
Tell me 1 good reason you aren't using ReactOS right now.

>pro tip: you can't

Attached: ReactOS_0.4.7_with_Lautus_Theme.png (799x600, 347K)

Graphics drivers

It’s still in alpha


Isn't it really unstable, incompatible with a lot of windows binaries, and not a lot of hardware support?

Because it's a joke of an OS that can barely even run on real hardware.

> command prompt

because from what I've seen and heard, there's not much it does than wine won't do as well

I can get it to install on my T400, but I can't get drivers installed without a blue screen. Waiting for the day.

buggy, early access tier OS

Do you think you will be able to change your DE and WM ini ReactOS?

Because Windows works better and has a massive software library.

Maybe in another 15 years it'll be as stable as Windows xp (pre service packs)

Because it's an unstable buggy mess

bsd minix or even redox can be better

Why not just use wine on linux?

Attached: lookatcomputerenergized.jpg (1280x720, 250K)

you're right ,i cant use it.

that's because it's based on wine.

how do you base an e tire OS on WINE?

As I understand it, it's basically a homebrewed kernel with a skeleton graphical shell that has Wine running on it at all times and runs all its programs through Wine. I guess because they didn't have the staff or resources to implement the Windows API themselves.

win32 api is what wine is trying to emulate and what reactos trying to be compatible with. most of everything else is being rewritten from scratch but don't quote me on that.

Cause Linux is garbo

Yes, sadly

It seems surprisingly close. In a vm my major problems seem to be graphical glitches. To be useful I think all it needs are enough patches to make libreoffice and a browser run ok, and be able to load more 3rd party drivers.


Attached: nigga_dat_sum_kfc_mmmmm.gif (240x153, 171K)

>no packages

>Windows clone
>Can't game on it

No thanks freetard

can't run it live from a usb stick. also, is there 64bit yet?

Has it reached beta yet? The biggest reason why I don't want to use it is: binary compatiblity with Windows.

CAUSE IT'S SHIT. Also you might as well just debloat Windows 7 and you'll get the same result. Nanami chan is waiting.


Yes you can

I don't understand what the appeal of ReactOS is supposed to be compared to Linux+Wine.

Not really


no thanks.

no driver