Midwesterners in the U.S. are trash people

The Midwest is truly the asshole of America, filled with peak boomers - people who are simultaneously dumb and vicious. People in the south tend to be a little slow, but at least they aren't stupid assholes.

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Midwest - Dixie Alliance against Commiefornians and Yankees

MDACY for short

As a Yooper, I'd like to take a moment to point out that we're not like the rest of these states. If you don't believe me come here and talk to the locals.

>in the south

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>insulting Iowa


You know what is the best part though? The Midwest is America's breadbasket and industrial heart. The UP has a lot of raw copper and iron, which can put to use in case of emergencies. If the US gets attacked, we can afford to lose both coasts. We might not have some things, but the US can rebound from it.

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Dixie is the only people in the US that is a people rather than just some people. We have an identity.

also yes I know it's le maymay I'm just saying anyway desu

ha goteem

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The Midwest has useful land and useful resources. The people are complete trash. My point stands.

>califag hating on the Midwest for no reason
>his retarded Jow Forums graphic doesn’t include the dakotas, nebraska, or kansas

Suicide yourself

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Comes from experience, I've had the displeasure of having spent months at a time in Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois for work.

As a proud Michigan poster I can say you suck a dick and should go back to your burning shithole or your cuckolded kike run home.

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Midwesterners are generally the nicest people ever, especially in South Dakota and Michigan. Anyway you’re accusing us of being ”dumb and vicious” while failing to find a proper map of the Midwest and parroting ”rural is dumb” sterotypes. You califags are always so fucking entitled

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Just let him burn to be honest friend.

I can guarantee the worst Jow Forums burgerbros are califag

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why do you think the people are trash?

why is that the mid west?

its still in the east half of your country

news flash: OP is probably not white. if youre not white, you wont fit in in these areas (sans big cities)

You're just mad because you're in Ontario, aren't you Squidward?


naw queerbec la there lad
Stil does not make sense to me, even with Ontario being central Canada and shit.

Am not Yooper, but am Midwesterner, I agree. I can barely understand some of you.

don't quote me on this but i think "midwest" is relative to the east coast. maybe it comes from when we were expanding our train tracks out west?

Every japanese person I've met wants to visit there.

thank you for informing me good sir.

i appreciate that

Why do i have to share this state with you

based except i dont think michigan should be included

906 is God's area code.

Lol. Commiefornian nigger is mad and sad his state is on literally on fire and his cost of living is so fucking high compared to us.

Without us you would have nothing to eat, you fucking fat fuck.

please don't target central valley at least
those guys are based

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Midwest is based and red-pilled. I'm so glad Ohio is included.