issues.

The left wing is trying to run straight toward literal communism and there's no room for centrists anymore
t. Lolbertarian

based big white boy mocking google ceo by asking trivial shit since all indians are tech support anyway

A bunch of old men ruling the world

Centrists are RINOs and need to fuck off forever from politics

>literal communism
No, a growing segment of the left is running towards literal social democracy. Which is good. Isn't use the word communism if you don't know what it means.

>which is good

You're never going to convince enough people if you're proposition is "just kill all niggers lol".
It's not only the culture that changed from the days white people had slaves, testosterone levels are down which make people more compassionate. So until you get birth control pills out of your water your best bet is centrism while addressing issues most people can agree on such as corporatism, the military industrial complex, the fed and banks in general, student debt, maybe even immigration.

>testosterone levels are down
this is my favourite Jow Forums meme
I think it comes from them all being deeply insecure about their own manhood

Based PewDiePie

This sort of thing happens with more than tech stuff - a Jow Forums example would be a congresswoman pushing a gun control law that would ban barrel shrouds, among other things. So when someone asked her what a barrel shroud was and why it should be banned, she described it as a "shoulder thing that goes up".

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He's a Pajeet
He probably just thinks all Pajeets in tech do customer support.

>hire a bunch of elderly retarded manchildren to run your Goyvernment
>all they know is daddy's money and (((legal codes)))
>expecting them to know literally anything about literally anything else

Of the executive, Senate, House, and Judiciary, only the House was intended to democratic.

Because journalists are just ad-supported propagandists.

It's a scientific fact afaik.

All guns and gun accesories should be banned cops included. I should be able to drop my kid off at school without worrying about some incel lighting it up.

>ban guns
>now only criminals have them
Good thinking, moron.

remember those dumb fucking classmates that you had to do group with? you did the whole shit and they took credit? them?

Yeah, they run the country now.

kek, absolutely based boomer.

>tfw Canadian
>almost all gun crime is from illegals, immigrants, or done using illegal guns
>the government's solution is to punish farmers with rifles, and force central-storage locations
>the main "event" that started the latest gun-crime talk wasn't any of the mass shootings, but a farmer (who happened to be white) shooting an armed robber (who happened to be "native")
>there are even MORE talks about "racism" now, but only racist whites, and none of the literal "reformed" ISIS members doing mass shootings
Th-thanks, Liberals!


>ban guns
>now criminals are arrested for possession of guns
Oh noes...

>just make it illegal, that'll stop the criminals!

Damn, you really are stupid user.

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>Are lawmakers really not knowledgeable about technology?

I'll let you in on a secret: They are not knowledgeable about the overwhelming majority of things they pass laws on.
Unfortunately in congress (or really anywhere in politics) you can't afford to admit you have no fucking clue and admit that you'd rather call in people who understand the stuff and have them look at it for you (even though that's exactly what you'll do when the meeting is over), you have to at least pretend you understand, which may fool your colleagues, but doesn't fool anyone who is actually knowledgeable on the subject. Top level politics are very similar to getting a job you lack any qualification for and doing your best to not let it show in front of anyone with the power to fire you.